Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

Not a surprise since you've been doing nothing but playing golf. Oh and tomorrow you have another fundraiser. That is definitely a priority over forming a plan against the biggest threat since 9/11. Your grnerals words btw.

What a fucking loser
Explain what he should be doing. I did.

Leading for behind Or leading a coalition of one US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Well asswipe, he certainly should NOT being doing this, especially IN FRONT of the WORLD AUDIENCE!!! I BET you don't GET THIS either...LOW 2 digit IQ'd subversive!

Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.

Now you're getting obtuse.

plan [ plan ]
Main Entry: plan
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: scheme, design, way of doing things
Synonyms: aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning, means, method, orderliness, outline, pattern, picture, platform, plot, policy, procedure, program, project, projection, proposal, proposition, purpose, scenario, stratagem, strategy, suggestion, system, tactics, treatment, trick, undertaking
No I'm not. Plans are what you use to accomplish an overall strategy. Really, a list of synonyms? Like a plan is the same as a suggestion or trick?
Strategy is what you want to do and a plan is how to do it. That statement is probably plagiarism, but I don't know where I got it.
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Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
Are you daft? A plan & a strategy are the same damn thing.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?

With all due respect, Camp...isn't it the President's JOB to propose policy and then take that to the Congress?

If he doesn't have a policy on ISIS in Syria then don't you think it would be crucial to come up with one? Surely it's more important than attending a wedding of the White House Chef and a couple fund raisers? I'm sorry but those are things that you do AFTER you take care of the business of being President!
Not a surprise since you've been doing nothing but playing golf. Oh and tomorrow you have another fundraiser. That is definitely a priority over forming a plan against the biggest threat since 9/11. Your grnerals words btw.

What a fucking loser
So...you want this kind of stuff announced to the world, eh?

I posted some of the rest of his statement yesterday; DoD is involved, and there will be no campaign commercial as part of the US CONTINUING response.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.

Now you're getting obtuse.

plan [ plan ]
Main Entry: plan
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: scheme, design, way of doing things
Synonyms: aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning, means, method, orderliness, outline, pattern, picture, platform, plot, policy, procedure, program, project, projection, proposal, proposition, purpose, scenario, stratagem, strategy, suggestion, system, tactics, treatment, trick, undertaking
No I'm not. Plans are what you use to accomplish an overall strategy. Really, a list of synonyms? Like a plan is the same as a suggestion or trick?
Strategy is what you want to do and a plan is how to do it. That statement is probably plagiarism, but I don't know where I got it.
Even when I cut and paste directly from the thesaurus you try to dance around it.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?

With all due respect, Camp...isn't it the President's JOB to propose policy and then take that to the Congress?

If he doesn't have a policy on ISIS in Syria then don't you think it would be crucial to come up with one? Surely it's more important than attending a wedding of the White House Chef and a couple fund raisers? I'm sorry but those are things that you do AFTER you take care of the business of being President!
Of course it is his job to propose a strategy and policy, but he explained that those were works in progress and still being developed. The Congress is not here to confer with and the players in the mix and in the area have not shown their cards. It is reasonable and wise to not jump to fast and to watch how the situation develops. Their seems to be a strategy developing all on it's own as we watch how the various players react on the battlefield and the impact of selective bombing has on the enemy and the enemies supporters.
I really think criticism of the President's golfing and schedule is nothing more than a lame kind of whiny form of bashing.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
Yeah that's it. He's putting ISIS on "double secret probation".
When you do not have something intelligent to say, stupid will do?
You think Obama has a secret plan and you call me stupid? Obama has no plan. Obama has no clue. Obama has no foreign policy principles other than "Dont do stupid shit", which is as sophomoric as it sounds. Our enemis are howling with laughter.
I had a dream last night. Obabble standing on a fire truck at ground zero...fire captain standing beside him...bull horn in his hand...and with excellent elocution he says! " we don't have a strategy to respond to this attack yet".
And he hits a frozen rope over the leftfield wall.......a Grand slam homer.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?

With all due respect, Camp...isn't it the President's JOB to propose policy and then take that to the Congress?

If he doesn't have a policy on ISIS in Syria then don't you think it would be crucial to come up with one? Surely it's more important than attending a wedding of the White House Chef and a couple fund raisers? I'm sorry but those are things that you do AFTER you take care of the business of being President!
Of course it is his job to propose a strategy and policy, but he explained that those were works in progress and still being developed. The Congress is not here to confer with and the players in the mix and in the area have not shown their cards. It is reasonable and wise to not jump to fast and to watch how the situation develops. Their seems to be a strategy developing all on it's own as we watch how the various players react on the battlefield and the impact of selective bombing has on the enemy and the enemies supporters.
I really think criticism of the President's golfing and schedule is nothing more than a lame kind of whiny form of bashing.

Usually a good leader has a plan already in place, since this has been going on for quite some time. Instead Obama is in purely reactive mode and no strategy so to speak.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?

With all due respect, Camp...isn't it the President's JOB to propose policy and then take that to the Congress?

