Obama orders full review of elections hacking

It is so funny to watch the far left call Trump a fascist and then support Obama on this..

The far left supports a fascist move by a fascist president and they ignore it!
I don't believe in the idea of a witch hunt when no witches were anywhere in the area. I also don't believe in trying to steal an election any way possible because of sore losers who are not mature enough to accept the loss.

I can understand a complaint here or there. That's normal. But to be complaining about nearly a half-dozen things is just petulant. Pandering to crybabies just makes them cry all the more. Like I said, Democrats are making us all look bad across the world.

You must be reading the wrong things then, because it is Trump, and the fact that America elected him President, that people around the world are looking down on the U.S. Hell, it was European countries that brought it to the government's attention that Russia had done the hacking in the first place, and they were trying to help Trump win the election. Yes, it wasn't Obama and the feds, it was European countries.

You mean the liberals in European countries.

This is just plain embarrassing. Democrats are so immature. Dealing with Democrats is like dealing with a bratty six year old normal kid.

You mean intelligence groups in European countries. Cool... you going to go off on some new tangent now? You going to bring up climate change now when we are talking about the election? I'm not a democrat, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.
You must be reading the wrong things then, because it is Trump, and the fact that America elected him President, that people around the world are looking down on the U.S. Hell, it was European countries that brought it to the government's attention that Russia had done the hacking in the first place, and they were trying to help Trump win the election. Yes, it wasn't Obama and the feds, it was European countries.

You mean the liberals in European countries.

This is just plain embarrassing. Democrats are so immature. Dealing with Democrats is like dealing with a bratty six year old normal kid.

You mean intelligence groups in European countries. Cool... you going to go off on some new tangent now? You going to bring up climate change now when we are talking about the election? I'm not a democrat, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.

Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
You mean the liberals in European countries.

This is just plain embarrassing. Democrats are so immature. Dealing with Democrats is like dealing with a bratty six year old normal kid.

You mean intelligence groups in European countries. Cool... you going to go off on some new tangent now? You going to bring up climate change now when we are talking about the election? I'm not a democrat, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.

Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.
You mean intelligence groups in European countries. Cool... you going to go off on some new tangent now? You going to bring up climate change now when we are talking about the election? I'm not a democrat, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.

Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.

Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.

Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.

Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
There is absolutely NO actual evidence that any hacking occurred to the voting process on election day. And NO ONE has actually said there was from the Government. The complaint is that supposedly the Russians hacked the DNC not that they hacked any actual voting system. And the ONLY actual evidence anyone even ATTEMPTED to hack anything to do with voting information is IN GEORGIA where the US Government tried to hack Georgia's information.
How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.

Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.

Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
There is absolutely NO actual evidence that any hacking occurred to the voting process on election day. And NO ONE has actually said there was from the Government. The complaint is that supposedly the Russians hacked the DNC not that they hacked any actual voting system. And the ONLY actual evidence anyone even ATTEMPTED to hack anything to do with voting information is IN GEORGIA where the US Government tried to hack Georgia's information.

So hacking the DNC email, hacking more than one Democratic headquarters in various states... and posting fake news stories doesn't matter?
I don't believe in the idea of a witch hunt when no witches were anywhere in the area. I also don't believe in trying to steal an election any way possible because of sore losers who are not mature enough to accept the loss.

I can understand a complaint here or there. That's normal. But to be complaining about nearly a half-dozen things is just petulant. Pandering to crybabies just makes them cry all the more. Like I said, Democrats are making us all look bad across the world.

You must be reading the wrong things then, because it is Trump, and the fact that America elected him President, that people around the world are looking down on the U.S. Hell, it was European countries that brought it to the government's attention that Russia had done the hacking in the first place, and they were trying to help Trump win the election. Yes, it wasn't Obama and the feds, it was European countries.

You mean the liberals in European countries.

This is just plain embarrassing. Democrats are so immature. Dealing with Democrats is like dealing with a bratty six year old normal kid.

You mean intelligence groups in European countries. Cool... you going to go off on some new tangent now? You going to bring up climate change now when we are talking about the election? I'm not a democrat, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?

Sure I can, because you support every stupid thing they are trying to do to steal the election. You have complained about the popular vote, you supported the fallacy of Russian hacking, you recently posted the idiocy of a state court overturning the entire election, you are for anything that would put Hillary (a Democrat) in the White House, you keep trying to blame Trump because he said the election was rigged as if that had anything to do with the Democrats actions.

You haven't supported Trump one time in any of your posts. And if the situation were reversed and Trump and the Republicans were pulling any of these stunts, you would be bashing them to no end.

