Obama needs to be tried for war crimes

Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Bitch please. It's a cinch that righties have no leg to stand upon when it comes to "family values". That dog died and will never hunt again.

Really? Heard Gaving Newsome on the AC podcast just the other day. He couldn't admit that the biggest problem in the black community was a lack of fathers. Couldn't even admit it was top ten. Ya'll are too busy selling the us vs. them to be promoting real values. And by the way, that's why it's easy for ya'll to want to hang one guy and worship another guy while he does the same stuff. So, who ya callin' bitch, BITCH. Choke it down.

Really? And why is that? Could it be a side effect of slavery, in which one of the weapons of choice, in order to elicit submission and control was the emasculation of the African male? Seems to me that constant humiliation, beatings, and the distinct possibility of being "sold down the river", torn from loved ones and friends might have a multi-generational effect on one's psyche, in which manifests itself in the man shirking his responsibility as husband and father, and, in effect, "leaving'. Has a study been done to find out the lasting effects of slavery on a people? Or do you simply have to look to the black community, at its' myriad problems to get a glimpse?
Bitch please. It's a cinch that righties have no leg to stand upon when it comes to "family values". That dog died and will never hunt again.

Really? Heard Gaving Newsome on the AC podcast just the other day. He couldn't admit that the biggest problem in the black community was a lack of fathers. Couldn't even admit it was top ten. Ya'll are too busy selling the us vs. them to be promoting real values. And by the way, that's why it's easy for ya'll to want to hang one guy and worship another guy while he does the same stuff. So, who ya callin' bitch, BITCH. Choke it down.

Really? And why is that? Could it be a side effect of slavery, in which one of the weapons of choice, in order to elicit submission and control was the emasculation of the African male? Seems to me that constant humiliation, beatings, and the distinct possibility of being "sold down the river", torn from loved ones and friends might have a multi-generational effect on one's psyche, in which manifests itself in the man shirking his responsibility as husband and father, and, in effect, "leaving'. Has a study been done to find out the lasting effects of slavery on a people? Or do you simply have to look to the black community, at its' myriad problems to get a glimpse?

Sounds like you've granted yourself an all access pass for bad behavior. Congrats. We'll see how that works out for you.
Still waiting for a liberal with actual values to step to the plate.

Still waiting for a conservative to not lie about what liberals supposedly believe. ANd I know I will never find one.

Remember conservatives, lying about liberals doesn't make liberals hypocrites. It just makes you liars. Liberals didn't say to prosecute Bush for drone strikes, so it would be wildly inconsistent for liberals to call for Obama to be prosecuted. Since all the raging hypocrites are on the conservative side, of course you won't see any liberals acting like that.

And Gatsb, why the sudden flipflop on the war? Do you have even a single consistent principle of any sort, other than "It's always okay when the Republican does it, and always a crime when the Democrat does it!"?

And a swing and a miss. This is in what was supposed to be in the liberal wheel house: children being killed by this illegal war. But of course, you're another liberal with no righteous indignation now that your god, Obama rules over you.

And I haven't stated a position on this matter, so I don't know how I'm supposed to have flipped or flopped or flipped and flopped.

I just am pointing out how convenient liberal positions are and always will be b/c you have no principles. It's simply us vs. them. You don't have an answer for that b/c you're a lemming.

There is a lot of outrage by the left over drone strikes and the killing of innocent victims. Can you provide outrage from the right when Bush was in office?


Robert Greenwald

U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties

During my recent trip to Pakistan as part of our upcoming documentary film, Drones Exposed, I was struck most by the stories told to me by children who had experienced a U.S. drone strike firsthand. The impact of America’s drone war in the likes of Pakistan and Yemen will linger on, especially for the loved ones of the 178 children killed in those countries by U.S. drone strikes.

War Costs’ latest video (with accompanying report) brings attention to the children who have died as a result of drone strikes. The video names some of the children who perished in these strikes, and points out the obfuscation tactics of American officials who will not own up to the significant amount of civilian casualties that have occurred due to this legally- and morally-dubious policy.

Robert Greenwald: U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties: Video and Report
Still waiting for a conservative to not lie about what liberals supposedly believe. ANd I know I will never find one.

Remember conservatives, lying about liberals doesn't make liberals hypocrites. It just makes you liars. Liberals didn't say to prosecute Bush for drone strikes, so it would be wildly inconsistent for liberals to call for Obama to be prosecuted. Since all the raging hypocrites are on the conservative side, of course you won't see any liberals acting like that.

And Gatsb, why the sudden flipflop on the war? Do you have even a single consistent principle of any sort, other than "It's always okay when the Republican does it, and always a crime when the Democrat does it!"?

