Obama off the Ballot in Georgia due to Elligibility

Whats wrong dog shit?
Why can't you respond?
When have I attacked anyone because of their race you piece of god damn dog shit?
How many god damn times do I have to keep repeating this, I have black relatives, not once have I ever attacked anyone here, or in the real world because of their race. and yes I have jumped on those who are racist here.Yet you call me a racist come on dog shit man up.

So dog shit are you going to blather more lies or are you going to answer this?
You say you don't support obama but you can support romney, Why is that? since romney and obama are mirror images of each other. It must be because obama is black.

Self control, bigreb, keeps the fear at bay.

Consider your language. Consider your values. You have much to make up and restitute in these matters of race and people.

Yes, you are a racist. You must deal with it.

Self control my ass nothing pisses me off more than some dog shit troll calling someone who is not nor has attack a person because of their race, a racist. It's insulting to my family and me when you falsely accuse me of being a racist. I will sue your ass for libel if you keep it up. And that is a promise not a threat.

your lawsuit will be in the pipeline right behind sarah's and newt's.
Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLER, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.
Update 1:05 pm: Per telecon between G Wilmott and Dean Haskins which was relayed to me. Dean Haskins who was in the courtroom this morning assisting with the Art 2Pac live stream. Judge Malihi talked to the attorneys in chambers before the hearing this morning and told them that he was going to enter a DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Obama and recommend that Obama’s name not be on the Georgia ballot! All the attorneys expressed a desire to put an abbreviated streamlined case on the record and the judge agreed. How does the mainstream media spin this? The Georgia SOS has already indicated that he will follow the judge’s recommendation. Obama will not get any popular vote or electors from the great state of Georgia! Congratulations to all freedom-loving Americans!

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia
Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLET, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT, and this issue has NOTHING to do with anything "BIRTHER." This is a LEGAL matter. obama's father was BRITISH.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.
Update 1:05 pm: Per telecon between G Wilmott and Dean Haskins which was relayed to me. Dean Haskins who was in the courtroom this morning assisting with the Art 2Pac live stream. Judge Malihi talked to the attorneys in chambers before the hearing this morning and told them that he was going to enter a DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Obama and recommend that Obama’s name not be on the Georgia ballot! All the attorneys expressed a desire to put an abbreviated streamlined case on the record and the judge agreed. How does the mainstream media spin this? The Georgia SOS has already indicated that he will follow the judge’s recommendation. Obama will not get any popular vote or electors from the great state of Georgia! Congratulations to all freedom-loving Americans!

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia
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Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLER, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.
Update 1:05 pm: Per telecon between G Wilmott and Dean Haskins which was relayed to me. Dean Haskins who was in the courtroom this morning assisting with the Art 2Pac live stream. Judge Malihi talked to the attorneys in chambers before the hearing this morning and told them that he was going to enter a DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Obama and recommend that Obama’s name not be on the Georgia ballot! All the attorneys expressed a desire to put an abbreviated streamlined case on the record and the judge agreed. How does the mainstream media spin this? The Georgia SOS has already indicated that he will follow the judge’s recommendation. Obama will not get any popular vote or electors from the great state of Georgia! Congratulations to all freedom-loving Americans!

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

please... show us the default judgement. Show us proof Obama has been removed from the Ga ballot. And no, a post from a birther blog is not proof. The court records or report from the court would suffice.

otherwise, you're as big a liar as the OP.
this time it will work, and the illegal kenyan usurpator/dictator will be tarred and feathered.

and then all will be well.

until birfer wakes up.
this time it will work, and the illegal kenyan usurpator/dictator will be tarred and feathered.

and then all will be well.

until birfer wakes up.

what I love is that they all claim Obama is officially off the GA ballot, then as proof offer a birther blog post that says it was 'discussed'.

Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLER, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.
Update 1:05 pm: Per telecon between G Wilmott and Dean Haskins which was relayed to me. Dean Haskins who was in the courtroom this morning assisting with the Art 2Pac live stream. Judge Malihi talked to the attorneys in chambers before the hearing this morning and told them that he was going to enter a DEFAULT JUDGMENT against Obama and recommend that Obama’s name not be on the Georgia ballot! All the attorneys expressed a desire to put an abbreviated streamlined case on the record and the judge agreed. How does the mainstream media spin this? The Georgia SOS has already indicated that he will follow the judge’s recommendation. Obama will not get any popular vote or electors from the great state of Georgia! Congratulations to all freedom-loving Americans!

