CDZ Obama Orders All Government Restrooms to Be Transgender Friendly

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Has it occurred to you that you also lack the right to mandate to others what to accept or reject, particularly in public and publicly owned places?

I didn't talk about mandating anything ... And don't care what anyone wants to imply as a right.

If you live in state that allows the right to carry (which I specified) ... And follow the law ... There ain't **** anyone can do about it.
If I am sitting on the potty an someone wants to cause me anything I might deem as grief ... They will be looking down the barrel of a .45 ... And there isn't **** you can say about it.

You got that ... If not ... Mess with me in the bathroom and see what happens.

You got that ... If not ... Mess with me in the bathroom and see what happens.

I will wager you won't pull the trigger given the situation you describe in your post. For all your bluster, we both know you aren't about to risk imprisonment over someone doing some BS silly stuff in a restroom. So why do you mature up and discuss the topic with some legitimate integrity instead of posing as a badass?
I will wager you won't pull the trigger given the situation you describe in your post. For all your bluster, we both know you aren't about to risk imprisonment over someone doing some BS silly stuff in a restroom. So why do you mature up and discuss the topic with some legitimate integrity instead of posing as a badass?

I didn't ask what you would wager ... Nor did I ask your opinion of whether or not you thought it was bluster.
I told you that if you didn't understand and thought I wasn't serious ... To give it a ******* try and see what happens.

I did discuss the issue ... And told you that all your BS was a bunch of BS.
You don't even understand English ... You cannot comprehend the fact I don't have to be a badass for you not to have a fricken choice in the matter.

You have nothing but empty speculation on what you want to believe I may or may not do ... Again, give it a try and see what happens ... Weak sob.

I mean I have no clue where you live that you would allow someone to mess with you while you are sitting on the potty.
Where I live ... Anyone is within their rights to handle someone stupid enough to mess with someone else sitting on the potty.

If you think that takes some kind of superhero maneuvers ... It doesn't.

It should be noted that it isn't a threat.
If you happen to find yourself in the state of Louisiana ... And are confused about what bathroom you should use ... Be Careful!
We are a "Right to Carry" state ... And if you get freaky in the ladies' room ... You are at your own risk.

I don't want anyone to get hurt ... But no ... Don't be messing with people when they are on the potty.
And by all means ... The laws are in place ... They are there to protect you and your well-being.
Quit waiting for someone else to agree with you ... And do what you can to protect yourself.

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I will wager you won't pull the trigger given the situation you describe in your post. For all your bluster, we both know you aren't about to risk imprisonment over someone doing some BS silly stuff in a restroom. So why do you mature up and discuss the topic with some legitimate integrity instead of posing as a badass?

I didn't ask what you would wager ... Nor did I ask your opinion of whether or not you thought it was bluster.
I told you that if you didn't understand and thought I wasn't serious ... To give it a ******* try and see what happens.

I did discuss the issue ... And told you that all your BS was a bunch of BS.
You don't even understand English ... You cannot comprehend the fact I don't have to be a badass for you not to have a fricken choice in the matter.

You have nothing but empty speculation on what you want to believe I may or may not do ... Again, give it a try and see what happens ... Weak sob.

I mean I have no clue where you live that you would allow someone to mess with you while you are sitting on the potty.
Where I live ... Anyone is within their rights to handle someone stupid enough to mess with someone else sitting on the potty.

If you think that takes some kind of superhero maneuvers ... It doesn't.

It should be noted that it isn't a threat.
If you happen to find yourself in the state of Louisiana ... And are confused about what bathroom you should use ... Be Careful!
We are a "Right to Carry" state ... And if you get freaky in the ladies' room ... You are at your own risk.

I don't want anyone to get hurt ... But no ... Don't be messing with people when they are on the potty.
And by all means ... The laws are in place ... They are there to protect you and your well-being.
Quit waiting for someone else to agree with you ... And do what you can to protect yourself.


In rural Kentucky where they still have outhouses. Men are not allowed to piss in the outhouse and only behind the outhouse out of sight and not in the mountain stream where they draw water from. Men are allowed to poo in the outhouse. Kentucky women rule the bathroom in rural Kentucky.
Exactly which part of the Constitution gives the President the right to order local governments what to do? I hope he gets sued.
The president hasn’t ‘ordered’ local governments to do anything.

