CDZ Obama Orders All Government Restrooms to Be Transgender Friendly

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I'm gonna go into all the Ladies Rooms in government buildings and piss in the sinks, on the faucets, toilet seats and hand dryers.

Are you going to wear a dress, skirt, bra, ladies shoes, makeup and a wig while you do so? You'd better be doing something that makes the case that you are transgender or in the process of changing your gender when you do so because otherwise, you'll rightly be decried if not arrested.

The policy isn't intended to let Hugh Hefner go to the ladies room; its intent is to not force Caitlyn Jenner to use the men's room. Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?
1. I'll tell a convincing lie.

2. Jenner got a dick.

Really? You'd deliberately lie, even admit publicly here to planning ahead of time on doing so? All so you can go pee in the ladies room? Well, that's the height of integrity, now isn't it. Not!

I presume this statement is in reply to my question, "Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?" Is it?
I'm gonna go into all the Ladies Rooms in government buildings and piss in the sinks, on the faucets, toilet seats and hand dryers.

Are you going to wear a dress, skirt, bra, ladies shoes, makeup and a wig while you do so? You'd better be doing something that makes the case that you are transgender or in the process of changing your gender when you do so because otherwise, you'll rightly be decried if not arrested.

The policy isn't intended to let Hugh Hefner go to the ladies room; its intent is to not force Caitlyn Jenner to use the men's room. Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?
1. I'll tell a convincing lie.

2. Jenner got a dick.

Really? You'd deliberately lie, even admit publicly here to planning ahead of time on doing so? All so you can go pee in the ladies room? Well, that's the height of integrity, now isn't it. Not!

I presume this statement is in reply to my question, "Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?" Is it?
Exactly which part of the Constitution gives the President the right to order local governments what to do? I hope he gets sued.
The president hasn’t ‘ordered’ local governments to do anything.

It is perfectly appropriate and warranted for the Justice Department to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I'm gonna go into all the Ladies Rooms in government buildings and piss in the sinks, on the faucets, toilet seats and hand dryers.

Are you going to wear a dress, skirt, bra, ladies shoes, makeup and a wig while you do so? You'd better be doing something that makes the case that you are transgender or in the process of changing your gender when you do so because otherwise, you'll rightly be decried if not arrested.

The policy isn't intended to let Hugh Hefner go to the ladies room; its intent is to not force Caitlyn Jenner to use the men's room. Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?
1. I'll tell a convincing lie.

2. Jenner got a dick.

Really? You'd deliberately lie, even admit publicly here to planning ahead of time on doing so? All so you can go pee in the ladies room? Well, that's the height of integrity, now isn't it. Not!

I presume this statement is in reply to my question, "Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?" Is it?

So once her penis is gone, what bathroom should she use? She'll still be a transgender person.
All that really matters is both candidates have to denounce this idiocy or lose 60+% of the women's vote.but if Hillary does that she is dissing the Black president and the GBLT vote. Why does Trump need a campaign manager when the president is doing him all of these favors..
I'm gonna go into all the Ladies Rooms in government buildings and piss in the sinks, on the faucets, toilet seats and hand dryers.

Are you going to wear a dress, skirt, bra, ladies shoes, makeup and a wig while you do so? You'd better be doing something that makes the case that you are transgender or in the process of changing your gender when you do so because otherwise, you'll rightly be decried if not arrested.

The policy isn't intended to let Hugh Hefner go to the ladies room; its intent is to not force Caitlyn Jenner to use the men's room. Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?
1. I'll tell a convincing lie.

2. Jenner got a dick.

Really? You'd deliberately lie, even admit publicly here to planning ahead of time on doing so? All so you can go pee in the ladies room? Well, that's the height of integrity, now isn't it. Not!

I presume this statement is in reply to my question, "Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?" Is it?

So once her penis is gone, what bathroom should she use? She'll still be a transgender person.
He can use the women's room then. Or the nearest tree.

These last months of BO are likely to crazy.

Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is angry. His policies and doctrines are such a failure that he is acting like the poor, poor loser at a kids baseball game or worse. Obviously, he wants to do as much damage to our country as possible in these waning months. It is truly disconcerting.

You can bet no boys - whatever they think they are - pop in on Malia and Sasha at Sidwell Friends .
Exactly which part of the Constitution gives the President the right to order local governments what to do? I hope he gets sued.
The president hasn’t ‘ordered’ local governments to do anything.

