Obama offers Admin. Fix for those who lost their Health Care


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
President Obama announced Thursday he would offer an administrative “fix” to a provision in the Affordable Care Act – or ObamaCare- that forces millions of Americans to lose their existing health…
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The Law must be changed by Congress and signed into law by Obama to insure that no one will lose their Health Care.
It don't buy into a administrative fix nor should Congress.
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Even democrats say this will not work at all or will make things worse. Even Howard Dean said it was unconstitutional.
He thinks he is a dictator.


When he is finally impeached, there will be NO question about the matter.

He will have shown he MORE than deserves it.

He will be impeached AND he will be removed from office.

The lying, conniving, wannabe tyrant in chief.
What a friggin mess this was before it became.....

A bigger friggin mess...
In reversal, Obama to allow canceled health plans | US National Headlines | Comcast

His personal and political credibility on the line, President Barack Obama reversed course Thursday and said millions of Americans should be allowed to renew individual coverage plans now ticketed for cancellation under the health care law that is likely to be at the heart of the 2014 elections.

Speaking of the millions of people whose coverage is being scrapped, Obama said, "What we want to do is to be able to say to these folks, you know what, the Affordable Care Act is not going to be the reason why insurers have to cancel your plan."

Obama: 'I Deeply Regret' Health Promise Flap

These Folks ? :lol::lol:
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I will find out one of two things: either my insurer will decide to cancel my plan anyway, or they will allow me to keep it and jack the rates.
In reversal, Obama to allow canceled health plans | US National Headlines | Comcast

His personal and political credibility on the line, President Barack Obama reversed course Thursday and said millions of Americans should be allowed to renew individual coverage plans now ticketed for cancellation under the health care law that is likely to be at the heart of the 2014 elections.

Speaking of the millions of people whose coverage is being scrapped, Obama said, "What we want to do is to be able to say to these folks, you know what, the Affordable Care Act is not going to be the reason why insurers have to cancel your plan."

Obama: 'I Deeply Regret' Health Promise Flap

These Folks ? :lol::lol:
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Should this change of "the law of the land" go for a vote in Congress or he's gonna change it on his own?
The insurers can't change things without risking lawsuits and complete bankruptcy. There is no path out of this mess that does not involve a large group of people getting screwed. All for what? All that was necessary was a direct subsidy of a few hundred billion to State high risk insurance pools. What a colossal clusterfarknado.
It's not that they lost their health care. It's that they lost shitty policies. The GOP loves shit. Look at all the shit they put the country through when they are in charge. Look at the shitholes their policies have left Red States.
It's not that they lost their health care. It's that they lost shitty policies. The GOP loves shit. Look at all the shit they put the country through when they are in charge. Look at the shitholes their policies have left Red States.

You are being disingenuous or misleading.

Or, you are only 22 years old or something and don't really appreciate just how smoothly things ran during Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

And for that matter, up until 9/11/01 things were kinda uneventful in GWB's first several months in office.

Are you going to blame 9/11 on W?

The president is not authorized to offer a "fix" to a bill he signed into law. With the cooperation of the liberal media, Americans have become the frog that has been slowly boiled to death without realizing it. We think the president has the power to order insurance companies to comply with non-legislated revisions to a freaking law because the liberal media supports a law that is impossible to follow. Fascism lives.
Technically the insurers don't have to change anything, No one's policy has actually been cancelled yet. Only letters of impending cancellation have been sent. That is the beauty of the whole thing,

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