Obama on ISIS "We have no strategy"

We is We the People. We is the United States of America. We is Christians worldwide standing up for our ally Israel.

When Rev Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell fields a Christian Army and leads them marching into Damascus to take out Assad and then al Baghdadi and ISIL and then AQ, I hope you will join it and wish you luck. With God on your side you wont need US air strikes at all.

But if you don't find a crusade to join, as an American I protest your desire to hijack the US Military into fighting your tribal religious war. Forget about it. You can't have it. You are a fanatic and religious fanaticism and state armies are a bad mix. Go to church and pray for peace. Anything more than that leave to the professionals and elected leadership.

Removing Hussein didn't cost trillions, nation building did. A covert ops team could've removed Hussein easily and for a lot less than a trillion dollars.

A covert ops team could not have located and destroyed the most lethal weapons ever devised that were allegedly being hidden from UN inspectors during March 2003. The Iraqi government and military apparatus would have maintained control of the WMD stockpile that Bush claimed was hidden there.

So you don't know what Bush's invasion of Iraq was about, but you want to tell us more ways Christian Evangelical fanatics and fundamentalist lunatics should takeover the military leadership on how to respond to the IS terrorist situation. Give us a break from your nonsense please.

Putin won in Russia by vote fraud and voter suppression.

What is your source for that?

He's a dictator who kills his own people. Just ask that Litvinenko guy. Oh wait you can't, because he was assassinated by Putin for daring to speak out against his brutal regime.

How did you tie anyone's murder to Putin?
What is our strategy? Some claim we don't announce our strategy because that would be stupid.


It is so much more brilliant to announce that we DON'T (yet) even HAVE a strategy?

The Obumbler sycophants are in full blow job mode.
What is our strategy? Some claim we don't announce our strategy because that would be stupid.


It is so much more brilliant to announce that we DON'T (yet) even HAVE a strategy?

The Obumbler sycophants are in full blow job mode.
And strangely when Obama announced our strategy in Afghanistan everyone thought it was great. Except people who had a clue, of course.
Want Him to do?


What strategy would satisfy?

Perhaps return to Kenya and proclaim Himself president-for-life of the homeland.

Sorry, meanwhile, about that Marfan's. Is it sorta like Lincoln endured? Perhaps ear surgery like breast reduction only on a more grand scale?
You're another one who never has anything intelligent to say.

Welcome to my ignore list.
Want Him to do?


What strategy would satisfy?

Perhaps return to Kenya and proclaim Himself president-for-life of the homeland.

Sorry, meanwhile, about that Marfan's. Is it sorta like Lincoln endured? Perhaps ear surgery like breast reduction only on a more grand scale?
You're another one who never has anything intelligent to say.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Oh nozies! Ignored by a vapid twit. LOL.
Want Him to do?


What strategy would satisfy?

Perhaps return to Kenya and proclaim Himself president-for-life of the homeland.

Sorry, meanwhile, about that Marfan's. Is it sorta like Lincoln endured? Perhaps ear surgery like breast reduction only on a more grand scale?
You're another one who never has anything intelligent to say.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Oh nozies! Ignored by a vapid twit. LOL.

I would never put you on ignore, Liability. You're too entertaining.
Isn't it funny that most liberals think Mr. Reagan is still president!

They're as well educated as Their New Messiah who never learned the number of U.S. states.

Or was that just an inability to count?

It's funny to think we'd all forget that Ronnie (The Rapist) Reagan got 241 Marines killed and shot a round of golf a day later.
Not only that,he didn't want to leave his vacation when the Soviets shot down the Korean airliner carrying the U.S. Congressman.

His staff made him go back to Washington.
And strangely when Obama announced our strategy in Afghanistan everyone thought it was great. Except people who had a clue, of course.

Are you sure you want to bring up Bush's failure in Afghanistan that had no strategy until 2009 after Bush left a real unfinished mess behind.

Obama salvaged that war with much the same message being expressed now for Sunni Arab leaders and Turks in the area around Iraq and Syria. They need to put their soldiers on the frontlines because the US will no longer do the fighting on the ground.

So Rabbi are you proud to be bitching about the only military policy that has worked in Afghanistan solely because it is working on Obama's watch?

iCasualties Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan

If only the Iraqis in Bush's dumb war in Iraq had been able to repel the IS terrorist attack last June.

Bush told us Iraq's Army was ready. Looks like he lied to us there too.[/QUOTE]
Isn't it funny that most liberals think Mr. Reagan is still president!

They're as well educated as Their New Messiah who never learned the number of U.S. states.

Or was that just an inability to count?