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

please... show us the default judgement. Show us proof Obama has been removed from the Ga ballot. And no, a post from a birther blog is not proof. The court records or report from the court would suffice.

otherwise, you're as big a liar as the OP.

It's coming, dumbass. This just happened yesterday.

There are several links to the entire court hearing if you had enough fucking ambition to look for it, moron.

You're dumber'n a fucking brick. Pull your head out of obama's anal orifice shit for brains.
Judge Michael Malihi, who recently refused to quash the subpoena summoning Obama, never addressed the request. He cut off another lawyer when he began to complain that Obama’s no-show amounted to “contempt for the judicial branch.”
“I’m not interested in commentary on that, counselor,” Malihi quickly interjected during the hearing, which drew about 80 spectators and members of the media.
Obama’s name is on the November ballot, put there by the Democratic Party under standard practice. The challenges were filed last year with the Secretary of State’s office, which referred them to the State Office of Administrative Hearings. Malihi will now make a recommendation to Secretary of State Brian Kemp. Kemp’s decision can be appealed to a Fulton County judge.
On Thursday, lawyers raised two arguments for why Obama should not be on the ballot. One contended an 1875 Supreme Court opinion says only a “natural born citizen” -- someone born in the U.S. and whose parents were U.S. citizens -- can be president. (Obama’s father, who was from Kenya, was not a U.S. citizen.) The other alleged Obama’s birth, social security and passport records are forgeries.
California lawyer Orly Taitz, a leading proponent of challenges to Obama’s candidacy, made the latter argument. She turned and faced the gallery -- and the TV cameras -- during her opening statement, prompting Malihi to tell her: “Counsel, please address the court.”
During closing arguments, as Taitz began referring to documents that were not in evidence, Malihi pointedly asked, “Counsel, are you testifying?”
Taitz abruptly halted her arguments, took the witness stand and began testifying. Malihi soon cut her off.

what a circus.
Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLER, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

please... show us the default judgement. Show us proof Obama has been removed from the Ga ballot. And no, a post from a birther blog is not proof. The court records or report from the court would suffice.

otherwise, you're as big a liar as the OP.

It's coming, dumbass. This just happened yesterday.

There are several links to the entire court hearing if you had enough fucking ambition to look for it, moron.

You're dumber'n a fucking brick. Pull your head out of obama's anal orifice shit for brains.
It's his attempt to troll me.
Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLER, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

please... show us the default judgement. Show us proof Obama has been removed from the Ga ballot. And no, a post from a birther blog is not proof. The court records or report from the court would suffice.

otherwise, you're as big a liar as the OP.

It's coming, dumbass. This just happened yesterday.

There are several links to the entire court hearing if you had enough fucking ambition to look for it, moron.

You're dumber'n a fucking brick. Pull your head out of obama's anal orifice shit for brains.

My God, you are as stupid as bigfuckingnarcissist, aren't you? (rhetorical question, btw).

There WAS NO OPINION ENTERED BY THE JUDGE. If there was, there would be a record of it, dip-shit.

No Obama in court, no ‘birther' ruling  | ajc.com

A hearing on whether President Obama should be removed from the November ballot in Georgia ended Thursday without a ruling

A Georgia judge did not issue a ruling on a 'birther' challenge as to whether President Barack Obama can appear on the Georgia ballot.

Facts are your friends.. birther blogs are not.
There is nothing I would enjoy more than seeing Obama disqualified for office...........

But people believe me, if there were anything to this at all it would have been all over the news this morning. And it isn't there. Why? Because it's BS.........

Sorry, I call em like I see em..........
please... show us the default judgement. Show us proof Obama has been removed from the Ga ballot. And no, a post from a birther blog is not proof. The court records or report from the court would suffice.

otherwise, you're as big a liar as the OP.

It's coming, dumbass. This just happened yesterday.

There are several links to the entire court hearing if you had enough fucking ambition to look for it, moron.

You're dumber'n a fucking brick. Pull your head out of obama's anal orifice shit for brains.
It's his attempt to troll me.

still waiting for you to sue me for libel, you racist prick :rofl:
There is nothing I would enjoy more than seeing Obama disqualified for office...........

But people believe me, if there were anything to this at all it would have been all over the news this morning. And it isn't there. Why? Because it's BS.........

Sorry, I call em like I see em..........

