Obama Orders Climate Change Be Considered in Military Planning

Goddamn, they just keep getting stupider as they post. You idiot, the ice that is melting in Greenland and being pushed into the ocean in Antarctica is above sea level. AveGuyIA, you are way below average between the ears.
Just where is the source of that moisture from that freezes and falls over the landmass that is called Greenland?

Evaporation from the Atlantic ocean. However, if the ice is falling into the ocean and melting faster than it's being evaporated and deposited back on the land, it will result in the ocean levels rising.

Are you trying for some Internet award for most clueless individual? Water evaporated over the ocean and deposited back into does NOT change the ocean level.

Go play with your crayons. This conversation is way over your head.
And..............if you think about it.................the jet stream affects how weather all over the world works. Remember during the past few winters when it dropped all the way down to the middle of Texas with the Polar Vortex? What was thought to be something that would happen once has become a regular thing for the winter.

And...............if you don't take into account what the weather is doing, as well as what it will do later, you can end up in a really bad position on the battlefield.
Thanks for reminding us the left hate science.

Thank you for proving to us that you know nothing about science.

A titless WAVE talking science! Wow! Just wow!
People have been "researching" this supposed manmade climate change for forty-six years. And after all that researching, all that screaming, all that denigration of those who don't see any evidence for it...

...not a single report proving that man has had any impact on climate change, or can ever have any in the foreseeable future, has ever been published.

Not one. In forty-six years.

Lots of stuff has been published saying that man has had an effect on climate change. and lots of it claims to "prove" it, or at least support it, by "logic" such as:

1.) Increased levels of (CO2, methane, hydrogen, pick your favorite "greenhouse gas") can change the climate.

2.) Man can create more greenhouse gases by paving too much land, or burning fossil fuels, or exhaling really heavily (insert the activity you want to demonize here).

3.) Man is doing that activity, so man is changing the climate.

No attempt to establish what increase in gases is necessary to actually change the climate in whatever way you are fearing this week. No attempt to find if man is actually creating that much. No attempt to find if such increases do or don't trigger other events that might absorb or use up more of those gases (more plants growing or oceans absorbing or whatever). Etc. etc.

And a great deal of publishing has been done, of documents that purport to "prove" that man is affecting the climate, by referring to long bibliographies of learned documents and other "studies". But if you actually look into those bibliographies and open up the documents they cite, you find... you guessed it, more bibliographies, pointing to yet more documents. No actual studies or experiments that demonstrate what the publishers say is true. Just references to even more studies... which in turn refer to even more studies... none of which ever actually prove the original assertion.

FORTY-SIX YEARS. And not a single actual proof.

There's a reason for this. And it's similar to the reason why no chemical has ever been found that can turn lead into gold... something that has been "researched" for thousands of years.

And the reason is, because there just plain isn't any.

Go peddle your papers, manmade-global-whatever hysterics. You HAVE succeeded in convincing the rest of us of one thing: that you're selling snake oil, no matter how high a price you're charging for it. Nothing else could account for your complete failure to produce even ONE piece of proof, after all the resources you have expended (usually from other peoples' pockets) and forty-plus years of trying.

Why not join the Flat Earth Society? You'll find some people there, who have the mindset needed to believe you.
Yappy yap yap. And every one of the Scientific Societies, every one of the National Academies of Science of all the nations of the world, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. And you have the balls to believe you know better than all the scientists from the many different nations on this planet that have studied the subject for decades. You are an idiot.

The effects of the warming are already evident in extreme weather events, in the melting of the cryosphere, in the increasing acidity of the oceans.
Again you're battling strawmen and losing.
No one denies global warming exists. We all enjoy the Great Lakes and Yosemite thanks to it.

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?

How bad were the algae blooms in the Great Lakes during the warming period during the Middle Ages?
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?

What Mega-storm? Did I miss something?
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
When will these islands get flooded?

Actually, some have already flooded and disappeared.

5 Pacific islands swallowed by the sea - CNN.com

There are six major islands in the Solomons and over 900 smaller islands. I am sure they have room to lose a few.
Every other country in the world is making worst case contingency plans for the expected impacts climate change will have, in the meantime conservatives would ignore this
Every country in the world is expecting the US taxpayer to foot the bill to stop the warming. Pissing away our resources on a fools errand.
The people who bet on renewables are doing pretty good right now, how's that coal stock doing?

Renewable what?

