Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

The right wants a hot head prez who acts without thinking. Congress is, as usual, on vacation. Even if congress was in session, the Rs would refuse to do anything.

Barack Obama suffers from an acute case of "paralysis through analysis". He's always hated to make tough calls...especially ones that might alienate his base. There is little question that action needs to be taken against ISIS but Barry can't bring himself to pull the trigger.

Being a "leader" is hard...what Barack Obama is trying to do is to "lead from behind" again. That might work if he were the President of some minor country but is a recipe for disaster when you're the President of the United States.
Obama's policies are run by opinion polls in a 24hr news cycle. When there was outrage over the Yazidis getting slaughtered he responded by bombing ISIS. Min casualties to us, lots of impact on them. It was a success so there were calls for more bombing. He announced plans to expand the bombing. Now he's getting push back from the Dems who arent interested in expanding the war so he's put his plans on Hold. This is exactly the same way he handled Assad: promising to do one thing that polled well and then pulling back when its popularity waned.

How do you run a foreign policy based on the principle of "whatever's hot today"? You can't.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
Distinction without a difference.
Obama has no plan. He has no principle to guide him. He has nothing. The most failed foreign policy ever.
The idiot in chief has no problem lying to the American people, repeatedly, but can't even make up some bullshit to at least give the bad guys something to think about rather than admitting to them we don't know what we're doing.

What a pathetic feckless loser.
How does anyone know there is no plan? His speeches are pretty much just theatrics, nothing more. In fact, im pretty sure he has a pretty good idea of what we might be doing or at least narrowed down to a couple options. We've completed over 100 airstrikes on these guys in iraq already, what exactly do you guys want? Whats the point in telling the entire world including ISIS themselves how he plans to kill them? Any other time you guys would call him a liar, but now you're taking him at his word?
"Before getting into the strategy, though, there seems [to be] a fundamental, existential question: Is the United States presently at war with ISIS — yes or no?" MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked President Barack Obama's top spokesman, White House press secretary Josh Earnest, on Thursday.

Earnest went with "no."

"No, Chris. What we are doing is we are working very aggressively with international partners, with Iraqi and Kurdish security forces, to take the steps necessary to mitigate the threat that's posed by ISIL," he responded.

Read more: White House Not At War With ISIS - Business Insider
In other words they're waiting to see what everyone else does first.

Obama feels we shouldn't lead regardless the costs.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
How does anyone know there is no plan? His speeches are pretty much just theatrics, nothing more. In fact, im pretty sure he has a pretty good idea of what we might be doing or at least narrowed down to a couple options. We've completed over 100 airstrikes on these guys in iraq already, what exactly do you guys want? Whats the point in telling the entire world including ISIS themselves how he plans to kill them? Any other time you guys would call him a liar, but now you're taking him at his word?

He tells the world he has no plans.....meaning he's too timid and too disengaged to think of something better to say. He shouldn't have said anything.
How does anyone know there is no plan? His speeches are pretty much just theatrics, nothing more. In fact, im pretty sure he has a pretty good idea of what we might be doing or at least narrowed down to a couple options. We've completed over 100 airstrikes on these guys in iraq already, what exactly do you guys want? Whats the point in telling the entire world including ISIS themselves how he plans to kill them? Any other time you guys would call him a liar, but now you're taking him at his word?
You have a good idea because you talk to Obama every day?
Please. He has telegraphed intentions everywhere else. He announced a date certain to pull out of Afghanistan. He threatened a red line to Assad, then announced he hadn't. Youre giving him credit for a cleverness he absolutely lacks.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.
Oh . I thought the boss sets the strategy and the military develops plans to implement the strategy... You better tell the Press Secretary...one confused mofo!
DoD, CIA, and State have options on the table for the President. Now, when will he choose one and what will it be...no one knows. Obama wavered and waffled on Syria back in 2013 so we know he is very cautious and methodical. While he has been golfing I'm sure they have been working on these plans. As a professional politician he will figure a way to throw this to Dem's in mid-terms to try to help them. Will make the strikes part of some kind of vote or something so embattled Dem incumbents can look "tough" on terrorism.

Actually he didn't. The President drew up plans for airstrikes and congress said, "Not without our approval". Then congress did nothing.

As they've essentially done since 2010.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.


I found this nice young lady to explain the difference between a plan and a strategy.
I get it now...Obabble has no strategy...so the military has no plans. That is comforting.
The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy. IS is a fluid army and it's capabilities and weakness's are not clearly defined, nor are projected analysis of the Sunni tribes reactions to the punishing air strikes being conducted against IS. They tasted those things a few years ago and may not want to stay allied with IS.
Oh . I thought the boss sets the strategy and the military develops plans to implement the strategy... You better tell the Press Secretary...one confused mofo!

You are right about that.

But the generals/intelligence have a great deal of input.
That whole red line argument was dumb, his words were completely twisted. He said there has been a red line in the past created by NATO but everyone translated it into 'dont you dare cross my red line' as if it was a threat and he drew the line himself. It was a rule created by NATO a couple decades ago. Not obama pulling red lines out of his ass. It was the media making a story out of nothing.

Do you think all of our intelligence professionals are just sitting around with their thumbs up their ass right now? Maybe Obama wants to get the full picture before he makes a decision. You dont just pull a plan out of thin air. Theyre probably going to launch air strikes on syria just like iraq...probably just havent made a final decision on how they will handle dealing with assad. There isn't simply 'no' plan, despite what he says.
Obama lies about there being "no plan." He ignores what the DoD gives him....I know since I helped build one of those plans for a certain country over 2 years ago....
I hate Obama. However, he is in a no win situation.
We can't send the army to Uganda, Afghanistan, N Korea, Syria, and Iraq at the same time. We have to pick and choose our battles. If we bomb them the left will complain about innocent casualties. If we don't the right will complain about us doing nothing. There is no right answer.

Obama is screwed.
I hate Obama. However, he is in a no win situation.
We can't send the army to Uganda, Afghanistan, N Korea, Syria, and Iraq at the same time. We have to pick and choose our battles. If we bomb them the left will complain about innocent casualties. If we don't the right will complain about us doing nothing. There is no right answer.

Obama is screwed.
That's why I say nuke one of them...and then ask who wants to be next...
Oblama is bombing ISIS and arming factions against ISIS, as far a s Syria, it's a complicated matter,,Bombing alone won't do the job, is Syria going to work with the US and are we going to use the strategy of combined arms to beat Isis. It takes time to work these matters out...I would not tell my enemies my plans...

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