Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

There is no other solution.

There certainly is a solution.

Its fairly well defined here by someone who is capable of thinking about a solution:

The U.S. must build a coordinated regional response -- diplomatic, economic and military -- with ground troops from our regional allies and friends, and with possible U.S. support with intelligence, logistics and airstrikes. But we cannot fight this war for our Islamic friends in the region.

Despite its pretensions, ISIS is not yet a state. It was initially a group of fighters funded, armed and assisted by groups or governments opposing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. But its call for a caliphate governed by extremist interpretations of Sharia law precisely echoes Saudi Wahhabi teaching, and is magnetic to disaffected, vulnerable young people.

Thus far ISIS has perhaps 20,000 to 40,000 fighters or more, some heavy equipment, cash, oil, and a stunned, subdued population numbering perhaps a few million now suffering under extreme Sharia law. It is not, at this point, an existential military threat to an alerted Baghdad, backed by Iran (and the U.S.), or the Kurds, supported by U.S. airpower.

and a little farther in...

The U.S. has learned the hard way that Western armies inflame extremists and serve as recruiting magnets for terrorists. Instead, other nations, and particularly Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states, must put their soldiers forward, and bear the brunt of the fighting.

The U.S. can use diplomacy and economic assistance, and it can strike using airpower, or special forces, to reinforce the efforts of our allies, but we cannot fight a religious war as proxies for our Islamic friends in the region.

The Mideast is approaching its moment of truth, particularly for Saudi Arabia. Having exported and promoted extremist Sunni religious ideology, Saudi Arabia must face up to the threat posed by its own, even more extremist progeny. It must summon the courage to take a firm stand now, before ISIS becomes even stronger.
For the U.S. there is nothing to be gained by delay. We must work urgently, behind the scenes, to shape an effective regional response, in coordination with our friends and allies, now.

ISIS is forcing a moment of truth Opinion - CNN.com

Nobody with a conscience and moral clarity will ever promote or demand a nuclear weapon be used to annihilate a few million now suffering people plus the fallout caused by a nuclear environmental holocaust in order to exterminate 40,000 ISIS terrorist fighters in Syria and Iraq.

You are a jerk for just suggesting such an atrocity is the only solution to the problem.
"The military are carrying out plans and a temporary strategy of containment and restriction as they probe the war zone with air strikes and reconnaissance to ascertain options for shaping the battlefield and deciding upon an overall strategy."

Wow, was THAT a pile of grade A horse manure! Does the term "double-speak" mean anything to you?

Buy a copy of Strunk & White and read up on clear and concise writing!

Nowhere in what you wrote do we see a clear and concise argument or rationale against what you chose to demean. Why is that? Have you no argument for pretty much exactly
what the US military is doing.

I'll add to that very clear explanation that Obama will not commit the US to a comprehensive strategic military objective until something is in place on the ground where Arabs can follow up
on the ground with the killing and mopping up that will be needed in coordination with US air strikes.

Until Arab Sunni leaders step up to a commitment to destroy ISIS on their bloody doorsteps Obama will enjoy a game if golf whenever he feels like it.

It is unpatriotic to oppose Obama's very sensible demand to all those do-nothing leaders.

I was mocking his over done writing style, NotFooled...not the content of his post. When you expend that much effort to try and make your argument appear intelligent, it's usually a clear sign that it wasn't.

"I'll add to that very clear explanation that Obama will not commit the US to a comprehensive strategic military objective until something is in place on the ground where Arabs can follow up
on the ground with the killing and mopping up that will be needed in coordination with US air strikes."

Ouch! If you're looking to be concise...I'd go this way...

Obama will not commit the US to a comprehensive military objective unless Arabs on the ground can provide the mopping up that will be needed along with US air strikes.

See how much clearer that is!:dance:
Doesn't make Barry's lack of a plan to deal with ISIS in Syria after all these months any less pathetic but at least YOU don't appear to an uneducated hack! Just sayin'...
NINE fucking days after Foley's death

No love for Obama here, but I don't feel particularly motivated to have our troops placed in harm's way over a reporter that repeatedly placed himself in harm's way on his own initiative, even after having been abducted in the past (before the one where he wound up beheaded).

Keep dancing in and out of the tiger's den, you're gonna get bit. Our troops shouldn't risk their lives over a reporter's stupidity. If that reporter was there at the behest of the government, absolutely... but nothing at all suggests he was.
There is no other solution.

There certainly is a solution.

Its fairly well defined here by someone who is capable of thinking about a solution:

The U.S. must build a coordinated regional response -- diplomatic, economic and military -- with ground troops from our regional allies and friends, and with possible U.S. support with intelligence, logistics and airstrikes. But we cannot fight this war for our Islamic friends in the region.

Despite its pretensions, ISIS is not yet a state. It was initially a group of fighters funded, armed and assisted by groups or governments opposing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. But its call for a caliphate governed by extremist interpretations of Sharia law precisely echoes Saudi Wahhabi teaching, and is magnetic to disaffected, vulnerable young people.

Thus far ISIS has perhaps 20,000 to 40,000 fighters or more, some heavy equipment, cash, oil, and a stunned, subdued population numbering perhaps a few million now suffering under extreme Sharia law. It is not, at this point, an existential military threat to an alerted Baghdad, backed by Iran (and the U.S.), or the Kurds, supported by U.S. airpower.

and a little farther in...