Only time will tell Ollie this issue should have been finished long ago,... but maybe now it can be and we can move on.
No candidate is ever on the ballot other than who their electors will vote for.
ALL of the Democratic electors are on the ballot. Those are the folks who vote if the candidate gets more votes as we have an electoral college.
Sad that Americans do not know or even understand THE CONSTITUTION.
Since no one votes for the candidate in the general election for President which is an electoral vote Obama's name is on the ballot. No matter what.
Take a look at all of those electoral names under the candidate in the ballot box under Presidential candidate. It clearly states that is who you are voting for.
Whats wrong dog shit?
Why can't you respond?
When have I attacked anyone because of their race you piece of god damn dog shit?
How many god damn times do I have to keep repeating this, I have black relatives, not once have I ever attacked anyone here, or in the real world because of their race. and yes I have jumped on those who are racist here.Yet you call me a racist come on dog shit man up.

So dog shit are you going to blather more lies or are you going to answer this?
You say you don't support obama but you can support romney, Why is that? since romney and obama are mirror images of each other. It must be because obama is black.

Self control, bigreb, keeps the fear at bay.

Consider your language. Consider your values. You have much to make up and restitute in these matters of race and people.

Yes, you are a racist. You must deal with it.

Self control my ass nothing pisses me off more than some dog shit troll calling someone who is not nor has attack a person because of their race, a racist. It's insulting to my family and me when you falsely accuse me of being a racist. I will sue your ass for libel if you keep it up. And that is a promise not a threat.

I have saved all of your racist postings on this board for the day this threat would come.

You have to deal with the man in the mirror, son, not me.

If you can't handle the truth, this is not the place for you.
Yes it's official, the kenyan is OFF THE GEORGIA BALLER, PERIOD!

And yes there are plenty of Americans that know the difference between a "native born" citizen and a "natural born" citizen as defined by the constitution, and obama does NOT qualify as a "natural born" citizen, and you MUST be to be PRESIDENT.

You people BLINDLY dismissing this and defending obama as if he had a legal leg to stand on are absolutely off your ever lovin' rockers. You're acting as though the constitution means nothing and the obama media protection brain washing over you has been successful.

Get a clue.

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

please... show us the default judgement. Show us proof Obama has been removed from the Ga ballot. And no, a post from a birther blog is not proof. The court records or report from the court would suffice.

otherwise, you're as big a liar as the OP.

It's coming, dumbass. This just happened yesterday.

There are several links to the entire court hearing if you had enough fucking ambition to look for it, moron.

You're dumber'n a fucking brick. Pull your head out of obama's anal orifice shit for brains.

The only thing will happen is this: if GA is stupid enough to do this (an absolute violation of Obama's rights as an American citizen to be president, regardless of your nuttiness), the FEC will strip GA of its 15 electoral votes.

Self control, bigreb, keeps the fear at bay.

Consider your language. Consider your values. You have much to make up and restitute in these matters of race and people.

Yes, you are a racist. You must deal with it.

Self control my ass nothing pisses me off more than some dog shit troll calling someone who is not nor has attack a person because of their race, a racist. It's insulting to my family and me when you falsely accuse me of being a racist. I will sue your ass for libel if you keep it up. And that is a promise not a threat.

I have saved all of your racist postings on this board for the day this threat would come.

You have to deal with the man in the mirror, son, not me.

If you can't handle the truth, this is not the place for you.

If you have saved them produce them now., or Cease and Desist with your libel slander.
No candidate is ever on the ballot other than who their electors will vote for.
ALL of the Democratic electors are on the ballot. Those are the folks who vote if the candidate gets more votes as we have an electoral college.
Sad that Americans do not know or even understand THE CONSTITUTION.
Since no one votes for the candidate in the general election for President which is an electoral vote Obama's name is on the ballot. No matter what.

Nope,not on ballot.thankfully.
Self control my ass nothing pisses me off more than some dog shit troll calling someone who is not nor has attack a person because of their race, a racist. It's insulting to my family and me when you falsely accuse me of being a racist. I will sue your ass for libel if you keep it up. And that is a promise not a threat.

I have saved all of your racist postings on this board for the day this threat would come.

You have to deal with the man in the mirror, son, not me.

If you can't handle the truth, this is not the place for you.

If you have saved them produce them now., or Cease and Desist with your libel slander.

shut up and sue him, you racist prick :rofl:

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