It is perfectly appropriate and warranted for the Justice Department to notify school districts that to discriminate against transgender students violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Apparently you did not read the OP as Obama issued an Executive Order directing this, an Executive Order that probably violates Title IX BTW.
This will make a great attack ad on Hillary. beyond that I son't really care.
Yeah...where will Hillary pee?

She sure is hell isn't going to pee with anyone in the restroom.

Hillary's late return to debate blamed on bathroom crowd - NY Daily ... York Daily News
Dec 21, 2015 - Hillary Clinton was late returning to the stage during Saturday night's debate because she wanted the restroom to herself.
How can Obama "order" this. Nonsense. He can't just put out "orders" such as that. Lol.

He is the chief executive of the executive branch of government. He is well within his authority to order who can and cannot use executive branch restrooms. I can't even find the text of the document the Fox Facebook page purports the man has signed. It's not even listed on the Executive Orders webpage. (The most recent one is from 6-May-2016.) Moreover, the only place I can find the act as named by the Fox Facebook post -- Late Sunday, President Obama signed the "Freedom Liberty Patriotic Restroom Compliance Act" -- is in that post. You try. Copy and past the name of the act into Google and see if you get anything other than the Fox post. Fox doesn't even provide a link to the so named document.

It's not clear to the me the man actually signed such a thing. It's hard to think the President of the U.S. can sign an act, a document, and nobody, not one single person or organization other than Fox "News," is aware of the name of the damned document/act.

What I found that comes closest is a letter, but it's not even signed by Mr. Obama nor is it on White House letterhead. Reading the DoJ and DoE's letter to the nation's public schools, I see there is no force of law associated with the guidance in the letter, and nobody thinks there is, not even Obama Administration officials who sent it. Schools, districts, and states can freely choose to comply with the guidelines in the letter or they can choose not to comply with them. There crime associated with non-compliance.

That is the silliest thing I've ever heard! He is disgusting. With all the serious problems we are facing??? Sick. This world has gone insane.

Specifically what "that" do you mean?

What I think is silly is that this issue came about at all. The simple fact is that until 2016, transgender folks have been going to whatever restroom they wanted to and until of late, nobody had a word to say about it. Truly, were a F-->M transsexual ever in the restroom with me, I never knew it or noticed.

But 2016 is an election year, so a bunch of clowns -- on both sides of the issue -- had to make something of it. Somebody somewhere needed something to talk about, and quite frankly, I think it was some conservative somewhere because, as I said, trans folks have been pissin' and poopin' in "whatever" restroom for as long as there have been trans people, and no liberal, moderate or progressive was going to make "a thing" out of the fact that they have been and would have continued to do so absent the laws that have recently been passed.

This whole thing need not have ever risen to a national level had someone in some city/town somewhere just "taken a chill" and let some dude or chick pee and move on. I mean really. It's a bodily function/need. Everyone does it. Whether one sees them do it or not, whether the person one sees doing is the same or different gender, we all know how it works and we all know what body parts are involved and what they look like. The furor over this matter is indeed just silly.

Happy you have an opinion.

The reason is not what happened in the past, the issue IS when a government SANCTIONS such activities

That sanctioning was not started with North Carolina, it started with Charlotte, and North Carolina had a duty to address this.
This will make a great attack ad on Hillary. beyond that I son't really care.
Yeah...where will Hillary pee?

She sure is hell isn't going to pee with anyone in the restroom.

Hillary's late return to debate blamed on bathroom crowd - NY Daily ... York Daily News
Dec 21, 2015 - Hillary Clinton was late returning to the stage during Saturday night's debate because she wanted the restroom to herself.
Hillary didn't want anyone to hear her pootin'.
I will wager you won't pull the trigger given the situation you describe in your post. For all your bluster, we both know you aren't about to risk imprisonment over someone doing some BS silly stuff in a restroom. So why do you mature up and discuss the topic with some legitimate integrity instead of posing as a badass?

I didn't ask what you would wager ... Nor did I ask your opinion of whether or not you thought it was bluster.
I told you that if you didn't understand and thought I wasn't serious ... To give it a ******* try and see what happens.