The U.S. has learned the hard way that Western armies inflame extremists and serve as recruiting magnets for terrorists. Instead, other nations, and particularly Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states, must put their soldiers forward, and bear the brunt of the fighting.

The U.S. can use diplomacy and economic assistance, and it can strike using airpower, or special forces, to reinforce the efforts of our allies, but we cannot fight a religious war as proxies for our Islamic friends in the region.

The Mideast is approaching its moment of truth, particularly for Saudi Arabia. Having exported and promoted extremist Sunni religious ideology, Saudi Arabia must face up to the threat posed by its own, even more extremist progeny. It must summon the courage to take a firm stand now, before ISIS becomes even stronger.
For the U.S. there is nothing to be gained by delay. We must work urgently, behind the scenes, to shape an effective regional response, in coordination with our friends and allies, now.

ISIS is forcing a moment of truth Opinion - CNN.com

Nobody with a conscience and moral clarity will ever promote or demand a nuclear weapon be used to annihilate a few million now suffering people plus the fallout caused by a nuclear environmental holocaust in order to exterminate 40,000 ISIS terrorist fighters in Syria and Iraq.

You are a jerk for just suggesting such an atrocity is the only solution to the problem.
I suggest a solution that has not been tried but could very well work as long as whiners you stay out of the way. Your solution has proven to be unworkable for 2000 years.
Obumbler can diddle and dawdle on the problems and play golf all he wants. There is no boss looking over the dopey schmuck's shoulder.

But there is a rude awakening brewing. As inept and fully clueless as he is, his inertia is going to cost us all. Big time. It is not really funny at all.
Obama should resign for the good of the Country, but then all we would have left is Biden. :badgrin::badgrin:

What would a good strategy be? Put 100,000 troops back in Iraq so we can fight them there instead of over here?
That's just it: the partisan right has nothing of value to offer, no solutions, no strategy – and lack the courage to admit it.

They're not in charge, Obama is, and you're falling for his strategy to appear not responsible for what's going on. He could easily have shown resolve and stated something along the lines of: "We face a brutal foe that does not respond to diplomatic overtures. I am working with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and our allies around the world to craft a long term strategy that will neutralize the threat posed by ISIL". Then, instead of heading back to the golf course, gone back to Washington and acted like he's actually doing that. As it is, no one around the world has any reason to believe he has a clue what he's doing.
NINE fucking days after Foley's death

No love for Obama here, but I don't feel particularly motivated to have our troops placed in harm's way over a reporter that repeatedly placed himself in harm's way on his own initiative, even after having been abducted in the past (before the one where he wound up beheaded).

Keep dancing in and out of the tiger's den, you're gonna get bit. Our troops shouldn't risk their lives over a reporter's stupidity. If that reporter was there at the behest of the government, absolutely... but nothing at all suggests he was.
When an Israeli gets killed by a terrorist Israel will hunt down and kill those responsible, no matter how long it takes no matter the cost.
When Obama takes no action he virtually invites terrorists to kill Americans with impunity. The fact that he is not waging all out war against these assholes is proof of how incompetent and ill informed he is.
What would a good strategy be? Put 100,000 troops back in Iraq so we can fight them there instead of over here?
That's just it: the partisan right has nothing of value to offer, no solutions, no strategy – and lack the courage to admit it.
The solution is obvious: Send troops and kill the bastards. What's hard about that? The issue is Democrats are so squishy they'll let foreign powers dictate what happens to us and do nothing about it.
What would a good strategy be? Put 100,000 troops back in Iraq so we can fight them there instead of over here?
That's just it: the partisan right has nothing of value to offer, no solutions, no strategy – and lack the courage to admit it.

They're not in charge, Obama is, and you're falling for his strategy to appear not responsible for what's going on. He could easily have shown resolve and stated something along the lines of: "We face a brutal foe that does not respond to diplomatic overtures. I am working with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and our allies around the world to craft a long term strategy that will neutralize the threat posed by ISIL". Then, instead of heading back to the golf course, gone back to Washington and acted like he's actually doing that. As it is, no one around the world has any reason to believe he has a clue what he's doing.
He doesnt. His foreign policy is dictated by whatever is popular that minute. Obama might be the weakest president ever.
Isn't it interesting the stories these simple little cartoons tell about the feckless one, and his fucking regime that can't shoot straight, or NOT LIE!!!!!

No, it isn't interesting, you dumb fucking retard.

Looks like I got the SQUAWS attention....again! Another worshipper of the feckless, "It's ABOVE my pay grade" golfer, that pretends to be king!
When Obama takes no action he virtually invites terrorists to kill Americans with impunity.

Much bullshit. If they had swooped in and snatched a fella out of one of the states, you'd have a point and I wouldn't argue it. But that didn't happen.

What DID happen was plain ol' occupational hazard. If reporters don't want to wind up 200 pounds lighter, they should stop playing around in the terrorist's sandbox.
When Obama takes no action he virtually invites terrorists to kill Americans with impunity.

Much bullshit. If they had swooped in and snatched a fella out of one of the states, you'd have a point and I wouldn't argue it. But that didn't happen.

What DID happen was plain ol' occupational hazard. If reporters don't want to wind up 200 pounds lighter, they should stop playing around in the terrorist's sandbox.
So you think it was no different from him getting blown up in a IED or something, right?

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