Obama on Comedy Central

Many in this country haven't gotten past the fact Obama is black. They can't stand it. Facts are facts.
As a american retired business owner I confidently say that slave owning plantation owners were lazy scum. Using fear and torture to mistreat slaves so you didn't have to pay them....

Muhammad Ali was happy there had been slavery. I don't see too many american negroes headed back to africa, do you?

After his ‘Rumble in the Jungle,’ back in Sese Seko’s kooky Zaire, Muhammad Ali was famously asked “Champ, what did you think of Africa?” to which the Champ replied, “Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat.”
Let me see if I understand your reasoning. Because a majority of professional football players are black, that means the legacies of slavery, Jim Crow, colonialism, and racism are overcome? The bar is representation in professional football?
Absolutely, a whole nation of white people rooting for a whole team of black people, should say something.

Sure, it says something....but what it says is not "racism is over."

Race relations in this country are better than when professional sports teams were all white. That white sports fans cheer a team which is majority black does not mean those fans cannot be racist, however. If you honestly think that it does, you might want to reassess what you think about racism and sports fans. ;)

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