I did discuss the issue ... And told you that all your BS was a bunch of BS.
You don't even understand English ... You cannot comprehend the fact I don't have to be a badass for you not to have a fricken choice in the matter.

You have nothing but empty speculation on what you want to believe I may or may not do ... Again, give it a try and see what happens ... Weak sob.

I mean I have no clue where you live that you would allow someone to mess with you while you are sitting on the potty.
Where I live ... Anyone is within their rights to handle someone stupid enough to mess with someone else sitting on the potty.

If you think that takes some kind of superhero maneuvers ... It doesn't.

It should be noted that it isn't a threat.
If you happen to find yourself in the state of Louisiana ... And are confused about what bathroom you should use ... Be Careful!
We are a "Right to Carry" state ... And if you get freaky in the ladies' room ... You are at your own risk.

I don't want anyone to get hurt ... But no ... Don't be messing with people when they are on the potty.
And by all means ... The laws are in place ... They are there to protect you and your well-being.
Quit waiting for someone else to agree with you ... And do what you can to protect yourself.


In rural Kentucky where they still have outhouses. Men are not allowed to piss in the outhouse and only behind the outhouse out of sight and not in the mountain stream where they draw water from. Men are allowed to poo in the outhouse. Kentucky women rule the bathroom in rural Kentucky.

Outhouses. I would rather go in the woods. Gross!
I'm still not sure that I'm grasping the big problem here.

A year ago, before this all hit the fan, the transgender person below would have used the women's bathroom and there would not have been any drama.

If the argument is that we're putting kids at risk, is that the one issue here? Okay, that's a fair topic, but we'd also have to discuss proper parenting, including supervision.

Once something becomes politicized, it really becomes silly-fied.

What makes Obama think he has the "authority" to order all states to open their restrooms to whomever is the "victim of the day?" He is way overreaching, IMO.


As the Presidential candidates are trying desperately to define their platforms on the economy and national defense,Christian conservatives again are targeting issues that are foremost on the American people's minds.This time,it is where we should all be using the restroom.

Late Sunday,President Obama signed the Freedom Liberty Patriotic Restroom Compliance Act,which is an executive order that would establish 'all restrooms in Government facilities shall be used by men,women,and/or Transgenders based on urgency and need.'

This comes in the wake of reality TV star and transgender icon Caitlyn Jenner making a bold political statement this weekend— simply by using the bathroom at Trump Tower in New York City.

During an appearance on "The Today Show" last Thursday, Trump was pressed to share his position on HB2, the controversial North Carolina bill that, among other things, prohibits trans people for using the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. In a move that riled some conservatives, Trump came out against law, saying it was unnecessary. Then he said that if Jenner visited one of his properties, she could use whatever bathroom she wanted. A week later, Jenner took him up on the offer.

President Obama praised Jenner and compared her to Rosa Parks,who was an African American civil rights activist.On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks refused to obey bus driver James F. Blake's order to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger, after the white section was filled.
"These two great women,",Obama said in a press conference,"who championed the right in a free society to sit wherever they want,held no elected office. They were not born into wealth or power. Yet the events of sixty years ago as with what happened this weekend, has changed America.”

Obama sat on the same bus where Parks triggered the boycott during a 2012 visit to the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit. He vows to visit Trump Tower so he can also sit on the same seat Jenner did.
Obama believes that allowing gender equality in the restroom will allow people to come together as never before and usher in a new world order of restroom equality.

Republicans lashed out at the President for potentially endangering the safety of government building guests and their children.Presidential candidate Ted Cruz told Fox news if elected he would reascend the order and restrict bathroom usage to appropriate Judaeo-Christian toilet protocols.Obama has talked about "pen and phone" actions, and Cruz said he can reverse them if he is elected.

"He has a phone and he has a pen, but if you live by the pen you die by the pen, and my pen has got an eraser," he said. "Would you want me to come in to a restroom and take out my privates standing next to your daughter? I know my daughters don't like it when I do it at home. I sure as heck don't want to live in a society where it's wall to wall little girls screaming in restrooms."
Cruz has long said he would repeal many of Obama's executive actions, which he calls "illegal and unconstitutional," on his first day in office.

The order will go into effect in the fall just before the general election,leading some to believe the President may be grandstanding to gain the LGBT vote for Hillary Clinton. The Trump campaign could not be reached for comment.

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