Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"



The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

There may be up to 100 American citizens that have joined ISIS. Need I remind some of you conservatives how much you ranted about it being a crime for the President to kill such people without due process?

But they support it now....and oppose it now. So yeah

Oh yeah, you're from the Jake Starkey school of unsupported assertions.

Proof? Of what? That a mob of USMB RWnuts were calling it criminal that Obama killed some Americans who had joined up with al Qaeda?

Quit pretending you've forgotten.
No, idiot, that the same people want the US to target Americans fighting for ISIS.

Oh. So you want them to get Due Process while fighting to destroy America, eh?

Good on you.

Maybe you should go over and represent them.

Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.
Oh . I thought the boss sets the strategy and the military develops plans to implement the strategy... You better tell the Press Secretary...one confused mofo!
The boss tells everyone what he wants and puts experts in positions to carry it out. Problem is Obama picks his people for political reasons, not expertise. They are afraid to act, so not acting is the best option. Russia bailed him out with Syria. He's hoping for the same here.

He also doesn't have a decent suit either.


Indeed. Moochele must have dressed him. Jesus, talk about an "empty suit"......
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.
Oh . I thought the boss sets the strategy and the military develops plans to implement the strategy... You better tell the Press Secretary...one confused mofo!
At least he's earnest....


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.
The boss tells everyone what he wants and puts experts in positions to carry it out. Problem is Obama picks his people for political reasons, not expertise. They are afraid to act, so not acting is the best option. Russia bailed him out with Syria. He's hoping for the same here.

Obama's strategy seems to be bombing the crap out of ISIL and letting the locals mop up.

What would you do differently?


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.

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The boss tells everyone what he wants and puts experts in positions to carry it out. Problem is Obama picks his people for political reasons, not expertise. They are afraid to act, so not acting is the best option. Russia bailed him out with Syria. He's hoping for the same here.

Obama's strategy seems to be bombing the crap out of ISIL and letting the locals mop up.

What would you do differently?
Cut the head off of every asshole in GITMO.
Oblama is bombing ISIS and arming factions against ISIS, as far a s Syria, it's a complicated matter,,Bombing alone won't do the job, is Syria going to work with the US and are we going to use the strategy of combined arms to beat Isis. It takes time to work these matters out...I would not tell my enemies my plans...
I thought that Syria allies were Russia, Iran and China so with that in mind, why is the US going to do Syria's dirty work for them. Shouldn't Syria allies: Russia, Iran and China be doing the bombing of ISIS in Syria?

Exactly...They only want to play on Anti-American feelings, and earn their money dupping a nation.
I hate Obama. However, he is in a no win situation.
We can't send the army to Uganda, Afghanistan, N Korea, Syria, and Iraq at the same time. We have to pick and choose our battles. If we bomb them the left will complain about innocent casualties. If we don't the right will complain about us doing nothing. There is no right answer.

Obama is screwed.
There is no winning? What the fuck is this? A beauty pageant?
Is shouldn't matter what the left or right thinks. What should matter is doing the right thing regardless. That's what LEADERS do.

Obama is no leader

Neither are you...


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Hardly. That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons.


It should have been. The fucker blew a plane full of Americans out of the sky. Reagan didn't have the balls to respond and Bush 41 pushed it off to the side and forgot about it. Mr. Mom pants destroyed him, or at least made his destruction possible. Justice may have been delayed but the guy who planned the Lockerbie attack is done and dead.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.

"The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy."

Wow, was THAT a pile of grade A horse manure! Does the term "double-speak" mean anything to you?

Buy a copy of Strunk & White and read up on clear and concise writing!
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.

"The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy."

Wow, was THAT a pile of grade A horse manure! Does the term "double-speak" mean anything to you?

Buy a copy of Strunk & White and read up on clear and concise writing!
Did I leave something unsaid? How about, the military are conducting air strikes on ISI forces to gain back Kurd territory and keep them from gaining more. While they do that they are flying drones over both Iraq and Syria to see where the enemy is hanging out. As they do this they are selecting possible targets to bomb sometime in the near future. Is that better.
I hate Obama. However, he is in a no win situation.
We can't send the army to Uganda, Afghanistan, N Korea, Syria, and Iraq at the same time. We have to pick and choose our battles. If we bomb them the left will complain about innocent casualties. If we don't the right will complain about us doing nothing. There is no right answer.

Obama is screwed.

Obama needs to learn that both our allies and our enemies constantly watch us to gauge how they should proceed with their own strategies. He appears to be taken completely off guard by the actions of ISIS and the Russians, not grasping that there are serious repercussions when a superpower pulls back it's influence...that the ensuing power vacuum is always filled by someone. Obama has always had a world view that the US interferes in the affairs of others too often and that we should learn to keep our noses out of things. Well that's a nice thought, if not for the total naivete of believing that others (such as the Russians and ISIS) will be not be emboldened if they think we've decided to no longer be a force for Democracy around the world.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.

"The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy."

Wow, was THAT a pile of grade A horse manure! Does the term "double-speak" mean anything to you?

Buy a copy of Strunk & White and read up on clear and concise writing!
Did I leave something unsaid? How about, the military are conducting air strikes on ISI forces to gain back Kurd territory and keep them from gaining more. While they do that they are flying drones over both Iraq and Syria to see where the enemy is hanging out. As they do this they are selecting possible targets to bomb sometime in the near future. Is that better.

Sorry to bust your chops, Camp...but you've got to admit that if that first post was any more "flowery" it would have needed watering and fertilizer!:lame2:
Everyone's surprised by ISIS and Putin except Pub propagandists and loudmouth brainwashed hater dupe armchair generals. Thanks for the world depression that led to all this while you're at it, as well as the stupidest wars ever, ya fecking morons.


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.
The boss tells everyone what he wants and puts experts in positions to carry it out. Problem is Obama picks his people for political reasons, not expertise. They are afraid to act, so not acting is the best option. Russia bailed him out with Syria. He's hoping for the same here.

Obama's strategy seems to be bombing the crap out of ISIL and letting the locals mop up.

What would you do differently?
Cut the head off of every asshole in GITMO.

Oh yeah..that's smart.

That'll learn 'em.

You betcha!


The sad truth is that once Obama bombed Libya and deposed Qaddafi, letting loose a massive weapons arsenal into the Arab world....shit was bound to happen.

Ya, like there weren't already a few massive weapons arsonals already all over the Arab world.

Conservatives seem to forget all about Lockerbie.

Gotta love it.

The response to Lockerbie was to depose Qaddafi?

Try the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing....paybacks

That was Reagan, not Mr. Mom pants. Reagan would have kept control of the weapons if he were deposing Qaddafi.


You seem to forget the sequence of events.

German disco bombed.
Reagan "retaliates" by bombing Tripoli.
Gaddafi retaliates by bombing a plane full of Americans over Lockerbie.
Reagan puts his tail between his legs.


GW makes a deal with Gaddafi, the known author of Lockerbie to payout some blood money so he could sell oil again.


Obama backs rebels that off Gaddafi. Done.
I sometimes forget some of the details about all the terrorist attacks and slaughtered Americans during those Reagan years.

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