Obama Opens His Pie Hole About Divisive Campaign Rhetoric.

Black Panthers take clubs to voting places and the Obama DOJ says no problem.

Merely exercising their right to bear arms
If they were carrying a AK-47 or AR 15 the NRA would be supporting them



are these two dudes at the door of a polling station

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
The right to bear arms is absolute. Constitution does not say except at polling stations
Obama has used the tactics of division from the beginning of his first Presidential campaign when he targeted people of incomes above $250,000. How many times did he toss this figure around attempting to divide rich against poor? Then as President how many times did he use the office of President to divide the country on Racial issues? SB-1070, Beer Summit, Trayvon (If I had a son he would look like Trayvon WTF?),Michael Brown.....etc. He is the consummate Liberal hypocrite.
Black Panthers take clubs to voting places and the Obama DOJ says no problem.

Merely exercising their right to bear arms
If they were carrying a AK-47 or AR 15 the NRA would be supporting them



are these two dudes at the door of a polling station

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
The right to bear arms is absolute. Constitution does not say except at polling stations

well you best get those gun free zones abolished

otherwise i agree
When Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun" he did not mean he really wanted to shoot at Republicans....it is just a saying

When Trump talked about beating up protesters ....he really meant beating up protesters
Oh my, I got to give you credit. Hands down you are the hardest working Obama knob polisher out of the lot. Congradulations!
Black Panthers take clubs to voting places and the Obama DOJ says no problem.
Black Panthers also say they have no problem killing to create change. And libs never denounce them as violent.
Who have they killed?
Was that a serious question?

Black Panthers murder at least 15 policemen

Your link is four years old and talks about what happened 45 years ago
Black Panthers take clubs to voting places and the Obama DOJ says no problem.
Black Panthers also say they have no problem killing to create change. And libs never denounce them as violent.
Who have they killed?
Was that a serious question?

Black Panthers murder at least 15 policemen

Your link is four years old and talks about what happened 45 years ago
Black Panther Tells Crowd Of 200 In Charleston: “Kill Every Last [White Man] And Kill All Of Their Goddamn Families”
Black Panthers take clubs to voting places and the Obama DOJ says no problem.
Black Panthers also say they have no problem killing to create change. And libs never denounce them as violent.
Who have they killed?
Was that a serious question?

Black Panthers murder at least 15 policemen

Your link is four years old and talks about what happened 45 years ago
Black Panther Tells Crowd Of 200 In Charleston: “Kill Every Last [White Man] And Kill All Of Their Goddamn Families”

How many people did that crowd kill?

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