Obama Opens His Pie Hole About Divisive Campaign Rhetoric.

Obama said this during the 2008 campaign...the fool needs to sit down and stop running his pie hole

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

Poor SmellyIrishAss....

Doesn't understand the difference between an allusion and a command to beat someone up

Grow the hell up you childish little asshole. Good gawd you rabid little ankle biters on here are worthless.


You do understand Obama was not actually threatening to shoot Republicans don't you?
Would it make it all better if Trump said, "Bring a gun next time"? Since he wouldn't be serious, he would not be advocating violence, right?
then have us say that it's only words. hahahahaahahahhahahaha the lower depths these libturds lower themselves to to stand up for violence is truly amazing.
When Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun" he did not mean he really wanted to shoot at Republicans....it is just a saying

When Trump talked about beating up protesters ....he really meant beating up protesters
Mind readers of the world, unite! Now, we knew Obama doesn't mean a lot of what he says, but hey...

You mean Obama really wanted to shoot them?

Conservatives taking things literally again
Double-standard. Obama was using violent rhetoric......so why is Trump guilty and Obama isn't?
Assata Shakur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Black Panther on the FBI's most wanted list.


How many of these do you want me to post?

Maybe when you can actually post a case that isn't 45 years old
Care to guess who Alicia Garza the lead founder of BLM openly reveres as a role model?

Who has she killed?
So... You basically want everyone else to denounce violent rhetoric and aggression but you refuse to within your own party?

Take your dishonest crap and shove it up your ass.

I've asked you who "Todays" Black Panthers have actually killed
You came up blank

Black Panthers spout anti-white rhetoric. They have not committed violence

Willing to bet your life on that statement?


I could find articles ...but you are an intellectually dishonest hack and board troll. Why should I waste time just to boost your post count ?
<sob> but....but....Owbama does it too <sob>
well either it is done in politics and president or it is not. That is a response that presidents don't incite and well would you a take a fucken look at that, it is. Merely disproves the rhetoric from the left, so you can shut the fk up now.

Obama's "bring a gun to a knife fight" is an old saying about being better prepared for a fight than your opponent

Trumps "punch them in the face and I will pay your legal bills" is a direct call for violence
Actually, that's the way people from New York talk all of the time. I guess Obama is trying to sound like he's from Chicago.
Obama said this during the 2008 campaign...the fool needs to sit down and stop running his pie hole

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun"

Poor SmellyIrishAss....

Doesn't understand the difference between an allusion and a command to beat someone up

Grow the hell up you childish little asshole. Good gawd you rabid little ankle biters on here are worthless.


You do understand Obama was not actually threatening to shoot Republicans don't you?
Again, that's the way people from New York talk.
They tell their friends to go fuck themselves. "How would you like a punch in the throat you half a hardon??"

It's just the way they talk. People from New York are like that.
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When Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun" he did not mean he really wanted to shoot at Republicans....it is just a saying

When Trump talked about beating up protesters ....he really meant beating up protesters
Mind readers of the world, unite! Now, we knew Obama doesn't mean a lot of what he says, but hey...

You mean Obama really wanted to shoot them?

Conservatives taking things literally again
Double-standard. Obama was using violent rhetoric......so why is Trump guilty and Obama isn't?
Not exactly...it is a common quote referring to being better prepared for a fight than your opponent

Trump stating ...punch the guy in the face and I will cover legal fees is directly inciting violence in your followers
No no. The goal post was "kill".

So. Since Trump's rally goers killed no one.

End of thread/
When Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun" he did not mean he really wanted to shoot at Republicans....it is just a saying

When Trump talked about beating up protesters ....he really meant beating up protesters
Mind readers of the world, unite! Now, we knew Obama doesn't mean a lot of what he says, but hey...

You mean Obama really wanted to shoot them?

Conservatives taking things literally again
Double-standard. Obama was using violent rhetoric......so why is Trump guilty and Obama isn't?
Not exactly...it is a common quote referring to being better prepared for a fight than your opponent

Trump stating ...punch the guy in the face and I will cover legal fees is directly inciting violence in your followers
But saying "Bring bigger weapons than they do" wouldn't be?
"the cops acted stupidly"

Roughing up an old man in his own home is stupid
So you're claiming the old man wasn't being a racist hothead?

The cops have to react to the suspect, not the suspect to the cops.

Cops overreacted to an unwarranted investigation in the mans own home
So you never heard of Probable Cause???

It allows warrant-less searches and apprehensions when a warrant cannot be sworn out to make an arrest in time to prevent a crime, or when the officer has reasonable suspicion a crime is taking place.
When Obama said "If they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun" he did not mean he really wanted to shoot at Republicans....it is just a saying

When Trump talked about beating up protesters ....he really meant beating up protesters
Mind readers of the world, unite! Now, we knew Obama doesn't mean a lot of what he says, but hey...

You mean Obama really wanted to shoot them?

Conservatives taking things literally again
Double-standard. Obama was using violent rhetoric......so why is Trump guilty and Obama isn't?
Not exactly...it is a common quote referring to being better prepared for a fight than your opponent

Trump stating ...punch the guy in the face and I will cover legal fees is directly inciting violence in your followers
We showed you a direct quote from Obama, but I've never seen a direct quote from Trump saying what you claim. I've only heard it through the corrupt state-run media.
Got a link?

Is that like the ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Jefferson quote that Teatards love to quote
BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS] ⋆ US Herald

BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS]

Black Panthers take clubs to voting places and the Obama DOJ says no problem.

Merely exercising their right to bear arms
If they were carrying a AK-47 or AR 15 the NRA would be supporting them



are these two dudes at the door of a polling station

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
The right to bear arms is absolute. Constitution does not say except at polling stations
So you support men wearing white sheets carrying clubs at polling places in black neighborhoods.

good point

Is that like the ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Jefferson quote that Teatards love to quote
BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS] ⋆ US Herald

BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS]


good for them

Is that like the ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Jefferson quote that Teatards love to quote
BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS] ⋆ US Herald

BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS]

Yep......but Trump is the one instigating violence.

Is that like the ""The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" Jefferson quote that Teatards love to quote
BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS] ⋆ US Herald

BREAKING: Armed Black Panthers Are Now Terrorizing Neighborhoods In THIS State [PICS]


good for them
Gonna be be some dead motherfuckers in Texas if they don't wise up.

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