Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

Great Britain and some other allies are in immediate threat postures. A terrorist attack could occur at any time. Last time I was in LHR I felt like I was in Heathastan. Could be we need to coordinate with our partners.
So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?

No need to. It was poor politics any way you look at it because Obama should have known the right wouldn't pass up the chance to snatch up such an opportune soundbite. Not to mention the statement giving comfort to the terrorists... "oh good, they still have their heads up their collective western asses" ... terrorist propaganda tool, much? Duh.

As I stated before, no announcement at all would have been better than that tripe.
So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?
Words in context, you jest. I argued all morning about just two worlds. Plan and strategy. They insist the two words mean exactly the same thing. This is really just another bash Obama thread. Facts and words in or out of context don't matter.
It's funny to think we'd all forget that Ronnie (The Rapist) Reagan got 241 Marines killed and shot a round of golf a day later.

Give it up.

Deep down inside you know that Reagan isn't president anymore and all the dying is being occasioned by the weak, strategy-less, apologize-for-fun-and-profit New Messiah.

The first step in overcoming your problem is to admit that you have a problem.
Contrast Obama's feckless lack of strategy with Cameron's comments this morning. Britain is stepping into the void that Obama has left open, but it's really too late to prevent this escalating into a WWIII.

ISIS has already declared it.
So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?

No need to. It was poor politics any way you look at it because Obama should have known the right wouldn't pass up the chance to snatch up such an opportune soundbite. Not to mention the statement giving comfort to the terrorists... "oh good, they still have their heads up their collective western asses" ... terrorist propaganda tool, much? Duh.

As I stated before, no announcement at all would have been better than that tripe.

The fact that you are willing to admit that your primary concern is how his words play politically doesn't make it any less vile.

He's not rushing into any dopey military commitment....he is being deliberate. His choice of words was not politically savvy. Who fucking cares. What he is doing is correct.
Mmmn...islamofascists jihadists a threat since 1979...who knew ???

It's time to deliberate on an action plan...

Gee, what to do ??? Lmfao
So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?
Words in context, you jest. I argued all morning about just two worlds. Plan and strategy. They insist the two words mean exactly the same thing. This is really just another bash Obama thread. Facts and words in or out of context don't matter.
I proved they mean the same thing. Officially.

Shit and feces still mean the same thing.
Oblama is bombing ISIS and arming factions against ISIS, as far a s Syria, it's a complicated matter,,Bombing alone won't do the job, is Syria going to work with the US and are we going to use the strategy of combined arms to beat Isis. It takes time to work these matters out...I would not tell my enemies my plans...
I thought that Syria allies were Russia, Iran and China so with that in mind, why is the US going to do Syria's dirty work for them. Shouldn't Syria allies: Russia, Iran and China be doing the bombing of ISIS in Syria?
So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?
Words in context, you jest. I argued all morning about just two worlds. Plan and strategy. They insist the two words mean exactly the same thing. This is really just another bash Obama thread. Facts and words in or out of context don't matter.
I proved they mean the same thing. Officially.

Shit and feces still mean the same thing. You want to call it fertilizer. It's still shit.
So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?
Words in context, you jest. I argued all morning about just two worlds. Plan and strategy. They insist the two words mean exactly the same thing. This is really just another bash Obama thread. Facts and words in or out of context don't matter.
I proved they mean the same thing. Officially.

Shit and feces still mean the same thing.
Well someone needs to tell this lady what you have to say because she is teaching business students and seminars something different.

That's why I say nuke one of them...and then ask who wants to be next...

Another pointless, useless, ignorant comment from deltex1. That is why it is good that no one in their right mind would listen to anything deltex1 has to say.
Why Obama Backed Off More ISIS Strikes: His Own Team Couldn’t Agree on a Syria Strategy
Why Obama Backed Off More ISIS Strikes His Own Team Couldn t Agree on a Syria Strategy - The Daily Beast
From your link. "National Security staffers but also including some intelligence and military officials -- favored a more cautious approach that spurned any cooperation with the Free Syrian Army and focused strikes inside Syria on targets near the Iraqi border. The objective: cut off ISIS supply lines to Iraq."

Another group of officials -- led by White House and National Security staffers but also including some intelligence and military officials -- favored a more cautious approach that spurned any cooperation with the Free Syrian Army and focused strikes inside Syria on targets near the Iraqi border. The objective: cut off ISIS supply lines to Iraq. That strategy would fall more squarely within the existing limited missions that Obama has already outlined for his war.

Inside the intelligence community, there is a dispute about whether the Free Syrian Army, which has been fighting ISIS in Syria all yearwith little international support,can be a reliable partner for any military mission inside Syria.

Senior U.S. intelligence officials say the official assessment from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence recommended against working with the Free Syrian Army. "The intelligence community assessment has no serious consideration to work with the Free Syrian Army to date," a senior U.S. intelligence official said. "The folks sitting around the table today do not think we can work with them."

The action on the ground in Syria cannot be American troops.

Americans in their right minds wouid be demanding that ground forces from nations in the area be sent in with a combat plan to be coordinated with US air power.

But instead we have foolish Americans who scream bomb now and have a plan later. Like invade Iraq when there was no war and worry about the plan later when a war has been created.

Total fools they are.

Obama looks to be on the best path by focusing on Iraq where ground troops are available and the new government there gets set up to have and develop a clear strategy and then execute it.

The war against ISIS in Syria needs Arab nations in the region to step up and fight these barbarians themselves on the ground. We can't fight their wars for them or conduct a war absolutely only from 5000 feet off the ground and higher. Intelligent Americans would see the need to back Obama's call for leaders in the region to develop and commit forces and resources to an all out assault on IS terrorists positions and assets.
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So....have we had any USMB nutters take the time to discuss the words in context yet?
Words in context, you jest. I argued all morning about just two worlds. Plan and strategy. They insist the two words mean exactly the same thing. This is really just another bash Obama thread. Facts and words in or out of context don't matter.
I proved they mean the same thing. Officially.

Shit and feces still mean the same thing.
Well someone needs to tell this lady what you have to say because she is teaching business students and seminars something different.

I'll look at it later.
That whole red line argument was dumb, his words were completely twisted. He said there has been a red line in the past created by NATO but everyone translated it into 'dont you dare cross my red line' as if it was a threat and he drew the line himself. It was a rule created by NATO a couple decades ago. Not obama pulling red lines out of his ass. It was the media making a story out of nothing.

Do you think all of our intelligence professionals are just sitting around with their thumbs up their ass right now? Maybe Obama wants to get the full picture before he makes a decision. You dont just pull a plan out of thin air. Theyre probably going to launch air strikes on syria just like iraq...probably just havent made a final decision on how they will handle dealing with assad. There isn't simply 'no' plan, despite what he says.
Just stop. You're gonna make yourself so dizzy you may lose your lunch.
That's why I say nuke one of them...and then ask who wants to be next...

Another pointless, useless, ignorant comment from deltex1. That is why it is good that no one in their right mind would listen to anything deltex1 has to say.
Yo foo...go to my "okay children...get in your groups" thread...no one seems to understand it...but I know you will.
I hate Obama. However, he is in a no win situation.
We can't send the army to Uganda, Afghanistan, N Korea, Syria, and Iraq at the same time. We have to pick and choose our battles. If we bomb them the left will complain about innocent casualties. If we don't the right will complain about us doing nothing. There is no right answer.

Obama is screwed.
There is no winning? What the fuck is this? A beauty pageant?
Is shouldn't matter what the left or right thinks. What should matter is doing the right thing regardless. That's what LEADERS do.

Obama is no leader

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