Obama on Lenno......."I was only good at math up till 7th grade"

So? I struggled with math too and 10th grade Algebra I was the last math class I ever took. But, I still managed to get a BA in Education, live 63 years without going broke, paid my bills on time and put a little away. I also rose the rank of Captain in the United States Army and joined MENSA.

How dumb am I?
So? Seriously?

Dude he struggled with BASIC shit.

Got it now? If not you're pretty dumb lol

So? Fractions is pretty basic shit too. How many of us can do that (not me)?

Leaving a tip after dining out should not be challenging.
That would explain why our economy is floundering around.

I just can't believe he was honest. Might also explain why he won't release his school records.

And seriously, how dumb are you if you struggle at that low of math teachings?

So? I struggled with math too and 10th grade Algebra I was the last math class I ever took. But, I still managed to get a BA in Education, live 63 years without going broke, paid my bills on time and put a little away. I also rose the rank of Captain in the United States Army and joined MENSA.

How dumb am I?

You are the only member of MENSA on this thread. LOL
in his Defense you learn all the Math you should need to understand Budgets by the 7th Grade. It's not like you need to know Calculus and Trig to Balance a fucking Budget.


OK perfect example of his MATH deficiency!!!
HIS OWN words...Obama said:
"And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent -- it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."
For those of you who don't comprehend this illustration of Obama's math deficiency I'll go real slow!
"Slow growth health care costs" How much is the growth?

"The projected growth rate of 7.5 percent for overall healthcare costs "
NOTE don't take my word following the links!!! Healthcare costs to rise 7.5 percent in 2013: report | Reuters
So if the rate is 7.5% and Obama's goal is 1/10th of 1% that would be instead of 7.5% subtract .001 or 7.4% right???

So what is the health care costs???
$8,000 per person times 310 million Americans equals $2.48 TRILLION! OK???
Source: Why does U.S. health care cost so much? - Regence

So if the goal is 1/10 of one percent as Obama stated: instead of growing at 7.5% the rate is 7.4% or at $2.480 trillion that would be SAVINGS of $2.48 BILLION!

NOW math deficient Obama said further that "it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

Well first of all HE mixes comparisons here! REDUCING HEALTH CARE COSTS does NOT HAVE A DIRECT REDUCTION IN THE DEFICIT of the Federal BUDGET!!!

BUT let's just see how DUMB Obama is regarding the "LONG TERM"!!!!!
If according to OBAMA reducing the GROWTH of health care costs by $2.48 billion a year will reduce the deficit by $4 trillion... again think folks this is the President of the US who has admitted is MATH weakness...

When you divide $4 trillion by $2.8 billion
that is equal to wait.... 1,612 YEARS!!!! FOLKS that is a "LONG TERM"!!!!!
NOW this is NOT complicated math!!! This is something ANY 7th grader can figure OUT!!!

YET ObamaCare exists because of OBAMATH!!!!

Another example of OBAMATH!!!

He repeatedly said there are 50 million "uninsured"????? of which he evidently has NO knowledge that:
1) 10 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE NOT CITIZENS ... per the CENSUS!!!
2) 14 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE cOVERED BY MEDICAID!!!!
3) 18 million of "uninsured" are under 34, make over $50,000 could afford but don't need.. YET when Obamacare passed they are called "FREEloaders' because the pay their own WAY!!!

So when simple math adds up 10 million not citizens, 14 million already covered 18 million that don't want THAT's 42 million subtracted (simple math) from 50 million leaves:
8 million that want and need insurance NOT the 50 million used to pass Obamacare!!!!!
NOW this is NOT complicated math!!! This is something ANY 7th grader can figure OUT!!!

YET ObamaCare exists because of OBAMATH!!!!

Another example of OBAMATH!!!

He repeatedly said there are 50 million "uninsured"????? of which he evidently has NO knowledge that:
1) 10 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE NOT CITIZENS ... per the CENSUS!!!
2) 14 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE cOVERED BY MEDICAID!!!!
3) 18 million of "uninsured" are under 34, make over $50,000 could afford but don't need.. YET when Obamacare passed they are called "FREEloaders' because the pay their own WAY!!!

