Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.
There can be no comprehensive plan with a bunch like that other than to bomb them when they dare leave the cover of population centers. Anything else involves sending in troops to engage them directly and America is not willing to do that yet nor should it be our duty to be the one to send our soldiers there while the region sits on their hands. We've send enough men and women to their deaths for no good reason and no end to the violence.
There may be up to 100 American citizens that have joined ISIS. Need I remind some of you conservatives how much you ranted about it being a crime for the President to kill such people without due process?
Yeah..remember that?

Maybe the Conservatives would like to act as human shields for this poor misunderstood dirtbags.
That was a Libertarian beef. I have no problem killing American traitors on sight.
. OP- He was referring to attacking ISIS IN Syria...Out of context BS tidal wave of Pubcrappe, for hater dupes only. The real question is, why does corporate media report this as if it is anything but stupid propaganda, for hater dupe fools only...
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
Yeah that's it. He's putting ISIS on "double secret probation".
There may be up to 100 American citizens that have joined ISIS. Need I remind some of you conservatives how much you ranted about it being a crime for the President to kill such people without due process?

But they support it now....and oppose it now. So yeah

Oh yeah, you're from the Jake Starkey school of unsupported assertions.
I these idiots are getting Conservatives mixed up with the Ron Paul nuts
There may be up to 100 American citizens that have joined ISIS. Need I remind some of you conservatives how much you ranted about it being a crime for the President to kill such people without due process?

But they support it now....and oppose it now. So yeah

Oh yeah, you're from the Jake Starkey school of unsupported assertions.
I these idiots are getting Conservatives mixed up with the Ron Paul nuts
Yes. The Constitution is not a roving wall of protection for any American citizen anywhere doing anything.
That's a Supreme Court opinion, btw.
One year ago the administration was touting Assad as a modern day Hitler and needed to be bombed.

Yet, today we are helping Assad by conducting air strikes on his rebel enemies.

Go figure........... :cool:
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
Yeah that's it. He's putting ISIS on "double secret probation".
When you do not have something intelligent to say, stupid will do?
Not a surprise since you've been doing nothing but playing golf. Oh and tomorrow you have another fundraiser. That is definitely a priority over forming a plan against the biggest threat since 9/11. Your grnerals words btw.

What a fucking loser

So you are crying because he isnt going all gunho into the place firing off bombs and such. Naturally had he rushed in there you would be crying about hos he doesnt have the authority to do anything, and had things gone wrong, you would be crying about how he is a failure.

You people are just pathetic

sorry shit4brains, no one is advocating "rushing in", as i said in my former post, he should have started working up a plan when the rest of the world knew that ISIS was becoming a threat.

what do you and your fellow haters have to say about this:

Fighting in Syria spawns separate civil war in global jihadist movement Fox News

“The two groups are now in an open war for supremacy of the global jihadist movement,” according to Middle East scholar Aaron Zelin in a research paper published by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a U.S.-based think tank.

Throw in the jihadist-led insurgency in neighboring Iraq, which has become intertwined in the insurrection in Syria, and the shifting alliances are becoming for many even harder to understand.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
Might be helpful if some folks commenting here knew the difference between a plan and a strategy. They're not the same things. Little less President bashing and more self educating might make the discussion more real and less delusional.

Now you're getting obtuse.

plan [ plan ]
Main Entry: plan
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: scheme, design, way of doing things
Synonyms: aim, angle, animus, arrangement, big picture, contrivance, course of action, deal, device, disposition, expedient, game plan, gimmick, ground plan, idea, intent, intention, layout, machination, meaning, means, method, orderliness, outline, pattern, picture, platform, plot, policy, procedure, program, project, projection, proposal, proposition, purpose, scenario, stratagem, strategy, suggestion, system, tactics, treatment, trick, undertaking
Of course Obama and his fellow dumbfuck goons in the White House don't have a strategy.

He is busy playing golf and his handler goons are busy covering up his fiascos.

FYI...the CIA and military have been tracking these terrorists for YEARS.
. OP- He was referring to attacking ISIS IN Syria...Out of context BS tidal wave of Pubcrappe, for hater dupes only. The real question is, why does corporate media report this as if it is anything but stupid propaganda, for hater dupe fools only...

Obama's speeches and his conduct are the best weapons the GOP have.......

Oh, you want the media just to ignore his bumbling meaningless proclamations now?

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