And a swing and a miss. This is in what was supposed to be in the liberal wheel house: children being killed by this illegal war. But of course, you're another liberal with no righteous indignation now that your god, Obama rules over you.

And I haven't stated a position on this matter, so I don't know how I'm supposed to have flipped or flopped or flipped and flopped.

I just am pointing out how convenient liberal positions are and always will be b/c you have no principles. It's simply us vs. them. You don't have an answer for that b/c you're a lemming.

There is a lot of outrage by the left over drone strikes and the killing of innocent victims. Can you provide outrage from the right when Bush was in office?


Robert Greenwald

U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties

During my recent trip to Pakistan as part of our upcoming documentary film, Drones Exposed, I was struck most by the stories told to me by children who had experienced a U.S. drone strike firsthand. The impact of America’s drone war in the likes of Pakistan and Yemen will linger on, especially for the loved ones of the 178 children killed in those countries by U.S. drone strikes.

War Costs’ latest video (with accompanying report) brings attention to the children who have died as a result of drone strikes. The video names some of the children who perished in these strikes, and points out the obfuscation tactics of American officials who will not own up to the significant amount of civilian casualties that have occurred due to this legally- and morally-dubious policy.

Robert Greenwald: U.S. Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties: Video and Report

There was none.

It was all "Stay the course".
Really? Heard Gaving Newsome on the AC podcast just the other day. He couldn't admit that the biggest problem in the black community was a lack of fathers. Couldn't even admit it was top ten. Ya'll are too busy selling the us vs. them to be promoting real values. And by the way, that's why it's easy for ya'll to want to hang one guy and worship another guy while he does the same stuff. So, who ya callin' bitch, BITCH. Choke it down.

Really? And why is that? Could it be a side effect of slavery, in which one of the weapons of choice, in order to elicit submission and control was the emasculation of the African male? Seems to me that constant humiliation, beatings, and the distinct possibility of being "sold down the river", torn from loved ones and friends might have a multi-generational effect on one's psyche, in which manifests itself in the man shirking his responsibility as husband and father, and, in effect, "leaving'. Has a study been done to find out the lasting effects of slavery on a people? Or do you simply have to look to the black community, at its' myriad problems to get a glimpse?

Sounds like you've granted yourself an all access pass for bad behavior. Congrats. We'll see how that works out for you.

I'm sorry, but you're coming across as an idiot. Bad behavior? How, me being gay?
But what is glaringly missing is your acknowledgment of the post effects of slavery on the African-American male psyche. But, then, again, when has your ilk ever taken responsibility for so heinous an act? Your response is " you have been set free, what's the ruckus about?" Right. "Free" being the key word.. Better yet, let's see how it works out for you.
Where and to whom does the "theater of war" extend? Does it extend to our "ally" countries? Does it extend to 16 year old Americans? Think about what you are saying and what those in the ME must think about such words.

"Our war on terror begins with Al Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated. "

"It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region........"

President Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on terror - Full Text of George W. Bush's Speech to Congress Declaring War on Terror

Fine so you agree with Bush.

At that point in history he had nearly universal support to go after those who were responsible in any way to the attacks on 9-11. It was when he morphed the emotion we all felt that day into the invsasion and occupation of Iraq that the support began to wain.
Ya'll called for Bush's head for his alleged war crimes.

Yes, for lying the nation into a war. We did not, however, criticize Bush for drone strikes (other than the Kucinich/Nader fringe, which has been criticizing Obama far more vigorously than they ever criticized Bush.)

Now that Obama is engaging in the same type of behavior,

Obama didn't lie the nation into war, and we didn't criticize Bush for drone strikes, so you appear to be enraged at how liberal consistency making you look like such a hypocrite.

When Bush lied the USA into a war, you spit-shined Bush's knob in gratitude, like almost every other Republican. Have you ever apologized to the nation for that?
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Ya'll called for Bush's head for his alleged war crimes.

Yes, for lying the nation into a war. We did not, however, criticize Bush for drone strikes (other than the Kucinich/Nader fringe, which has been criticizing Obama far more vigorously than they ever criticized Bush.)

Now that Obama is engaging in the same type of behavior,

Obama didn't lie the nation into war, and we didn't criticize Bush for drone strikes, so you appear to be enraged at how liberal consistency making you look like such a hypocrite.

When Bush lied the USA into a war, you spit-shined Bush's knob in gratitude, like almost every other Republican. Have you ever apologized to the nation for that?