So when simple math adds up 10 million not citizens, 14 million already covered 18 million that don't want THAT's 42 million subtracted (simple math) from 50 million leaves:
8 million that want and need insurance NOT the 50 million used to pass Obamacare!!!!!

you need more caps and exclamation points
That would explain why our economy is floundering around.

I just can't believe he was honest. Might also explain why he won't release his school records.

And seriously, how dumb are you if you struggle at that low of math teachings?
All this orchestrated B.S. is designed to get us to forget the last 4 years and all his broken promises. We're supposed to have symathy for him and think he's just a regular, hard workin' guy like us.

Well he aint.
NOW this is NOT complicated math!!! This is something ANY 7th grader can figure OUT!!!

YET ObamaCare exists because of OBAMATH!!!!

Another example of OBAMATH!!!

He repeatedly said there are 50 million "uninsured"????? of which he evidently has NO knowledge that:
1) 10 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE NOT CITIZENS ... per the CENSUS!!!
2) 14 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE cOVERED BY MEDICAID!!!!
3) 18 million of "uninsured" are under 34, make over $50,000 could afford but don't need.. YET when Obamacare passed they are called "FREEloaders' because the pay their own WAY!!!

So when simple math adds up 10 million not citizens, 14 million already covered 18 million that don't want THAT's 42 million subtracted (simple math) from 50 million leaves:
8 million that want and need insurance NOT the 50 million used to pass Obamacare!!!!!

you need more caps and exclamation points

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NOW this is NOT complicated math!!! This is something ANY 7th grader can figure OUT!!!

YET ObamaCare exists because of OBAMATH!!!!

Another example of OBAMATH!!!

He repeatedly said there are 50 million "uninsured"????? of which he evidently has NO knowledge that:
1) 10 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE NOT CITIZENS ... per the CENSUS!!!
2) 14 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE cOVERED BY MEDICAID!!!!
3) 18 million of "uninsured" are under 34, make over $50,000 could afford but don't need.. YET when Obamacare passed they are called "FREEloaders' because the pay their own WAY!!!

So when simple math adds up 10 million not citizens, 14 million already covered 18 million that don't want THAT's 42 million subtracted (simple math) from 50 million leaves:
8 million that want and need insurance NOT the 50 million used to pass Obamacare!!!!!

you need more caps and exclamation points

That's your ONLY comment?? YOU GOT TO BE SERIOUS!!!!!!!!
NOW this is NOT complicated math!!! This is something ANY 7th grader can figure OUT!!!

YET ObamaCare exists because of OBAMATH!!!!

Another example of OBAMATH!!!

He repeatedly said there are 50 million "uninsured"????? of which he evidently has NO knowledge that:
1) 10 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE NOT CITIZENS ... per the CENSUS!!!
2) 14 million of supposedly "UNINSURED" ARE cOVERED BY MEDICAID!!!!
3) 18 million of "uninsured" are under 34, make over $50,000 could afford but don't need.. YET when Obamacare passed they are called "FREEloaders' because the pay their own WAY!!!

So when simple math adds up 10 million not citizens, 14 million already covered 18 million that don't want THAT's 42 million subtracted (simple math) from 50 million leaves:
8 million that want and need insurance NOT the 50 million used to pass Obamacare!!!!!

you need more caps and exclamation points

That's your ONLY comment?? YOU GOT TO BE SERIOUS!!!!!!!!

Ok, that's funny.
Shit ,any fucking moron who can add knows 2 + 2 is not 5, no wonder this Country is fucked,for ever every 10 dollars we spend we borrow 3 of it.... anyone one who votes for Obama is a moron.....:clap2::clap2:
Let's just pray for our country that fewer of these typical Obama voters DON"T show up to vote!

ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
WOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from,
but he givin' it to us, to help us.
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!
WOMEN: (chanting) Obama! Obama! Obama! (laughing)

Or this voter...
"I wont have to worry about putting gas in my car, I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.. You know, If I help him, he's gonna help me."

Truly sad that this is the typical Obama supporters' mentality and level of comprehension!

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