Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

I was talking about the Idaho circuit because a couple of people complained about it. I specifically challenged one of them to provide names, and you replied with your drivel about how I must not be paying attention.

I am paying attention,which is why you have to admit you aren't.
You expected me to provide names of Obama nominations for a Circuit Court that HAD NO VACANCIES???

What the holy fuck?

Then you blame him for that? Is this bizarro land or what??

No, I expect you to address the issue that was raised that I responded to, the fucking caseload, and the fact that Obama isn't doing anything about it, even though he wants to fill up a court that isn't over worked.
Pay attention (read slow if you must) : It's .not.Obama's.JOB.to.increase.Court.Size.

How many times do you have to be told this?

That's Congress' job. Without even knowing how stupid you sound, you are advocating Obama literally do what FDR tried to do: Pack the Court.
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The Terminal Windbag: First he claimed Obama hadn't even named any of the 93 nominees where there are vacancies,

then he got taken to the woodshed over that -- and did a ba-dee ba-dee ba-dee... and then said "Obama hasn't even appointed a single person to fill the vacancy" -- which was now, as we see, about a court in Idaho Obama COULDN'T APPOINT A NOMINEE.

Then he gets all huffy and challenges me to find a name -- that couldn't even exist!

This is just too weird following the warped convolutions that go on in connie's brain

I must be winning, you are lying about me.

There are 93 judicial vacancies, and 51 of them have nominees. There are 38 vacancies that are rated as emergencies, yet Obama is more concerned about filling the DC Circuit in order to pursue his political agenda. You ignore everything but the stuff Obama spoon feeds you, and then complain that I don't pay attention because I slap the spoon out of his hand and feed myself.

Judicial Vacancies

Judicial Emergencies
Point out the lie or STFU.

I'll agree that you didn't literally go " ba-dee ba-dee ba-dee."

Hey bug dog, as someone who has shown his idiocy time and time again here, you really are in no position to say dooodlyshit about what I know.

I certainly do, and I showed the handbag lady just where the GOPpers reneged on the agreement -- by blocking executive appointees, which they said they. would. not.

I will type this really slow, perhaps that will help. They promised to vote for executive appointments, the people that Obama needs to do his job. The nuclear option was invoked to make it possible to end filibusters on executive and judicial nominations.

Here is a PuffHo article to prove I actually know what I am talking about.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pulled the trigger Thursday, deploying a parliamentary procedure dubbed the "nuclear option" to change Senate rules to pass most executive and judicial nominees by a simple majority vote.
Senate Votes For Nuclear Option

That, believe it or not, makes you wrong.
Geezez. You still don't get it.

This all started when I told people about how negotiations had been worked out to avert this -- cause people were saying why didn't the dems negotiate? bla bla. I said: They did.

Handbag lady there insisted on a link when I said it was in July they had most recently worked out an agreement that R's reneged on.

She went aw...R's only agreed to not filibuster executive appointments.

To which I was telling her - at the same time - Lindsey fucking Graham WAS stating loudly he WOULD filibuster executive appointments!

Every one of them!
Do you Jesus H. Keerist get it now???

One more time, the agreement you claim that the Republicans broke was for executive branch nominees only.

Obama wanted a change on the process for judicial nominees because he couldn't get the judges he wanted onto a court that doesn't need them.

You are still wrong.
You expected me to provide names of Obama nominations for a Circuit Court that HAD NO VACANCIES???

What the holy fuck?

Then you blame him for that? Is this bizarro land or what??

No, I expect you to address the issue that was raised that I responded to, the fucking caseload, and the fact that Obama isn't doing anything about it, even though he wants to fill up a court that isn't over worked.
Pay attention (read slow if you must) : It's .not.Obama's.JOB.to.increase.Court.Size.

How many times do you have to be told this?

That's Congress' job. Without even knowing how stupid you sound, you are advocating Obama literally do what FDR tried to do: Pack the Court.

It isn't his job to change the rules for the filibuster either, but it does show what he actually cares about.
No, I expect you to address the issue that was raised that I responded to, the fucking caseload, and the fact that Obama isn't doing anything about it, even though he wants to fill up a court that isn't over worked.
Pay attention (read slow if you must) : It's .not.Obama's.JOB.to.increase.Court.Size.

How many times do you have to be told this?

That's Congress' job. Without even knowing how stupid you sound, you are advocating Obama literally do what FDR tried to do: Pack the Court.

It isn't his job to change the rules for the filibuster either, but it does show what he actually cares about.

