Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

Where are the Germans, French, Canadians, and others? Why is it our job to fix everything. Some things can't be fixed. Our army isn't in condition to fight a war against ISIS. I recommend napalm.
Not a surprise since you've been doing nothing but playing golf. Oh and tomorrow you have another fundraiser. That is definitely a priority over forming a plan against the biggest threat since 9/11. Your grnerals words btw.

What a fucking loser

Well, ISIS has a plan. This douchebag Imam says that Sharia law is coming to America and that they will someday rule the world. The guy knows that no one is putting up much of a fight yet, so he's very smug.

Where are the Germans, French, Canadians, and others? Why is it our job to fix everything. Some things can't be fixed. Our army isn't in condition to fight a war against ISIS. I recommend napalm.
I guess you're watching the hate/Fox network. Even stupid network news has mentioned that Brits and French are helping with arms and aid. Only we have 12 aircraft carriers...
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Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?
Yeah, the Commander in Chief always has to ask for permission for everything,......except spending, illegal immigration, Global Warming treaties with the UN.....etc.
No shit he can go it alone and issue executive orders on everything under the sun but not this.

I think I understand now. You want Obama to go at it alone AND complain when he goes at it alone. Thats reasonable
I want him to do his mother fucking job for once in his life.....

So you don't like that he's ordering the bombing of ISIL?

You think he should "negotiate" with them? Possibly bride them to be quiet, you know, like Bush did?

Well..I disagree.

I think bribe time is over.
#68- Forget the golf clubs, ya ignorant brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot idiot rich...has NOTHING to do with the real world, just stupid Pubcrappe. Eisenhower played multiple times as often, and Wilson double THAT.
Kind of hard to make a war strategy without knowing what kind if any funding or support will be available. Congress is still on vacation and out of the loop. While some folks enjoy bitching about the President while he goes about normal Presidential business and relaxes by playing golf, the Congress is on total no work, no attention to crisis mode at their summer resorts and campaign parties.
So do we have 60 days, 90 days or what for this "strategy"? Will the munitions we use be replaced or do we have to ration them? How much will the congress support a "strategy" to destroy our newest enemy jihad terrorist group?
Yeah, the Commander in Chief always has to ask for permission for everything,......except spending, illegal immigration, Global Warming treaties with the UN.....etc.
No shit he can go it alone and issue executive orders on everything under the sun but not this.

I think I understand now. You want Obama to go at it alone AND complain when he goes at it alone. Thats reasonable
I want him to do his mother fucking job for once in his life.....

So you don't like that he's ordering the bombing of ISIL?

You think he should "negotiate" with them? Possibly bride them to be quiet, you know, like Bush did?

Well..I disagree.

I think bribe time is over.
Took some time for one of the board lefties to bring Bush into mix never mind the fact that ISIS evolved from the war in Syria which started after Bush was well out of office. As for bombing ISIS or ISIL if you prefer that is fine providing your going to bomb them hard enough to truly hurt them these are the same type of bombing strikes we used against Al-Qaeda in the 90s I think it's fair to say they were not deterred by those.
Isn't it funny that most liberals think Mr. Reagan is still president!

They're as well educated as Their New Messiah who never learned the number of U.S. states.

Or was that just an inability to count?
Isn't it funny that most liberals think Mr. Reagan is still president!

They're as well educated as Their New Messiah who never learned the number of U.S. states.

Or was that just an inability to count?

It's funny to think we'd all forget that Ronnie (The Rapist) Reagan got 241 Marines killed and shot a round of golf a day later.

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