Obama needs to be tried for war crimes

Hell yeah, he should be tried. Liberals called for Bush and Cheney to be tried for war crimes, why not Obama? Oh, that's right, now it's a different story.

Please tell us all when it was that Bush and Cheney were tried for anything? I get so fed up with idiotic posts like this.
Hell yeah, he should be tried. Liberals called for Bush and Cheney to be tried for war crimes, why not Obama? Oh, that's right, now it's a different story.

Please tell us all when it was that Bush and Cheney were tried for anything? I get so fed up with idiotic posts like this.
They weren't tried for anything but the left was constantly calling for it.
Hell yeah, he should be tried. Liberals called for Bush and Cheney to be tried for war crimes, why not Obama? Oh, that's right, now it's a different story.

Please tell us all when it was that Bush and Cheney were tried for anything? I get so fed up with idiotic posts like this.
They weren't tried for anything but the left was constantly calling for it.

And I called out the idiots on the left at that time also. You sound like a bunch of eight years olds. "Well, they did it first".
They weren't tried for anything but the left was constantly calling for it.

And I called out the idiots on the left at that time also. You sound like a bunch of eight years olds. "Well, they did it first".
You sound desperate for an argument.

There is nothing to argue about. I called you out on your stupid statement. That's all there is to it, no argument.
And I called out the idiots on the left at that time also. You sound like a bunch of eight years olds. "Well, they did it first".
You sound desperate for an argument.

There is nothing to argue about. I called you out on your stupid statement. That's all there is to it, no argument.
What statement did you call me out on? This was what you said:
Please tell us all when it was that Bush and Cheney were tried for anything? I get so fed up with idiotic posts like this.
I never said Bush and Cheney were tried for anything. You were trying to put words in my mouth. If you're gonna call me out on something, call me out on something I actually said, asshole.
If more leaders were held personally accountable for what they did, this would be better world.
Bush is the one who invaded a country under false pretences, costing thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. The man brought shame to America and destroyed the wave of sympathy after 9/11. He should be sitting in the dock in the Hague.
Bush is the one who invaded a country under false pretences, costing thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. The man brought shame to America and destroyed the wave of sympathy after 9/11. He should be sitting in the dock in the Hague.

And, can you tell us what Obama is doing in Afghanistan that is so important that eleven children are getting killed in an air strike? You don't have an answer for that and your selective outrage is transparent.
A person has to wonder if right wingers blame Obama for their adolescent pimples? A president of such wide spread accomplishments must be a god. Wingnuts say the funniest things.
"A large coalition" LMAO. Yea, right. Keep telling yourself that.
You are deflecting. This is not about Bush. Obama owns the afghanistan war and he sent more troops there. This is his war and his responsibility.
What total BS. Deflecting? Deflecting? Pot calling kettle.
This IS about Bush. Afghanistan is HIS war. He started it. He fought it for eight years and made no progress. Obama has been trying to get us out of there since then, to clean up after Bush. This war is Bush's war, not Obama's. It is BUSH'S responsibility, not Obama's.

You people are amazing the way you re-write history and try to change reality. You're living on another planet in a far away galaxy. Unbelievable. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Trying to get us out for 5 years? If Obama is trying to get us out why not just pull everyone out? Instead he sent 30,000 more troops. That makes this his war now.
Bush is the one who invaded a country under false pretences, costing thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. The man brought shame to America and destroyed the wave of sympathy after 9/11. He should be sitting in the dock in the Hague.

What false pretences? The same reasons that Clinton, Kennedy, Gore, Kerry, etc, etc, etc, all gave? Everyone thought saddam had WMD's. Bush didn't make anything up. He went with the same intel that made every democrat before him make a speech about getting saddam becuz he had WMD's
Obama just killed eleven children. He needs to be tried for war crimes.

BBC News - Afghan children 'killed by Nato air strike in Shigal'

The blame for the collateral damage goes to the Taliban. Or do you support the Taliban fighting from residential areas, hiding behind civilians in hopes that some of them are killed so they can use their deaths as propaganda?

Why was it bushs fault when he was office .. Just saying. You dont think the IRAQ people were doing the same thing that were with Saddam. We all knew he used children as human shields .. Same with the Taliban when Bush was in office . Libatards were all over Bush. How the tune has changed. Hypocrite
Obama just killed eleven children. He needs to be tried for war crimes.

BBC News - Afghan children 'killed by Nato air strike in Shigal'

The blame for the collateral damage goes to the Taliban. Or do you support the Taliban fighting from residential areas, hiding behind civilians in hopes that some of them are killed so they can use their deaths as propaganda?

Why was it bushs fault when he was office .. Just saying. You dont think the IRAQ people were doing the same thing that were with Saddam. We all knew he used children as human shields .. Same with the Taliban when Bush was in office . Libatards were all over Bush. How the tune has changed. Hypocrite

Sorry, I thought the topic was impeaching the President over civilian causualties Afghanistan. Not what President Bush did in Iraq. As far as I recall there was no division on the importance of attacking the Taliban or al Queda in Afghanistan.

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