Obama didn't change the rules.....the Senate did
Pay attention (read slow if you must) : It's .not.Obama's.JOB.to.increase.Court.Size.

How many times do you have to be told this?

That's Congress' job. Without even knowing how stupid you sound, you are advocating Obama literally do what FDR tried to do: Pack the Court.

It isn't his job to change the rules for the filibuster either, but it does show what he actually cares about.

Obama didn't change the rules.....the Senate did

Damn, you just showed you haven't read all the posts in this thread.

Funny thing, I posted a link earlier about how Obama wanted the change, and how he actually put more effort into getting the votes for the change than he did for getting votes for Obamacare. I used it to point out what he thinks is important, and never once said he changed the rules. Thanks for pointing out what everyone not named rightwinger already knew.
I was talking about the Idaho circuit because a couple of people complained about it. I specifically challenged one of them to provide names, and you replied with your drivel about how I must not be paying attention.

I am paying attention,which is why you have to admit you aren't.
You expected me to provide names of Obama nominations for a Circuit Court that HAD NO VACANCIES???

What the holy fuck?

Then you blame him for that? Is this bizarro land or what??

No, I expect you to address the issue that was raised that I responded to, the fucking caseload, and the fact that Obama isn't doing anything about it, even though he wants to fill up a court that isn't over worked.

Since when has caseload been a determining factor in filling vacant judgeships?

Are you ready to bring the Supreme Court down to five judges? I mean, they only meet a couple of months a year. They have alot of free time on their hands
It isn't his job to change the rules for the filibuster either, but it does show what he actually cares about.

Obama didn't change the rules.....the Senate did

Damn, you just showed you haven't read all the posts in this thread.

Funny thing, I posted a link earlier about how Obama wanted the change, and how he actually put more effort into getting the votes for the change than he did for getting votes for Obamacare. I used it to point out what he thinks is important, and never once said he changed the rules. Thanks for pointing out what everyone not named rightwinger already knew.

Does Obama think being able to fill vacancies in the Executive Branch and judgeships is important?

Of course he does. But he no longer has a vote in the Senate
It isn't his job to change the rules for the filibuster either, but it does show what he actually cares about.

Obama didn't change the rules.....the Senate did

Damn, you just showed you haven't read all the posts in this thread.

Funny thing, I posted a link earlier about how Obama wanted the change, and how he actually put more effort into getting the votes for the change than he did for getting votes for Obamacare. I used it to point out what he thinks is important, and never once said he changed the rules. Thanks for pointing out what everyone not named rightwinger already knew.

Like RW said, Obama didn't change the rules, the Senate did.
<just shaking my head>

he's incorrigible, I swear.

Keep in mind that QW's real view is that we shouldn't have any government, or at least he poses as some sort of quasi-anarchist/libertarian,

so all he's really doing here is trolling.
You expected me to provide names of Obama nominations for a Circuit Court that HAD NO VACANCIES???

What the holy fuck?

Then you blame him for that? Is this bizarro land or what??

No, I expect you to address the issue that was raised that I responded to, the fucking caseload, and the fact that Obama isn't doing anything about it, even though he wants to fill up a court that isn't over worked.

Since when has caseload been a determining factor in filling vacant judgeships?

Are you ready to bring the Supreme Court down to five judges? I mean, they only meet a couple of months a year. They have alot of free time on their hands

You don't care about caseload? How about the fact that there is a vacancy that is 11 vacancies that have been open for over 1000 days, and Obama is focusing on a court where not a single vacancy is even 2 years old?

Please, keep proving you have no idea what the issues are.
Obama didn't change the rules.....the Senate did

Damn, you just showed you haven't read all the posts in this thread.

Funny thing, I posted a link earlier about how Obama wanted the change, and how he actually put more effort into getting the votes for the change than he did for getting votes for Obamacare. I used it to point out what he thinks is important, and never once said he changed the rules. Thanks for pointing out what everyone not named rightwinger already knew.

Does Obama think being able to fill vacancies in the Executive Branch and judgeships is important?

Of course he does. But he no longer has a vote in the Senate

Amazingly enough, everyone not named rightwinger already knew that.

The question I have for the guy that just discovered that Obama is useless is why hasn't he nominated people for all those vacancies?
<just shaking my head>

he's incorrigible, I swear.

Keep in mind that QW's real view is that we shouldn't have any government, or at least he poses as some sort of quasi-anarchist/libertarian, so all he's really doing here is trolling.

Keep in mind that you cannot find a single post where I said you don't need a governmnet. In fact, my signature, which appears in every post I make, directly contradicts that claim.

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