Solar and wind are a fucking bad joke!
Plenty of money to be made in alt energy. What's so great about pollution?
Fossil fuel bigots, not burning stuff for energy just seems wrong to them.
Fossil fuels were put on this earth to burn, quit your whining
Are you saying fossil fuels are a gift from God? What then is sunlight and wind? A commie plot?
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek
I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.

They are suffering from all the toxic pollutants those factories are spewing into the environment too!
Fossil fuels were put on this earth to burn, quit your whining
Are you saying fossil fuels are a gift from God? What then is sunlight and wind? A commie plot?
I'm for all the above, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate... This is not fucking Star Trek
I see, so you think we should not lead development in a new emerging world-wide technology market? Just let China build all the factories and hold all the patents on technologies we know for a fact we will need in the future? That's right, let's just sit on our ass and buy it from the Chinese like we do everything else.
Not using resources that are easily at hand is retarded, renewables are decades away from being reliable and adequate. But no, fucking tree huggers want to destroy grear paying jobs On some fucked up theory some suck ass kiss ass politician came up with.
Fossil fuels are harder to gain access to than sunlight and wind, it also seems to be in places where people hate us. No one is ever going fight a war for sunlight or put an embargo on the wind.

Solar power is always plentiful at night and wind power works great when the wind doesn't blow!
Well Barrys EPA BULLSHIT shut down most of Wyomings coal fields. Super easy access to, outstanding paying jobs, and in the area where no one gives a shit. Now those people are looking for jobs that don't pay worth a shit. Renewable energy jobs don't pay jack shit.

Actually, from what I've heard from others, the wind farms up here in the TX panhandle pay a pretty decent wage.

And if you're working on a wind farm instead of working in a coal mine, you don't have to worry about cave in's or contracting black lung.

And...............you might want to check out solar panel prices sometime. You can pick one up for around 30 bucks in the stores that will charge your cell phone in about 2 hours.

You can pick up panels that will provide enough power for an average size house for around 9,000, and that is with battery storage.
That's fine It should be personal choice, if someone wants to burn all the fossil fuels They want to and can afford it fine. If someone wants to live off 100% renewable shit that's fine too. Pro-choice man
Ridiculous, no one gets to choose where their power comes from. Even people with solar have to sell it all to the utility and then buy it back.
You missed my point, it should be up to the people of each state what type of energy they want to use… The 10th amendment that the federal government seems to ignore would help on this.

Not as easy as you think..................there are lots of by products that are produced by burning fossil fuels. And, I don't really think that the states are going to be able to prevent their pollution from traveling into other states. We can't even stop pollution from going interstate because of our rivers.

What would your solution be if a coal fired powerplant in Kentucky ended up polluting water that flowed through Tennessee?

if you ever looked at a map, you would see that most of the major rivers in Tennessee flow into Kentucky.
You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?

You mean those toxic algae blooms that have happened in the Great Lakes for the past 3 years due to the lakes being warmer, or are you talking about the fact that the waterfalls in Yosemite are drying up earlier and earlier each year?

THOSE Great Lakes and Yosemite?
Yeah, the Great Lakes and Yosemite that did not exist 12,000 years ago. Fortunately Fred Flinstone never carpooled and we can now enjoy those ice free places.

I guess you missed the part that because it's getting warmer that Yosemite is drying up earlier and earlier each year, as well as the fact that the Great Lakes have turned toxic for several weeks each year for the past 3 years because they were too warm and lots of chemical crap was being dumped into them.
Yeah, a 5 year drought would have nothing to do with it.
It's a good thing Democrats are spending billions on a train to no where instead of desalinization plants.

Oh, you mean the driest period in 1,000 years?
Calif is in the driest period in a thousand years!? What a hoot. Tell us more.

He was obviously there a thousand years ago.
I'm so old I remember when the goal of the military was to destroy the enemy.

Obama orders climate change be considered in military planning
If you weren't such a stupid fuck, the reason would be obvious. A rising sea level is going to displace a lot of people, and there are going to be millions of refugees. Changes in climate mean changes in rainfall patterns, and have the potential to lead to wars over water. It is the job of our military to consider the consequences of whatever is happening in our world, political and physical, and what the results could be in reference to threats to our nation.
Thanks for the Onion news flash. You're hysterical.

Tell us, since most of Florida is less than a hundred feet elevation, has Cape Canaveral moved yet?


USA - Tidal Flood Events in Miami Beach Increased by 400 Percent in 10 Years - FloodList

A new study by a team of scientists has found that tidal flooding in Miami Beach has increased by 400% in the last decade. Rain induced flood events have also increased significantly.

