Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"



The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Big Pussy has a very short memory, or thinks OTHERS take his BS as fact!

Ronald Reagan, In April 1986 , US fighter-bombers bombed Tripoli and hit Qaddafi's house!!!!..... after that Qaddafi GAVE UP his nuclear IDEAS!!!

Another "F" for Swallow!
NINE fucking days after Foley's death, for this POS that you fucking subversive love to make THIS EMBARRASSING STATEMENT TO THE WORLD!



The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Big Pussy has a very short memory, or thinks OTHERS take his BS as fact!

Ronald Reagan, In April 1986 , US fighter-bombers bombed Tripoli and hit Qaddafi's house!!!!..... after that Qaddafi GAVE UP his nuclear IDEAS!!!

Another "F" for Swallow!
Show us a link for that dumb claim about Qaddafi giving up on nukes and any other kind of WMD in 1986 or any time during the Reagan administration. I think you can't. I know you can't. Only thing Reagan's strike did was kill Qaddafi's infant daughter and cause him to make a vow to the Arab world that America and the US would pay in blood vengeance for the killing of daughter.
Now go find that link and back your claim up.


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Big Pussy has a very short memory, or thinks OTHERS take his BS as fact!

Ronald Reagan, In April 1986 , US fighter-bombers bombed Tripoli and hit Qaddafi's house!!!!..... after that Qaddafi GAVE UP his nuclear IDEAS!!!

Another "F" for Swallow!
Show us a link for that dumb claim about Qaddafi giving up on nukes and any other kind of WMD in 1986 or any time during the Reagan administration. I think you can't. I know you can't. Only thing Reagan's strike did was kill Qaddafi's infant daughter and cause him to make a vow to the Arab world that America and the US would pay in blood vengeance for the killing of daughter.
Now go find that link and back your claim up.

You know, you're right, my mistake! Reagan's actions were the start of Gadhafi's downfall!
Last edited:


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Big Pussy has a very short memory, or thinks OTHERS take his BS as fact!

Ronald Reagan, In April 1986 , US fighter-bombers bombed Tripoli and hit Qaddafi's house!!!!..... after that Qaddafi GAVE UP his nuclear IDEAS!!!

Another "F" for Swallow!
Show us a link for that dumb claim about Qaddafi giving up on nukes and any other kind of WMD in 1986 or any time during the Reagan administration. I think you can't. I know you can't. Only thing Reagan's strike did was kill Qaddafi's infant daughter and cause him to make a vow to the Arab world that America and the US would pay in blood vengeance for the killing of daughter.
Now go find that link and back your claim up.

Here asswipe, are 365,000 LINKS to that FACT! I see you're a product of PROG EDUCATION!

reagan bombs gaddafi gave up nuclear bombs - Bing

Are you really this stupid. Ya, I guess you are.
Everyone's surprised by ISIS and Putin except Pub propagandists and loudmouth brainwashed hater dupe armchair generals. Thanks for the world depression that led to all this while you're at it, as well as the stupidest wars ever, ya fecking morons.

How stupid do you have to be to blame the Russians invading the Ukraine on a recession that ended six years ago?

That's dumb even for you, Franco! :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:
Another group of officials -- led by White House and National Security staffers but also including some intelligence and military officials -- favored a more cautious approach that spurned any cooperation with the Free Syrian Army and focused strikes inside Syria on targets near the Iraqi border. The objective: cut off ISIS supply lines to Iraq. That strategy would fall more squarely within the existing limited missions that Obama has already outlined for his war.

That Cautious Approach is not going to do us any good with ISIS already in Juarez. Obama's Open Border policy is looking Stupider and Stupider (not that there was anything really intelligent about it in the first place).

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago....

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border - Judicial Watch


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Big Pussy has a very short memory, or thinks OTHERS take his BS as fact!

Ronald Reagan, In April 1986 , US fighter-bombers bombed Tripoli and hit Qaddafi's house!!!!..... after that Qaddafi GAVE UP his nuclear IDEAS!!!

Another "F" for Swallow!
Show us a link for that dumb claim about Qaddafi giving up on nukes and any other kind of WMD in 1986 or any time during the Reagan administration. I think you can't. I know you can't. Only thing Reagan's strike did was kill Qaddafi's infant daughter and cause him to make a vow to the Arab world that America and the US would pay in blood vengeance for the killing of daughter.
Now go find that link and back your claim up.