Let's get away from semantics and tired arguments. You had a huge fucking stick up your ass about the wars and then Obama comes into office and he keeps warring? Why? You can't even answer that. And meanwhile children are being killed and all of the sudden Obama gets his pass. The righteous indignation has dissipated. It's called hypocrisy and its blatant on your part.
Really? And why is that? Could it be a side effect of slavery, in which one of the weapons of choice, in order to elicit submission and control was the emasculation of the African male? Seems to me that constant humiliation, beatings, and the distinct possibility of being "sold down the river", torn from loved ones and friends might have a multi-generational effect on one's psyche, in which manifests itself in the man shirking his responsibility as husband and father, and, in effect, "leaving'. Has a study been done to find out the lasting effects of slavery on a people? Or do you simply have to look to the black community, at its' myriad problems to get a glimpse?

Sounds like you've granted yourself an all access pass for bad behavior. Congrats. We'll see how that works out for you.

I'm sorry, but you're coming across as an idiot. Bad behavior? How, me being gay?
But what is glaringly missing is your acknowledgment of the post effects of slavery on the African-American male psyche. But, then, again, when has your ilk ever taken responsibility for so heinous an act? Your response is " you have been set free, what's the ruckus about?" Right. "Free" being the key word.. Better yet, let's see how it works out for you.

Actually, I was gonna say the same thing about you. I don't give fuck if you're gay or not. Didn't even know or care. Still don't.

I'm talking about you blaming slavery at this point for all your problems. There is not one black person alive today who was enslaved or even knew a slave. That was generations ago and its no excuse for bad behavior.

To be honest, you're making a mockery of black people and justifying their rut with nonsense. It's people like you who are f'ing them up way more than anything.
Sounds like you've granted yourself an all access pass for bad behavior. Congrats. We'll see how that works out for you.

I'm sorry, but you're coming across as an idiot. Bad behavior? How, me being gay?
But what is glaringly missing is your acknowledgment of the post effects of slavery on the African-American male psyche. But, then, again, when has your ilk ever taken responsibility for so heinous an act? Your response is " you have been set free, what's the ruckus about?" Right. "Free" being the key word.. Better yet, let's see how it works out for you.

Actually, I was gonna say the same thing about you. I don't give fuck if you're gay or not. Didn't even know or care. Still don't.

I'm talking about you blaming slavery at this point for all your problems. There is not one black person alive today who was enslaved or even knew a slave. That was generations ago and its no excuse for bad behavior.

To be honest, you're making a mockery of black people and justifying their rut with nonsense. It's people like you who are f'ing them up way more than anything.

Bitch, please. Do you see any problems that I have? I have few. And who the fuck are you to tell anyone how to be, what to think or what to do? If you only knew how insignificant your opinion was, you'd shut up. A mockery of black people in whose eyes? Yours? Again, you're nobody...so problem solved.
I'm sorry, but you're coming across as an idiot. Bad behavior? How, me being gay?
But what is glaringly missing is your acknowledgment of the post effects of slavery on the African-American male psyche. But, then, again, when has your ilk ever taken responsibility for so heinous an act? Your response is " you have been set free, what's the ruckus about?" Right. "Free" being the key word.. Better yet, let's see how it works out for you.

Actually, I was gonna say the same thing about you. I don't give fuck if you're gay or not. Didn't even know or care. Still don't.

I'm talking about you blaming slavery at this point for all your problems. There is not one black person alive today who was enslaved or even knew a slave. That was generations ago and its no excuse for bad behavior.

To be honest, you're making a mockery of black people and justifying their rut with nonsense. It's people like you who are f'ing them up way more than anything.

Bitch, please. Do you see any problems that I have? I have few. And who the fuck are you to tell anyone how to be, what to think or what to do? If you only knew how insignificant your opinion was, you'd shut up. A mockery of black people in whose eyes? Yours? Again, you're nobody...so problem solved.

You keep crying, victim. If you wanna go through life like that, I can't stop you. Enjoy your misery.
Actually, I was gonna say the same thing about you. I don't give fuck if you're gay or not. Didn't even know or care. Still don't.

I'm talking about you blaming slavery at this point for all your problems. There is not one black person alive today who was enslaved or even knew a slave. That was generations ago and its no excuse for bad behavior.

To be honest, you're making a mockery of black people and justifying their rut with nonsense. It's people like you who are f'ing them up way more than anything.

Bitch, please. Do you see any problems that I have? I have few. And who the fuck are you to tell anyone how to be, what to think or what to do? If you only knew how insignificant your opinion was, you'd shut up. A mockery of black people in whose eyes? Yours? Again, you're nobody...so problem solved.

You keep crying, victim. If you wanna go through life like that, I can't stop you. Enjoy your misery.