If he doesn't have a policy on ISIS in Syria then don't you think it would be crucial to come up with one? Surely it's more important than attending a wedding of the White House Chef and a couple fund raisers? I'm sorry but those are things that you do AFTER you take care of the business of being President!
Of course it is his job to propose a strategy and policy, but he explained that those were works in progress and still being developed. The Congress is not here to confer with and the players in the mix and in the area have not shown their cards. It is reasonable and wise to not jump to fast and to watch how the situation develops. Their seems to be a strategy developing all on it's own as we watch how the various players react on the battlefield and the impact of selective bombing has on the enemy and the enemies supporters.
I really think criticism of the President's golfing and schedule is nothing more than a lame kind of whiny form of bashing.

How do you post with Obuma's dick in your mouth, and his SUPPOSED BALLS lying on your eyes? Can you make up any more LAME EXCUSES for this PATHETIC LITTLE COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that delegates ALL DECISIONS, whether important or not To Valeria Jarrett, the MOOCH, and a few other Commie bastards and MUSLIM sycophants that inhabit his inner circle?
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.

Now you're getting obtuse.

plan [ plan ]
Main Entry: plan
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: scheme, design, way of doing things
Synonyms: aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning, means, method, orderliness, outline, pattern, picture, platform, plot, policy, procedure, program, project, projection, proposal, proposition, purpose, scenario, stratagem, strategy, suggestion, system, tactics, treatment, trick, undertaking
No I'm not. Plans are what you use to accomplish an overall strategy. Really, a list of synonyms? Like a plan is the same as a suggestion or trick?
Strategy is what you want to do and a plan is how to do it. That statement is probably plagiarism, but I don't know where I got it.
Even when I cut and paste directly from the thesaurus you try to dance around it.
Do you know the difference between tactic and strategy? Look at you definition. It says scheme, design, way of doing things. You scheme and design as a way of doing things to implement a strategy.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.

Now you're getting obtuse.

plan [ plan ]
Main Entry: plan
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: scheme, design, way of doing things
Synonyms: aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning, means, method, orderliness, outline, pattern, picture, platform, plot, policy, procedure, program, project, projection, proposal, proposition, purpose, scenario, stratagem, strategy, suggestion, system, tactics, treatment, trick, undertaking
No I'm not. Plans are what you use to accomplish an overall strategy. Really, a list of synonyms? Like a plan is the same as a suggestion or trick?
Strategy is what you want to do and a plan is how to do it. That statement is probably plagiarism, but I don't know where I got it.
Even when I cut and paste directly from the thesaurus you try to dance around it.
Do you know the difference between tactic and strategy? Look at you definition. It says scheme, design, way of doing things. You scheme and design as a way of doing things to implement a strategy.
Or a plan.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.

Now you're getting obtuse.

plan [ plan ]
Main Entry: plan
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: scheme, design, way of doing things
Synonyms: aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning, means, method, orderliness, outline, pattern, picture, platform, plot, policy, procedure, program, project, projection, proposal, proposition, purpose, scenario, stratagem, strategy, suggestion, system, tactics, treatment, trick, undertaking
No I'm not. Plans are what you use to accomplish an overall strategy. Really, a list of synonyms? Like a plan is the same as a suggestion or trick?
Strategy is what you want to do and a plan is how to do it. That statement is probably plagiarism, but I don't know where I got it.
Even when I cut and paste directly from the thesaurus you try to dance around it.
Do you know the difference between tactic and strategy? Look at you definition. It says scheme, design, way of doing things. You scheme and design as a way of doing things to implement a strategy.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?

With all due respect, Camp...isn't it the President's JOB to propose policy and then take that to the Congress?

If he doesn't have a policy on ISIS in Syria then don't you think it would be crucial to come up with one? Surely it's more important than attending a wedding of the White House Chef and a couple fund raisers? I'm sorry but those are things that you do AFTER you take care of the business of being President!
Of course it is his job to propose a strategy and policy, but he explained that those were works in progress and still being developed. The Congress is not here to confer with and the players in the mix and in the area have not shown their cards. It is reasonable and wise to not jump to fast and to watch how the situation develops. Their seems to be a strategy developing all on it's own as we watch how the various players react on the battlefield and the impact of selective bombing has on the enemy and the enemies supporters.
I really think criticism of the President's golfing and schedule is nothing more than a lame kind of whiny form of bashing.

How do you post with Obuma's dick in your mouth, and his SUPPOSED BALLS lying on your eyes? Can you make up any more LAME EXCUSES for this PATHETIC LITTLE COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that delegates ALL DECISIONS, whether important or not To Valeria Jarrett, the MOOCH, and a few other Commie bastards and MUSLIM sycophants that inhabit his inner circle?
Your sick dude. For those kinds of foul things to be on you mind to the point where you publicly expose your inner sexual feelings on a public access message board shows a desperation to project a creepy and weird persona. For you to consistently show such anger and crudeness to other posters show you to be a hopelessly insecure scared person in real life. People who are secure and satisfied with who they are don't come on to message boards with a need to portray something for what they are not, or in search of an identity. Now go back to posting cartoons and saying stupid stuff.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?
If you are making the case that Obama has no strategy because Congress has not yet returned to DC, then shouldn't Barrack's strategy start with calling Congress back for an emergency session?

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