It is perfectly appropriate and warranted for the Justice Department to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Show me the language in the act that pertains to "transgendered" people.
I'm gonna go into all the Ladies Rooms in government buildings and piss in the sinks, on the faucets, toilet seats and hand dryers.

Are you going to wear a dress, skirt, bra, ladies shoes, makeup and a wig while you do so? You'd better be doing something that makes the case that you are transgender or in the process of changing your gender when you do so because otherwise, you'll rightly be decried if not arrested.

The policy isn't intended to let Hugh Hefner go to the ladies room; its intent is to not force Caitlyn Jenner to use the men's room. Do you have a legit reason why Caitlyn Jenner should use the men's room?

It has a penis.
How can Obama "order" this. Nonsense. He can't just put out "orders" such as that. Lol.
How can Obama "order" this. Nonsense. He can't just put out "orders" such as that. Lol.

He is the chief executive of the executive branch of government. He is well within his authority to order who can and cannot use executive branch restrooms. I can't even find the text of the document the Fox Facebook page purports the man has signed. It's not even listed on the Executive Orders webpage. (The most recent one is from 6-May-2016.) Moreover, the only place I can find the act as named by the Fox Facebook post -- Late Sunday, President Obama signed the "Freedom Liberty Patriotic Restroom Compliance Act" -- is in that post. You try. Copy and past the name of the act into Google and see if you get anything other than the Fox post. Fox doesn't even provide a link to the so named document.

It's not clear to the me the man actually signed such a thing. It's hard to think the President of the U.S. can sign an act, a document, and nobody, not one single person or organization other than Fox "News," is aware of the name of the damned document/act.

What I found that comes closest is a letter, but it's not even signed by Mr. Obama nor is it on White House letterhead. Reading the DoJ and DoE's letter to the nation's public schools, I see there is no force of law associated with the guidance in the letter, and nobody thinks there is, not even Obama Administration officials who sent it. Schools, districts, and states can freely choose to comply with the guidelines in the letter or they can choose not to comply with them. There crime associated with non-compliance.
How can Obama "order" this. Nonsense. He can't just put out "orders" such as that. Lol.

He is the chief executive of the executive branch of government. He is well within his authority to order who can and cannot use executive branch restrooms. I can't even find the text of the document the Fox Facebook page purports the man has signed. It's not even listed on the Executive Orders webpage. (The most recent one is from 6-May-2016.) Moreover, the only place I can find the act as named by the Fox Facebook post -- Late Sunday, President Obama signed the "Freedom Liberty Patriotic Restroom Compliance Act" -- is in that post. You try. Copy and past the name of the act into Google and see if you get anything other than the Fox post. Fox doesn't even provide a link to the so named document.

It's not clear to the me the man actually signed such a thing. It's hard to think the President of the U.S. can sign an act, a document, and nobody, not one single person or organization other than Fox "News," is aware of the name of the damned document/act.

What I found that comes closest is a letter, but it's not even signed by Mr. Obama nor is it on White House letterhead. Reading the DoJ and DoE's letter to the nation's public schools, I see there is no force of law associated with the guidance in the letter, and nobody thinks there is, not even Obama Administration officials who sent it. Schools, districts, and states can freely choose to comply with the guidelines in the letter or they can choose not to comply with them. There crime associated with non-compliance.

That is the silliest thing I've ever heard! He is disgusting. With all the serious problems we are facing??? Sick. This world has gone insane.
Move to a "Right to Carry" state ... Or at least one where you can get a CAC license ... And stay out of Federal Buildings (where the Constitution doesn't apply).
I guarantee you won't have a problem in the restroom when some fruitcake cannot figure out who they are ... Stick a .45 in their face to jog their memory.

If you are sick and tired of the government telling you what you have to accept ... Then stand up, do what you can within the text of the law ... And tell them to take a hike.

How can Obama "order" this. Nonsense. He can't just put out "orders" such as that. Lol.

He is the chief executive of the executive branch of government. He is well within his authority to order who can and cannot use executive branch restrooms. I can't even find the text of the document the Fox Facebook page purports the man has signed. It's not even listed on the Executive Orders webpage. (The most recent one is from 6-May-2016.) Moreover, the only place I can find the act as named by the Fox Facebook post -- Late Sunday, President Obama signed the "Freedom Liberty Patriotic Restroom Compliance Act" -- is in that post. You try. Copy and past the name of the act into Google and see if you get anything other than the Fox post. Fox doesn't even provide a link to the so named document.

