Obama Opens His Pie Hole About Divisive Campaign Rhetoric.

Typical comment from Big Ears. He is a hypocrite of enormous proportions, but his followers don't see it.

He has the blood of dead cops on his hands and he has the nerve to say this.

Too bad for you that there are so few that agree with you.

So sad too many of you ass lickers don't see it.

Does the tinfoil hat effect your vision somehow?

Does the shit you lick off his ass effect your vision? Seems so.
What a hypocrite Obama is, not to mention incompetent


If he is so incompetent, how did he kick your ass------twice? And he keeps kicking your ass.

Because idiots like you chose skin color over qualifications.

He couldn't kick his own ass but you damn sure lick it for him.

The world would be so much simpler for you if that was true.

It is true. Pucker up, the narcissist President is waiting on you boy.

Is that like the ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Jefferson quote that Teatards love to quote
BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS] ⋆ US Herald

BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS]


good for them
Gonna be be some dead motherfuckers in Texas if they don't wise up.

only if they break the peace
Typical comment from Big Ears. He is a hypocrite of enormous proportions, but his followers don't see it.

He has the blood of dead cops on his hands and he has the nerve to say this.

Too bad for you that there are so few that agree with you.

So sad too many of you ass lickers don't see it.

Does the tinfoil hat effect your vision somehow?

Does the shit you lick off his ass effect your vision? Seems so.
dude, this is a very well written piece. I will remember this one. May I use it in the future?

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