The University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led study found that Miami Beach flood events have significantly increased due to an acceleration of sea-level rise in South Florida.

Our analysis indicates that significant changes in flooding frequency occurred after 2006, in which rain-induced events increased by 33% and tide-induced events increased by more than 400%
Only south Florida has rising oceans? How does that work?

BTW - your study uses insurance data to draw it conclusions. Higher housing costs + more homes on the beach = bullshit study.

They have flooding now at high tides during clear weather. It's very easy to find information on this but you'd rather be a dope and post nonsense.

Miami Beach’s battle to stem rising tides

So how much higher are the tides now than before? I'll bet you cannot find a source for that little tidbit?
They have all kinds of other measurements going back millenia, ice cores tree rings, etc etc, dupe.
Tree rings and ice core samples tell you temperature? Since when?
Read something ferchrissake, dupes. lol

tree rings and ice cores support GW - Google Search
Nothing there about tree rings telling you how hot it is.

Which year was the hottest for this tree?
View attachment 90663
By studying tree rings and other clues in our environment, scientists have learned that there have been times when most of the planet was covered in ice, and there have also been much warmer periods. In general, climate changes prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s can be explained by natural causes, such as changes in solar energy and volcanic eruptions. Recent climate changes, however, cannot be explained by natural causes alone. Instead, human activities are very likely responsible. Tree rings alone cannot tell us whether human activities are responsible, but they do help by revealing patterns that scientists can investigate further.

So does a tree grow faster at 90F with water or 90F with drought?

It will actually grow faster with the higher amount of CO2 in the air!
Has any piece of scientific research ever been so thoroughly discredited? Tom Wigley’s son’s high school project falsified the hockey stick. The latest Sheep mountain study shows the hockey stick disappears, unless you use Mike’s trick of splicing in the thermometer record, to hide the divergence problem. The Russian scientists who collected the original tree ring samples, tried to warn Mann he was measuring the wrong metric. Yet somehow this nonsensical analysis became a central icon of the climate alarmist movement – and is still widely reproduced by the more scientifically illiterate alarmists.
There are many similar findings, sorry, dupe.
I'm still waiting to hear how high the ocean rose to submerge those islands. :eusa_think:
Keep waiting- I'm not your mother. You know how to use google. Ay caramba...
You guys make the claim rising oceans are submerging islands and you can't tell us how high the ocean rose to do that?
Tsk tsk. It's almost as if you're liars.

They say in this century, it will rise to about 7 meters. And, hate to say it, but several islands have already been lost. Read it for yourself.

5 Islands Disappear Into Pacific Due to Climate Change

Soi how much did it rise? Were the islands 20 feet about sea level or 20 mm?
There are many similar findings, sorry, dupe.
I'm still waiting to hear how high the ocean rose to submerge those islands. :eusa_think:
Keep waiting- I'm not your mother. You know how to use google. Ay caramba...
You guys make the claim rising oceans are submerging islands and you can't tell us how high the ocean rose to do that?
Tsk tsk. It's almost as if you're liars.

They say in this century, it will rise to about 7 meters. And, hate to say it, but several islands have already been lost. Read it for yourself.

5 Islands Disappear Into Pacific Due to Climate Change

Soi how much did it rise? Were the islands 20 feet about sea level or 20 mm?
Erosion is unknown to Gorebal warmers.
I'm still waiting to hear how high the ocean rose to submerge those islands. :eusa_think:
Keep waiting- I'm not your mother. You know how to use google. Ay caramba...
You guys make the claim rising oceans are submerging islands and you can't tell us how high the ocean rose to do that?
Tsk tsk. It's almost as if you're liars.

They say in this century, it will rise to about 7 meters. And, hate to say it, but several islands have already been lost. Read it for yourself.

5 Islands Disappear Into Pacific Due to Climate Change

Soi how much did it rise? Were the islands 20 feet about sea level or 20 mm?
Erosion is unknown to Gorebal warmers.
It was a shift in the trade winds that submerged the islands....our democrat settled science friends know it's MMGW though....:lol:
Keep waiting- I'm not your mother. You know how to use google. Ay caramba...
You guys make the claim rising oceans are submerging islands and you can't tell us how high the ocean rose to do that?
Tsk tsk. It's almost as if you're liars.

They say in this century, it will rise to about 7 meters. And, hate to say it, but several islands have already been lost. Read it for yourself.