Ain't nobody a victim. And there's nobody crying. I have been doing fine...well, before you came on the scene. And I'll be doing well, long after you leave. There is no misery. I'm fine. You're the one "disturbed".
Bitch, please. Do you see any problems that I have? I have few. And who the fuck are you to tell anyone how to be, what to think or what to do? If you only knew how insignificant your opinion was, you'd shut up. A mockery of black people in whose eyes? Yours? Again, you're nobody...so problem solved.

You keep crying, victim. If you wanna go through life like that, I can't stop you. Enjoy your misery.

Ain't nobody a victim. And there's nobody crying. I have been doing fine...well, before you came on the scene. And I'll be doing well, long after you leave. There is no misery. I'm fine. You're the one "disturbed".

Make up your mind dude. You're either an emasculated male or you're not.
Ya'll called for Bush's head for his alleged war crimes.

Yes, for lying the nation into a war. We did not, however, criticize Bush for drone strikes (other than the Kucinich/Nader fringe, which has been criticizing Obama far more vigorously than they ever criticized Bush.)

Now that Obama is engaging in the same type of behavior,

Obama didn't lie the nation into war, and we didn't criticize Bush for drone strikes, so you appear to be enraged at how liberal consistency making you look like such a hypocrite.

When Bush lied the USA into a war, you spit-shined Bush's knob in gratitude, like almost every other Republican. Have you ever apologized to the nation for that?

Bold and Underlined Italics:

He bypassed congress altogether, unlike Bush, who sought its approval before invading Iraq, even despite being based on a faulty premise. And UAV's were a relatively new technology when Bush launched his campaign, that's why we had manned fighters bombing targets in 03-05.

Bold underlined Italics:

When Obama launched his attack on Libya, and used drone strikes on Yemen, you were spit shining his knob in gratitude, not long after razing Bush supporters to the ground for supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nice double standard there, dude. Have you ever apologized to America for the deaths of the many children that Obama sanctioned drone strikes killed in Pakistan? Yeah, didn't think so.

War is only good when a Liberal wages it.

Have a seat.
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You keep crying, victim. If you wanna go through life like that, I can't stop you. Enjoy your misery.

Ain't nobody a victim. And there's nobody crying. I have been doing fine...well, before you came on the scene. And I'll be doing well, long after you leave. There is no misery. I'm fine. You're the one "disturbed".

Make up your mind dude. You're either an emasculated male or you're not.

All the attempts to emasculate me have failed, obviously. That hasn't stopped your ilk from trying it. You people have tried it here, to no avail. I'm merely pointing out that you're trying it, not admitting that you succeeded, on any level. I gave the reason for the root cause of broken homes, deserted by fathers, and black on black crime as the continued emasculation of the African-American male, stemming from slavery and extending to today. Reading comprehension is fundamental.
Ain't nobody a victim. And there's nobody crying. I have been doing fine...well, before you came on the scene. And I'll be doing well, long after you leave. There is no misery. I'm fine. You're the one "disturbed".

Make up your mind dude. You're either an emasculated male or you're not.

All the attempts to emasculate me have failed, obviously..

You have managed to do that all on you own!
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Ya'll called for Bush's head for his alleged war crimes.

Yes, for lying the nation into a war. We did not, however, criticize Bush for drone strikes (other than the Kucinich/Nader fringe, which has been criticizing Obama far more vigorously than they ever criticized Bush.)

Now that Obama is engaging in the same type of behavior,

Obama didn't lie the nation into war, and we didn't criticize Bush for drone strikes, so you appear to be enraged at how liberal consistency making you look like such a hypocrite.

When Bush lied the USA into a war, you spit-shined Bush's knob in gratitude, like almost every other Republican. Have you ever apologized to the nation for that?

Bold and Underlined Italics:

He bypassed congress altogether, unlike Bush, who sought its approval before invading Iraq, even despite being based on a faulty premise. And UAV's were a relatively new technology when Bush launched his campaign, that's why we had manned fighters bombing targets in 03-05.

Bold underlined Italics:

When Obama launched his attack on Libya, and used drone strikes on Yemen, you were spit shining his knob in gratitude, not long after razing Bush supporters to the ground for supporting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nice double standard there, dude. Have you ever apologized to America for the deaths of the many children that Obama sanctioned drone strikes killed in Pakistan? Yeah, didn't think so.

War is only good when a Liberal wages it.

Have a seat.

Bottom line. The left lies about Bush lying us into war. Hillary was all about the war are they willing to call her or 'Billy liars? Hell no they don't have an honest bone amoung themselves.

Yes, Bush went to war something I would not have done nor voted for as did Hillary and Kerry. War is one thing but Obama murdered a 16 year old and doesn't even apologize for murdering an American youth who WAS NOT A TERRORIST.

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