Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

The OP is a lie. It left out a key word: "YET".

"YET" ................... ?

that fucking asshole goofer should have worked up a plan as soon as the rest of the world knew ISIS was becoming a threat,

this is not too surprising, re realizes his only threat is not making the third try at a putt on a one par hole. :lmao:
Not a surprise since you've been doing nothing but playing golf. Oh and tomorrow you have another fundraiser. That is definitely a priority over forming a plan against the biggest threat since 9/11. Your grnerals words btw.

What a fucking loser

So you are crying because he isnt going all gunho into the place firing off bombs and such. Naturally had he rushed in there you would be crying about hos he doesnt have the authority to do anything, and had things gone wrong, you would be crying about how he is a failure.

You people are just pathetic
Krauthammer On Obama's Foreign Policy: 'The Strategy Is To Do Absolutely Nothing'

FoxNews ^

Krauthammer On Obama's Foreign Policy: 'The Strategy Is To Do Absolutely Nothing' August 28 Charles Krauthammer ripped President Obama's foreign policy Thursday on "Special Report with Bret Baier," blasting the president for holding a news conference at which he said, "we don't have a strategy yet" for dealing with ISIS in Syria. "The president of the United States, in the middle of a real crisis, a few days after the beheading of an American...gets in front of the world and says, I don't have a strategy," the syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor said. "If that is true, don't say...
It is not true that obama has a fundraiser tomorrow. He has two. Then a wedding to attend. Priorities you know.

It's part of his strategy to show ISIS that they don't bother him a bit. No matter how many they behead.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
Too bad the real world doesn't conform to the instant timeline of 24/7/365 Pub propaganda/entertainment, and chicken little silly, ignorant hater dupes....no matter what Obama does. Cruz/Palin 2016!!
Not a surprise since you've been doing nothing but playing golf. Oh and tomorrow you have another fundraiser. That is definitely a priority over forming a plan against the biggest threat since 9/11. Your grnerals words btw.

What a fucking loser
Our president is lazy and shiftless. Why should we be surprised hearing about this?
I want him to do his mother fucking job for once in his life.....

I'd think you would be a great American and join our President in demanding that Sunni leaders actually do something to defeat terrorists in their midst because the American military cannot ever defeat IS without a true commitment from Arab Sunni leaders and their populations to actually fight them on the ground and in the sreets and alleys of Sunni villages and cities. Air strikes won't work in tightly populated conditions.

So demand Sunni leaders stop golfing and our president golfs more.
The enemy is not as stupid as you to believe that public statements of no comprehensive strategy 'yet' mean there is no immediate plan.

As you know IS terrorist are already suffering setbacks in Iraq and have lost momentum in Iraq as the new Iraqi unity government sets itself up.

So the enemies know that a interim plan is in place while the more global
Strategic on all fronts is coming together.

But the enemy must be thanking those of you in America who demean our commander in chief and undermine his goal of getting the Sunni Arabs as a whole truly engaged in the ground war against the IS and its barbaric ideology.
I think bribe time is over.
Took some time for one of the board lefties to bring Bush into mix never mind the fact that ISIS evolved from the war in Syria which started after Bush was well out of office. As for bombing ISIS or ISIL if you prefer that is fine providing your going to bomb them hard enough to truly hurt them these are the same type of bombing strikes weused against Al-Qaeda in the 90s I think it's fair to say they were not deterred by those.[/QUOTE]

ISIS got it's start, or "evolved" in Iraq in 2006 as a direct result and for the direct purpose of combating US forces in the Sunni triangle and we never made a bombing strikes on al Qaeda in the 1990's. Clinton attacked them once with cruise missiles and immediately was accused of using the attacks for political purposes as a "Wag the Dog" gimmick by Republicans who called for congressional hearings.
DoD, CIA, and State have options on the table for the President. Now, when will he choose one and what will it be...no one knows. Obama wavered and waffled on Syria back in 2013 so we know he is very cautious and methodical. While he has been golfing I'm sure they have been working on these plans. As a professional politician he will figure a way to throw this to Dem's in mid-terms to try to help them. Will make the strikes part of some kind of vote or something so embattled Dem incumbents can look "tough" on terrorism.
Did no one find this revelation stunning? I mean JUST YESTERDAY Obama's press secretary said they had a "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN" to deal with ISIS. Of course when pressed for details he had nothing but it's still a stunning reversal from the golfer n chief.

Do you really think that he is going to divulge his plans and lee ISIS know?
What plans?

If he had a plan trust me, everyone would know about it beforehand. He likes to get credit for stuff he plans on doing every day.
No announcement at all would have been much more preferable to "Derp I dunno Derp!"
The enemy is not as stupid as you to believe that public statements of no comprehensive strategy 'yet' mean there is no immediate plan.

As you know IS terrorist are already suffering setbacks in Iraq and have lost momentum in Iraq as the new Iraqi unity government sets itself up.

So the enemies know that a interim plan is in place while the more global
Strategic on all fronts is coming together.

But the enemy must be thanking those of you in America who demean our commander in chief and undermine his goal of getting the Sunni Arabs as a whole truly engaged in the ground war against the IS and its barbaric ideology.
Yeeeeaaaah, that's the ticket!!!!


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