5 Islands Disappear Into Pacific Due to Climate Change

Soi how much did it rise? Were the islands 20 feet about sea level or 20 mm?
Erosion is unknown to Gorebal warmers.
It was a shift in the trade winds that submerged the islands....our democrat settled science friends know it's MMGW though....:lol:
Actually the Democrats were right. The islands capsized.
Water is expected to be the thing people fight over rather than oil in the coming years. If republicans were not so strategically stupid they would know this already. As water sources dry up refugees and soldiers will go get some more from their neighbors who will not be inclined to share. The potential for warfare is not insignificant.

Just exactly where is this water drying up due to gullible warming?

Ever heard of a place called California? Ever seen what the current water levels of lake Meade are?

Remind us again the water levels of lake mead prior 1931?

Damn know your history before you start debating you're to easy To burn.

Has any piece of scientific research ever been so thoroughly discredited? Tom Wigley’s son’s high school project falsified the hockey stick. The latest Sheep mountain study shows the hockey stick disappears, unless you use Mike’s trick of splicing in the thermometer record, to hide the divergence problem. The Russian scientists who collected the original tree ring samples, tried to warn Mann he was measuring the wrong metric. Yet somehow this nonsensical analysis became a central icon of the climate alarmist movement – and is still widely reproduced by the more scientifically illiterate alarmists.
There are many similar findings, sorry, dupe.
I'm still waiting to hear how high the ocean rose to submerge those islands. :eusa_think:
Keep waiting- I'm not your mother. You know how to use google. Ay caramba...
You guys make the claim rising oceans are submerging islands and you can't tell us how high the ocean rose to do that?
Tsk tsk. It's almost as if you're liars.

They say in this century, it will rise to about 7 meters. And, hate to say it, but several islands have already been lost. Read it for yourself.

5 Islands Disappear Into Pacific Due to Climate Change

Bullshit. Next you are going to blame the Hawaiian islands from disspaering due to man made climate change..they will sink eventually it is a known fact.
Nothing there about tree rings telling you how hot it is.

Which year was the hottest for this tree?
View attachment 90663
By studying tree rings and other clues in our environment, scientists have learned that there have been times when most of the planet was covered in ice, and there have also been much warmer periods. In general, climate changes prior to the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s can be explained by natural causes, such as changes in solar energy and volcanic eruptions. Recent climate changes, however, cannot be explained by natural causes alone. Instead, human activities are very likely responsible. Tree rings alone cannot tell us whether human activities are responsible, but they do help by revealing patterns that scientists can investigate further.


You win a gold star, you learned today the climate has always changed, now can you figure out the resolutions on those proxys? Can you figure out you can't use them with modern temperature readings to get anything significant in a trend.

By the way man just got his tree specimens from only Siberia .
The hell they did, dupe.

Has any piece of scientific research ever been so thoroughly discredited? Tom Wigley’s son’s high school project falsified the hockey stick. The latest Sheep mountain study shows the hockey stick disappears, unless you use Mike’s trick of splicing in the thermometer record, to hide the divergence problem. The Russian scientists who collected the original tree ring samples, tried to warn Mann he was measuring the wrong metric. Yet somehow this nonsensical analysis became a central icon of the climate alarmist movement – and is still widely reproduced by the more scientifically illiterate alarmists.
There are many similar findings, sorry, dupe.

Post them and I will destroy them. You can not handle common sense ..again we are still leaving the last ice age, the human civilization was born at the perfect time, we will have another ice age or another warming period, take your frickin pick and there is not a damn thing man can do about it.

And..............if you think about it.................the jet stream affects how weather all over the world works. Remember during the past few winters when it dropped all the way down to the middle of Texas with the Polar Vortex? What was thought to be something that would happen once has become a regular thing for the winter.

And...............if you don't take into account what the weather is doing, as well as what it will do later, you can end up in a really bad position on the battlefield.

Yeah, it has been happening forever, and somebody decided to attach a cool sounding name to it!

The worst blizzard in my neck of the woods occurred about 45 years and the rivers froze solid. We missed about 3 weeks of school and nothing like that has happened since, but it could happen this year for all we know.

Google is really useful if you know how to type into the little box the information that you are seeking, and it's apparent that you haven't done any research on the jetstream. For the past several years, it's been dipping down further south each year, bringing in the Arctic blast of winter with it. No, the jetstream traveling further and further south is a new thing.

But, continue to be the frog in the slowly heating water. When it starts to bubble, it's too late, because you're already cooked.

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