Here asswipe, are 365,000 LINKS to that FACT! I see you're a product of PROG EDUCATION!

reagan bombs gaddafi gave up nuclear bombs - Bing

Are you really this stupid. Ya, I guess you are.

Yeah, I was thinking of BUSH that did in Gadhafi!
Stupid ****....in the context of the 9-11 era, Benghazi attacks, Boko Haram attacks???

Yeah...Islamic terrorism just snuck up on Obama, must be Buuuuuuuuuush's fault...eh ****?

So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Your grasp of factoids is grossly questionable, and, as it happens, besides the point.

It is unmistakable that Obama initiated a trans-Arab gun running business when he deposed Qaddafi.

Now ... he is living with the consequences.

I hate Obama. However, he is in a no win situation.
We can't send the army to Uganda, Afghanistan, N Korea, Syria, and Iraq at the same time. We have to pick and choose our battles. If we bomb them the left will complain about innocent casualties. If we don't the right will complain about us doing nothing. There is no right answer.

Obama is screwed.

Obama needs to learn that both our allies and our enemies constantly watch us to gauge how they should proceed with their own strategies. He appears to be taken completely off guard by the actions of ISIS and the Russians, not grasping that there are serious repercussions when a superpower pulls back it's influence...that the ensuing power vacuum is always filled by someone. Obama has always had a world view that the US interferes in the affairs of others too often and that we should learn to keep our noses out of things. Well that's a nice thought, if not for the total naivete of believing that others (such as the Russians and ISIS) will be not be emboldened if they think we've decided to no longer be a force for Democracy around the world.
Repercussions take place beyond the 24hr news cycle. That's why he doesnt know or care about them. He's all about what looks good right now.
The weakest most vacillating president ever, always wanting the easy way out, never making a tough call.


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.
I sometimes forget some of the details about all the terrorist attacks and slaughtered Americans during those Reagan years.
Reagan was a monumental failure on all fronts.

He traded weapons for hostages with a known enemy of the United States and broke the law.
He gave funding to the contras who ran cocaine and organized into death squads, one of which raped, mutilated and killed three American Nuns.
He gave weapons to the Iraqis to attack Iran which killed hundreds of thousands of people.
He supported the Muj in Afghanistan where upon one of it's leaders, Osama Bin Laden, used the training and funding to commit one of the worst acts of terrorism in United States history. And during the administration of his vice President's son.
He cratered the economy several times and shot the debt and deficit through the roof.
He squashed regulations and broke unions causing wave stagnation and boom/bust economic conditions.
He sent 241 marines into Lebanon for no clear reason to get blown to bits.

And that is the short list.

He was an awful man, and an awful President.


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.

Your grasp of factoids is grossly questionable, and, as it happens, besides the point.

It is unmistakable that Obama initiated a trans-Arab gun running business when he deposed Qaddafi.

Now ... he is living with the consequences.




That's fucking laughable.

The one thing the middle east has never lacked is guns.


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.
I sometimes forget some of the details about all the terrorist attacks and slaughtered Americans during those Reagan years.
Reagan was a monumental failure on all fronts.

He traded weapons for hostages with a known enemy of the United States and broke the law.
He gave funding to the contras who ran cocaine and organized into death squads, one of which raped, mutilated and killed three American Nuns.
He gave weapons to the Iraqis to attack Iran which killed hundreds of thousands of people.
He supported the Muj in Afghanistan where upon one of it's leaders, Osama Bin Laden, used the training and funding to commit one of the worst acts of terrorism in United States history. And during the administration of his vice President's son.
He cratered the economy several times and shot the debt and deficit through the roof.
He squashed regulations and broke unions causing wave stagnation and boom/bust economic conditions.
He sent 241 marines into Lebanon for no clear reason to get blown to bits.

And that is the short list.

He was an awful man, and an awful President.

Let's see, Big Pussy... didn't the Manchurian muslim TRADE 5 of the WORST TERRORIST for ONE DESERTER?

Obuma's SUPPLIED the SYRIAN REBELS (known as ISIS, ISIL, and such) with weapons.....Obama Authorizes Sending Weapons To Syrian Rebels

The obomanation has created more DEBT than all other presidents before him...Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined CNS News

Shall I continue?

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