Obama needs to be tried for war crimes

If Obama should be tried for anything, it should be treason for giving planes, tanks, weapons and billions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood. They have NEVER been our allies and never will be. They are supportive of the terrorist organizations that have attacked us in the past.
NATO is not Obama. Regardless, Bush and Cheney first...

Are you actually so stupid that you don't understand that Bush and Cheney were part of a coalition of NATO countries acting for the UN when America stopped Saddam's aggression?
and the media had a fit over McCain "bom bom, bom Iran.

our peace prize lariat surely wouldn't bomb innocent children

First, he didn't ask for the Peace Prize. Second, the prize was awarded more out of relief than anything else, relief that the world was finally through with the war mongering Bush. And, indeed, Obama has not invaded any countries or started any wars; in fact, he was gotten the US out of Iraq and is getting close to getting us out of Afghanistan.

Obama has warrred in Afghanistan for four years whether he started it or not. And have you heard of a little thing called, Libya?

Syria. Egypt.

And now it is all falling apart around him. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.
Seriously, not one liberal is going to come out and say Obama should be tried for war crimes? You guys were wetting yourself about trying Bush for the same crimes! And that you weasely lib-tards, is what we call having no real principles. Liberalism is a sham!
First, he didn't ask for the Peace Prize. Second, the prize was awarded more out of relief than anything else, relief that the world was finally through with the war mongering Bush. And, indeed, Obama has not invaded any countries or started any wars; in fact, he was gotten the US out of Iraq and is getting close to getting us out of Afghanistan.

Obama has warrred in Afghanistan for four years whether he started it or not. And have you heard of a little thing called, Libya?

Syria. Egypt.

And now it is all falling apart around him. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.

What an amazing imagination you have. Now he is responsible for Syria an Egypt? You are living in la la land. If your toilet clogs up because of all the filthy shit you put down it, you'd blame that on Obama too. You're pathetic.
seriously, not one liberal is going to come out and say obama should be tried for war crimes? You guys were wetting yourself about trying bush for the same crimes! And that you weasely lib-tards, is what we call having no real principles. Liberalism is a sham!

"A large coalition" LMAO. Yea, right. Keep telling yourself that.

You are deflecting. This is not about Bush. Obama owns the afghanistan war and he sent more troops there. This is his war and his responsibility.

What total BS. Deflecting? Deflecting? Pot calling kettle.

This IS about Bush. Afghanistan is HIS war. He started it. He fought it for eight years and made no progress. Obama has been trying to get us out of there since then, to clean up after Bush. This war is Bush's war, not Obama's. It is BUSH'S responsibility, not Obama's.

You people are amazing the way you re-write history and try to change reality. You're living on another planet in a far away galaxy. Unbelievable. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

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