Obama notified the Gang of Eight before the Osama mission

Democrats have failed to put politics aside and earn the Trust of the President.

The Democrats would love nothing more than for an American military operation to go bad and for many American service members to die so that they could blame Trump and score political points. In fact, they would coordinate the destruction of U.S. military personnel with Iran, Hezbollah, etc. Seriously. Remember, the loyalty of Democrats is not to Americans but to the Democratic Party. They're fascist that way.
Why? What lie did I tell in that thread?

Also, your thread is about he OBL 'ASSASSINATION' only. My thread was about over 500 drone strikes by Barry Hussein.


But I'm glad that thread triggered you so much.:5_1_12024:

Generally the Gang of Eight knew about drone strikes and questioned them. There is a massive difference in day to day low level take outs and a high value individual near a major airport...

The story is that this wasn't probably discussed with the Pentagon either....

There is no plan going on here... Can someone explain to us what is Trump's plan and how did this help...
Link to all the notification BArry gave in advance on his 542 drone strikes?

Here are the rules, have you any proof Obama didn't follow them. Since they are bipartisan and none of the Gang of Eight complained about not being informed:

Targeted Killings Conducted by the CIA – The Covert Action Statute

When the CIA engages in a targeting, it is undertaken as a “covert action,” which is defined by the Covert Action Statute (CAS) as “an activity or activities of the United States Government to influence political, economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role of the United States Government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly.” See the National Security Act of 1947, Sec. 503(e), 50 U.S.C. § 413b(e). The President must authorize any covert action through a written presidential finding, explaining why the activity is “necessary to support identifiable foreign policy objectives of the United States and is important to the national security of the United States.” Id. § 413b(a).

The CAS mandates that the President inform the Senate and House Intelligence Committees of all covert actions, and turn over any U.S. government materials that those committees request. Id. § 413b(b). In general, the President must report any covert action to the Intelligence Committees as soon as possible after it is approved, before the action begins. However, in “extraordinary circumstances affecting vital interests of the United States,” the President may choose to inform only the members of the “Gang of Eight”---comprised of the chairmen and ranking minority members of each of the Intelligence Committees, as well as the Speaker and minority leader of the House and the majority and minority leaders of the Senate---rather than the full committees. Id. § 413b(c). In the event that the President decides to use this “extraordinary” route, he or she must provide written justification for limiting disclosure to the Gang of Eight. Id. § 413b(c).

Since you are now the accuser the burden of proof is on you.


It looks like Democrat’s never need to notify Republicans again

See how it works?

Now STFU about Trump not telling the terrorist loving party in Congress.

Love how Trump says Fuk You to everything
Conservatives celebrate his brashness

But, what goes around, comes around
As future Democratic Presidents will now do the same
Barry didn't notify Congress of all his drone attacks either, Dummy.

Gang of Eight were...
Democrats have failed to put politics aside and earn the Trust of the President.

The Democrats would love nothing more than for an American military operation to go bad and for many American service members to die so that they could blame Trump and score political points. In fact, they would coordinate the destruction of U.S. military personnel with Iran, Hezbollah, etc. Seriously. Remember, the loyalty of Democrats is not to Americans but to the Democratic Party. They're fascist that way.

Projecting again... Simply put the Guests in Maralargo knew more than the Gang of Eight

The Democrats are notorious for leaking information. Trump is justified to not tell them.


It looks like Democrat’s never need to notify Republicans again

See how it works?

Now STFU about Trump not telling the terrorist loving party in Congress.

Love how Trump says Fuk You to everything
Conservatives celebrate his brashness

But, what goes around, comes around
As future Democratic Presidents will now do the same
Barry didn't notify Congress of all his drone attacks either, Dummy.

He did on the major ones

Now, Dems won’t have to notify at all. That is the new Trump rule


It looks like Democrat’s never need to notify Republicans again

See how it works?

Now STFU about Trump not telling the terrorist loving party in Congress.

Love how Trump says Fuk You to everything
Conservatives celebrate his brashness

But, what goes around, comes around
As future Democratic Presidents will now do the same
Barry didn't notify Congress of all his drone attacks either, Dummy.

Gang of Eight were...
Link to the notification for all 543 drone strikes?
Democrats have failed to put politics aside and earn the Trust of the President.

The Democrats would love nothing more than for an American military operation to go bad and for many American service members to die so that they could blame Trump and score political points. In fact, they would coordinate the destruction of U.S. military personnel with Iran, Hezbollah, etc. Seriously. Remember, the loyalty of Democrats is not to Americans but to the Democratic Party. They're fascist that way.

Projecting again... Simply put the Guests in Maralargo knew more than the Gang of Eight
WTF is “Maralargo”?
live with it Trumpstetters'
Congressional Notification1

The chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence committees have stated that they were briefed

on OBL’s whereabouts during the past few months including, according to Representative Mike

Rogers, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, some details regarding the Abbottabad

compound. The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, has also indicated that he had been

briefed on the plans to confirm OBL’s location and take action. Chariman Rogers indicated that

the entire “Gang of Eight” had been briefed on the plans although not all were briefed at the same

time. The Gang of Eight refers to the eight Members of Congress (the Speaker, House Minority

Leader, the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the chairmen and ranking members of the

two intelligence committees) who, by statute, must be advised of Presidential Findings of covert

actions (

Yes this was not a simple drone strike, but good luck trying to equate them as the same!

White House Notifies Congress of Suleimani Strike Under War Powers Act
All of these Democrats getting pissed at Trump not giving Dem leaders on the Hill advance notice about the hit. Just curious, is there any record or validation that he provided Republican Leaders only about the counter attack on Iran in response to them attacking our embassy in Iraq? Fire up the Impeachment machine and impeach Trump again. It’s the only thing Democrats can get done in the House. Everything else that that they can’t get done must be due to “obstruction” or climate change.

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