It's funny to think we'd all forget that Ronnie (The Rapist) Reagan got 241 Marines killed and shot a round of golf a day later.
Not only that,he didn't want to leave his vacation when the Soviets shot down the Korean airliner carrying the U.S. Congressman.

His staff made him go back to Washington.

I wouldn't interrupt my schedule over a politician dying, either.
And strangely when Obama announced our strategy in Afghanistan everyone thought it was great. Except people who had a clue, of course.

Are you sure you want to bring up Bush's failure in Afghanistan that had no strategy until 2009 after Bush left a real unfinished mess behind.

I wasnt going to mention Obama's failed strategy in Afghanistan. How he copied Bush's successful Surge in Iraq, after denouncing it as senator. How he picked the strategy with the least chance of succeeding, according to his own general. How his strategy was so bad his handpicked general shitcanned his own career rather than be associated with it.
But since you bring all that up, there it is.

As to what I actually wrote, why is it when Obama telegraphed his intent to the world in Afghanistan that was great but it was also great that pretends he doesnt have a strategy on ISIS?
But he's not pretending. He actually is that clueless. There is no reason to think Obama is being clever, because he never has been before.
More intervention and war isn't the answer people. Big Brother will always invent more Boogeymen for you to hate and fear. A Permanent State of War is the goal. When the People live in fear, they're susceptible to all sorts of degradations. Many will actually cheer their own demise. And that's what you're seeing right now in America. The Vicious Circle has to be broken. Just end the wars and come home.
More intervention and war isn't the answer people. Big Brother will always invent more Boogeymen for you to hate and fear. A Permanent State of War is the goal. When the People live in fear, they're susceptible to all sorts of degradations. Many will actually cheer their own demise. And that's what you're seeing right now in America. The Vicious Circle has to be broken. Just end the wars and come home.

Actually dear we tried isolationism before WW2 and Pearl Harbor was the result. Had we not saved civilization then there would be no civilization now.
More intervention and war isn't the answer people. Big Brother will always invent more Boogeymen for you to hate and fear. A Permanent State of War is the goal. When the People live in fear, they're susceptible to all sorts of degradations. Many will actually cheer their own demise. And that's what you're seeing right now in America. The Vicious Circle has to be broken. Just end the wars and come home.

Actually dear we tried isolationism before WW2 and Pearl Harbor was the result. Had we not saved civilization then there would be no civilization now.

It's not about 'Isolationism.' It's about peace, sovereignty, and prosperity. I'm completely sick of Big Brother inventing new Boogeymen for us to fear and hate. There always seems to be a new one every couple years. ISIS is just another flavor of the week Boogeyman.

The ISIS threat has been way way over-hyped. And the West & Sunni Nations in the region created them anyway. All to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's time to end this Permanent State of War the Globalist Elites have us stuck in. It's time to come home.
It's not about 'Isolationism.' It's about peace,

dear, as long as they want to cut our heads off there will be no peace unless we kill them first.

The U.S. and Great Britain especially, need to stop meddling and killing so much around the world. That would be a good start towards peace. These are not our wars. ISIS is not 'Worse than the Nazis.' That's just Warmongering nonsense. Just come home. End the Permanent State of War.
Here's a strategy and solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy, while securing the Border.

Do that and we might just have true peace, prosperity, and freedom.
When Diane Feinstein, who has been on the intelligence committee for years, complains, the lesson is pretty clear.

There is nothing clear. Critics and complainers very often are the ones that are wrong. They don't think much before trying to get attention in the media.

How he copied Bush's successful Surge in Iraq...

How do you copy a surge from Iraq to apply in Afghanistan?
Get back in your hole, shit-eater.

More intervention and war isn't the answer people. Big Brother will always invent more Boogeymen for you to hate and fear. A Permanent State of War is the goal. When the People live in fear, they're susceptible to all sorts of degradations. Many will actually cheer their own demise. And that's what you're seeing right now in America. The Vicious Circle has to be broken. Just end the wars and come home.
The U.S. and Great Britain especially, need to stop meddling and killing so much around the world. That would be a good start towards peace.

These terrorists are not driven by US and UK meddling. They are driven by hatred of us and our way if life. You may be willing to live the way they think we should live but most of us modern and civilized people won't join you and them in a world where religious barbarians run it.

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Here's a strategy and solution:

Abolish Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, NSA, and IRS. Then move to a humble balanced Non-Intervention Foreign Policy, while securing the Border.

Do that and we might just have true peace, prosperity, and freedom.

So basically, elect Ron Paul President?

I tried! Twice!

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