Obama needs to be tried for war crimes

Obama is a unamerican war criminal, who commits ongoing treason against the USA - all of you that support him are culpable!
Take a number, line forms at the rear, behind the Shrub.
Give us a moment while we pry open the man-sized vault.

I don't speak idiot; well not as fluently as you. Go ahead and try again.

My mistake; I made the assumption that those who post in Politics ... actually follow politics.

Shrub = George W. Bush
Man-sized vault = The Dick

Get it now?

Do I get the idiotic train of thought? No.
You know, as much as I detest the moonbat messiah and hold everyone of his mindless acolytes in the deepest contempt I can't condemn that idiot if he's killing muj. Even if they're kids. Those kids aren't going to grow up and become crusaders, they're at best going to be rock farmers who kill each other according to which tribe is at war for each season.

I'm not going to contribute to second guessing what happens in the theater of war. Everything else is fair game, his ugly ass wookie wife telling us what too eat, his spoiled pisspot brats having vacations Rothschild's great great grandkids don't get, or his utter failures on every other issue.

Where and to whom does the "theater of war" extend? Does it extend to our "ally" countries? Does it extend to 16 year old Americans? Think about what you are saying and what those in the ME must think about such words.

"Our war on terror begins with Al Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated. "

"It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region........"

President Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on terror - Full Text of George W. Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on Terror
Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Bitch please. It's a cinch that righties have no leg to stand upon when it comes to "family values". That dog died and will never hunt again.

Really? Heard Gaving Newsome on the AC podcast just the other day. He couldn't admit that the biggest problem in the black community was a lack of fathers. Couldn't even admit it was top ten. Ya'll are too busy selling the us vs. them to be promoting real values. And by the way, that's why it's easy for ya'll to want to hang one guy and worship another guy while he does the same stuff. So, who ya callin' bitch, BITCH. Choke it down.
You know, as much as I detest the moonbat messiah and hold everyone of his mindless acolytes in the deepest contempt I can't condemn that idiot if he's killing muj. Even if they're kids. Those kids aren't going to grow up and become crusaders, they're at best going to be rock farmers who kill each other according to which tribe is at war for each season.

I'm not going to contribute to second guessing what happens in the theater of war. Everything else is fair game, his ugly ass wookie wife telling us what too eat, his spoiled pisspot brats having vacations Rothschild's great great grandkids don't get, or his utter failures on every other issue.

Where and to whom does the "theater of war" extend? Does it extend to our "ally" countries? Does it extend to 16 year old Americans? Think about what you are saying and what those in the ME must think about such words.

"Our war on terror begins with Al Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated. "

"It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region........"

President Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on terror - Full Text of George W. Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on Terror

Fine so you agree with Bush.
Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Bitch please. It's a cinch that righties have no leg to stand upon when it comes to "family values". That dog died and will never hunt again.

You mean like the lefty love of abortion? That is a great family value especially black families that are the target of the leftist eugenics.
The left and right tango is what it is. Never going away. My point is that the left doesn't believe in anything, really. It's only us vs. them with everything they do.
Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Still waiting for a conservative to not lie about what liberals supposedly believe. ANd I know I will never find one.

Remember conservatives, lying about liberals doesn't make liberals hypocrites. It just makes you liars. Liberals didn't say to prosecute Bush for drone strikes, so it would be wildly inconsistent for liberals to call for Obama to be prosecuted. Since all the raging hypocrites are on the conservative side, of course you won't see any liberals acting like that.

And Gatsb, why the sudden flipflop on the war? Do you have even a single consistent principle of any sort, other than "It's always okay when the Republican does it, and always a crime when the Democrat does it!"?
You mean like the lefty love of abortion? That is a great family value especially black families that are the target of the leftist eugenics.

You actually fell for that propaganda?

Let me guess. You want to cut and paste a link of fabricated quotes to prove your case. Only you don't know they're fabricated, because it never occured to you to question your cult's propaganda. By all means, post away.

You might also want to explain how women independently making choices is "eugenics".
Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Still waiting for a conservative to not lie about what liberals supposedly believe. ANd I know I will never find one.

Remember conservatives, lying about liberals doesn't make liberals hypocrites. It just makes you liars. Liberals didn't say to prosecute Bush for drone strikes, so it would be wildly inconsistent for liberals to call for Obama to be prosecuted. Since all the raging hypocrites are on the conservative side, of course you won't see any liberals acting like that.

And Gatsb, why the sudden flipflop on the war? Do you have even a single consistent principle of any sort, other than "It's always okay when the Republican does it, and always a crime when the Democrat does it!"?

And a swing and a miss. This is in what was supposed to be in the liberal wheel house: children being killed by this illegal war. But of course, you're another liberal with no righteous indignation now that your god, Obama rules over you.

And I haven't stated a position on this matter, so I don't know how I'm supposed to have flipped or flopped or flipped and flopped.

I just am pointing out how convenient liberal positions are and always will be b/c you have no principles. It's simply us vs. them. You don't have an answer for that b/c you're a lemming.
Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Bitch please. It's a cinch that righties have no leg to stand upon when it comes to "family values". That dog died and will never hunt again.

You mean like the lefty love of abortion? That is a great family value especially black families that are the target of the leftist eugenics.

They love abortion as they love to fuck. They love to fuck and not have the responsibility of the action. The black family has died because of liberals and for the reasons I just stated...
I just am pointing out how convenient liberal positions are and always will be b/c you have no principles.

Just as I am pointing out that you're lying your ass off about these supposed liberal positions. But then, since you're helpless at addressing what a liberal actually says, you have no choice. You have to lie.

It's simply us vs. them. You don't have an answer for that b/c you're a lemming.

I get that "us vs. them" is the sole guiding principle of your life. To you, the ends always justify the means for your cult. If the big lie helps you hate liberals, then you love that lie, the bigger the better.

However, you fail to grasp that most people don't think like you. Don't project your own cult's way of life on to decent people.
I just am pointing out how convenient liberal positions are and always will be b/c you have no principles.

Just as I am pointing out that you're lying your ass off about these supposed liberal positions. But then, since you're helpless at addressing what a liberal actually says, you have no choice. You have to lie.

It'd be ironic that you're calling me a liar; except at this point there's nothing ironic about liberals calling anyone liars.

There is no supposed liberal position. There is an actual liberal position and it's about as fucking cut and dry as it gets. Ya'll called for Bush's head for his alleged war crimes. Now that Obama is engaging in the same type of behavior, no liberal is stepping up to the plate.

You can't be more transparently amoral than that. Sorry, dick cheese. It must suck to get called out, but that's how it is. Maybe you should go hero worship Obama to take your mind off of your miserable state.

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