But you're not a Democrat.
You must be reading the wrong things then, because it is Trump, and the fact that America elected him President, that people around the world are looking down on the U.S. Hell, it was European countries that brought it to the government's attention that Russia had done the hacking in the first place, and they were trying to help Trump win the election. Yes, it wasn't Obama and the feds, it was European countries.

You mean the liberals in European countries.

This is just plain embarrassing. Democrats are so immature. Dealing with Democrats is like dealing with a bratty six year old normal kid.

You mean intelligence groups in European countries. Cool... you going to go off on some new tangent now? You going to bring up climate change now when we are talking about the election? I'm not a democrat, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Yes.......we all know......you're not a Democrat. You're just a person that sticks up for Democrats all the time.

How the fuck am I sticking up for a Democrat by asking for a fair election without interference? Can you please explain that?

Sure I can, because you support every stupid thing they are trying to do to steal the election. You have complained about the popular vote, you supported the fallacy of Russian hacking, you recently posted the idiocy of a state court overturning the entire election, you are for anything that would put Hillary (a Democrat) in the White House, you keep trying to blame Trump because he said the election was rigged as if that had anything to do with the Democrats actions.

You haven't supported Trump one time in any of your posts. And if the situation were reversed and Trump and the Republicans were pulling any of these stunts, you would be bashing them to no end.

But you're not a Democrat.

Nope I'm not. You are talking about one single thing... the election being rigged and that's it. Start talking about other shit like gun control, immigration, abortion, and other subjects and you'll see I don't affiliate with either party. But hey... again if it helps you get your rocks off to think I'm a Democrat you go for it.
It is very clear that you do not care about your fellow countrymen. It is you who is a disgrace and it is you who hates the principles upon which the US is meant to represent.
Says the freak crapping on our nations flag. A flag hundreds of thousands have died to protect.
Not one man or woman has ever uttered their last words with, "This is for the flag". You watch too many Joan Wayne films. I don't need a weatherman to know which the wind blows. Your contributions to this thread (so far) is blown from your butt hole.
and you seem to be okay with disenfranchising the populations of 30-35 states.

Um, no. I'm saying everybody's vote should have the same weight. You're saying that's not okay..

You tell us. Here is the voting map of counties and states by color. What you're complaining about is those tiny blue sections shouldn't be controlled by those huge red sections:

View attachment 101501

Imagine that, the blue matches the drug routes into and through the country to the main distribution centers in the major cities.
OF course big money is gonna contest this,
because it's drug money at stake and all the trickle down blood money at stake too.
Yacht salesmen are shaking in their gucci boots.
Can anybody me show how Russians manipulated the content of the emails? For example, the they redact the content to reflect Democrat Operatives referred to capturing the Latino Vote as Operation Taco Bowl? Did they conjure up the notion that Donna Brazille leaked debate questions to Clinton?

What is disturbing is that the Left is so short sighted they are not focused on coming up with a plan to hinder hacking against US. Further, the Left is not willing to address what has been exposed and their plan to clean up their party. This continued corruption by the Left simply validates to the American voter that selected Trump or voted against Hillary.
Can anybody me show how Russians manipulated the content of the emails? For example, the they redact the content to reflect Democrat Operatives referred to capturing the Latino Vote as Operation Taco Bowl? Did they conjure up the notion that Donna Brazille leaked debate questions to Clinton?

What is disturbing is that the Left is so short sighted they are not focused on coming up with a plan to hinder hacking against US. Further, the Left is not willing to address what has been exposed and their plan to clean up their party. This continued corruption by the Left simply validates to the American voter that selected Trump or voted against Hillary.

That shit doesn't matter. You don't think Trump was doing shady shit too? It's that they only targeted the Democrats and didn't do anything to Trump.
We had a fair election IN FACT before the votes were cast and the dems believed Trump would lose the line was Trump wont accept defeat and Hillary said ON NATIONAL TV it was a disgrace to not accept the results. Now suddenly it was not fair.

Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.

Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
There is absolutely NO actual evidence that any hacking occurred to the voting process on election day. And NO ONE has actually said there was from the Government. The complaint is that supposedly the Russians hacked the DNC not that they hacked any actual voting system. And the ONLY actual evidence anyone even ATTEMPTED to hack anything to do with voting information is IN GEORGIA where the US Government tried to hack Georgia's information.

So hacking the DNC email, hacking more than one Democratic headquarters in various states... and posting fake news stories doesn't matter?
It did not matter to Hillary before the actual election, she did not claim at any time BEFORE she lost that it effected the "fairness" of the election. Further be specific and cite for us where she or anyone else said anything provided was false.
Hell yeah it wasn't fair. Third party independent people, who don't even live in the United States, say they have evidence Russia influenced the U.S. elections... but who cares right? Trump won! Uhhmer-ee-cah! Yee-Haw!
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.

Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
There is absolutely NO actual evidence that any hacking occurred to the voting process on election day. And NO ONE has actually said there was from the Government. The complaint is that supposedly the Russians hacked the DNC not that they hacked any actual voting system. And the ONLY actual evidence anyone even ATTEMPTED to hack anything to do with voting information is IN GEORGIA where the US Government tried to hack Georgia's information.

So hacking the DNC email, hacking more than one Democratic headquarters in various states... and posting fake news stories doesn't matter?
It did not matter to Hillary before the actual election, she did not claim at any time BEFORE she lost that it effected the "fairness" of the election. Further be specific and cite for us where she or anyone else said anything provided was false.

It doesn't matter if anything in the emails was false or not. What matters is the hacking was one sided. There was absolutely no hacking of RNC emails, RNC headquarters, or anything related to Trump. There wasn't thousands of fake news sites posting stories about Trump every single day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened.
Wrong Before the election the left believed Hillary would win and INSISTED that Trump accept the results. They stated there was absolutely no way that anyone did any such thing. Now suddenly it is not true. Grow a pair and accept the fact that Hillary Clinton LOST.

Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
There is absolutely NO actual evidence that any hacking occurred to the voting process on election day. And NO ONE has actually said there was from the Government. The complaint is that supposedly the Russians hacked the DNC not that they hacked any actual voting system. And the ONLY actual evidence anyone even ATTEMPTED to hack anything to do with voting information is IN GEORGIA where the US Government tried to hack Georgia's information.

So hacking the DNC email, hacking more than one Democratic headquarters in various states... and posting fake news stories doesn't matter?
It did not matter to Hillary before the actual election, she did not claim at any time BEFORE she lost that it effected the "fairness" of the election. Further be specific and cite for us where she or anyone else said anything provided was false.

It doesn't matter if anything in the emails was false or not. What matters is the hacking was one sided. There was absolutely no hacking of RNC emails, RNC headquarters, or anything related to Trump. There wasn't thousands of fake news sites posting stories about Trump every single day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened.
It matters, or can you cite one example of Hillary claiming the vote was in danger before the election?
Again, I don't give two flying fucks about Hillary. Trump said before the election that it was rigged. Now it isn't since he won? Jesus... so you call out Democratic hypocrisy while ignoring your own. How silly is that?
There is absolutely NO actual evidence that any hacking occurred to the voting process on election day. And NO ONE has actually said there was from the Government. The complaint is that supposedly the Russians hacked the DNC not that they hacked any actual voting system. And the ONLY actual evidence anyone even ATTEMPTED to hack anything to do with voting information is IN GEORGIA where the US Government tried to hack Georgia's information.

So hacking the DNC email, hacking more than one Democratic headquarters in various states... and posting fake news stories doesn't matter?
It did not matter to Hillary before the actual election, she did not claim at any time BEFORE she lost that it effected the "fairness" of the election. Further be specific and cite for us where she or anyone else said anything provided was false.

It doesn't matter if anything in the emails was false or not. What matters is the hacking was one sided. There was absolutely no hacking of RNC emails, RNC headquarters, or anything related to Trump. There wasn't thousands of fake news sites posting stories about Trump every single day. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what happened.
It matters, or can you cite one example of Hillary claiming the vote was in danger before the election?

A guy from Newsweek wrote an article before the election stating sources from European intelligence agencies that Russia was behind all the hacking and was trying to get Trump elected. The same things the CIA is reporting now.

Officials from two European countries tell Newsweek that Trump’s comments about Russia’s hacking have alarmed several NATO partners because it suggests he either does not believe the information he receives in intelligence briefings, does not pay attention to it, does not understand it or is misleading the American public for unknown reasons. One British official says members of that government who are aware of the scope of Russia’s cyberattacks both in Western Europe and America found Trump’s comments “quite disturbing” because they fear that, if elected, the Republican presidential nominee would continue to ignore information gathered by intelligence services in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy.

Why Russia is backing Donald Trump
Lol, we're back to the russians.
Yes ...... and LOL again.
I really dont care who hacked hillary,i'm just glad they did.
You do noy care if the Russians effected the election, as long as you get your way. You are disgraceful and you hate America.
It is very clear that you do not care about your fellow countrymen. It is you who is a disgrace and it is you who hates the principles upon which the US is meant to represent.
Could you supply some examples to this meaningless accusation?

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