It's not clear to the me the man actually signed such a thing. It's hard to think the President of the U.S. can sign an act, a document, and nobody, not one single person or organization other than Fox "News," is aware of the name of the damned document/act.

What I found that comes closest is a letter, but it's not even signed by Mr. Obama nor is it on White House letterhead. Reading the DoJ and DoE's letter to the nation's public schools, I see there is no force of law associated with the guidance in the letter, and nobody thinks there is, not even Obama Administration officials who sent it. Schools, districts, and states can freely choose to comply with the guidelines in the letter or they can choose not to comply with them. There crime associated with non-compliance.

That is the silliest thing I've ever heard! He is disgusting. With all the serious problems we are facing??? Sick. This world has gone insane.

Specifically what "that" do you mean?

What I think is silly is that this issue came about at all. The simple fact is that until 2016, transgender folks have been going to whatever restroom they wanted to and until of late, nobody had a word to say about it. Truly, were a F-->M transsexual ever in the restroom with me, I never knew it or noticed.

But 2016 is an election year, so a bunch of clowns -- on both sides of the issue -- had to make something of it. Somebody somewhere needed something to talk about, and quite frankly, I think it was some conservative somewhere because, as I said, trans folks have been pissin' and poopin' in "whatever" restroom for as long as there have been trans people, and no liberal, moderate or progressive was going to make "a thing" out of the fact that they have been and would have continued to do so absent the laws that have recently been passed.

This whole thing need not have ever risen to a national level had someone in some city/town somewhere just "taken a chill" and let some dude or chick pee and move on. I mean really. It's a bodily function/need. Everyone does it. Whether one sees them do it or not, whether the person one sees doing is the same or different gender, we all know how it works and we all know what body parts are involved and what they look like. The furor over this matter is indeed just silly.
How can Obama "order" this. Nonsense. He can't just put out "orders" such as that. Lol.

He is the chief executive of the executive branch of government. He is well within his authority to order who can and cannot use executive branch restrooms. I can't even find the text of the document the Fox Facebook page purports the man has signed. It's not even listed on the Executive Orders webpage. (The most recent one is from 6-May-2016.) Moreover, the only place I can find the act as named by the Fox Facebook post -- Late Sunday, President Obama signed the "Freedom Liberty Patriotic Restroom Compliance Act" -- is in that post. You try. Copy and past the name of the act into Google and see if you get anything other than the Fox post. Fox doesn't even provide a link to the so named document.

It's not clear to the me the man actually signed such a thing. It's hard to think the President of the U.S. can sign an act, a document, and nobody, not one single person or organization other than Fox "News," is aware of the name of the damned document/act.

What I found that comes closest is a letter, but it's not even signed by Mr. Obama nor is it on White House letterhead. Reading the DoJ and DoE's letter to the nation's public schools, I see there is no force of law associated with the guidance in the letter, and nobody thinks there is, not even Obama Administration officials who sent it. Schools, districts, and states can freely choose to comply with the guidelines in the letter or they can choose not to comply with them. There crime associated with non-compliance.

That is the silliest thing I've ever heard! He is disgusting. With all the serious problems we are facing??? Sick. This world has gone insane.

Specifically what "that" do you mean?

What I think is silly is that this issue came about at all. The simple fact is that until 2016, transgender folks have been going to whatever restroom they wanted to and until of late, nobody had a word to say about it. Truly, were a F-->M transsexual ever in the restroom with me, I never knew it or noticed.

But 2016 is an election year, so a bunch of clowns -- on both sides of the issue -- had to make something of it. Somebody somewhere needed something to talk about, and quite frankly, I think it was some conservative somewhere because, as I said, trans folks have been pissin' and poopin' in "whatever" restroom for as long as there have been trans people, and no liberal, moderate or progressive was going to make "a thing" out of the fact that they have been and would have continued to do so absent the laws that have recently been passed.

This whole thing need not have ever risen to a national level had someone in some city/town somewhere just "taken a chill" and let some dude or chick pee and move on. I mean really. It's a bodily function/need. Everyone does it. Whether one sees them do it or not, whether the person one sees doing is the same or different gender, we all know how it works and we all know what body parts are involved and what they look like. The furor over this matter is indeed just silly.

The whole thing is silly and unimportant in the big picture.
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