Obama orders full review of elections hacking

Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...
At the risk of wasting time, please provide any shred of evidence to support the insane accusation that Trump would want to protect Russia from charges of hacking the US election.

Never mind - don't bother, since we BOTH know there is no such 'evidence', just your insane, sore-loser, sour-grapes, butt-hurt snowflake bitterness at Hillary having lost the election....


and he will continue to defend Putin.
You people voted for a narcissistic sociopath. Enjoy the trip to hell.
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election
Obama orders review into Russian hacking of 2016 election - CNNPolitics.com

But Trump will stop it when he takes office. Gotta protect Putin...

Yo, when Trump gets in Office, he should have this investigated:
An attempted hack into Georgia's voter registration database was traced back to the Department of Homeland Security, You Go Obama!!!

And then we can investigate why Obama lied to medical marijuana users in 2008 about not being prosecuted, and document that the ones he did prosecute were more than 95% white....
I think an investigation into whether Russia hacked or worked to influence the election is fair game. If Russia is doing it now they will do it every time if there aren't consequences. If they did do so, a message needs to be sent that will deter China and other cyber warfare nations from doing the same. I will say, regardless of who did it, it is a stretch to suggest that Trump was aware of it, my guess is this isn't the kind of thing that gets leaked out to someone. The CIA, NSA and FBI would be in the know.

Democracy isn't easy and it should be protected. I will add, in a similar vein, certain foundations linked to politicians now, in the past or future, should be investigated as well. There is more than on way to buy politicians. You can be certain there are plenty of International governments than just Russia trying to rig the game in their favor.
and of course it means nothing that Trump ask Russia to hack Hillary during a campaign rally.
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking
A full review in 30 days! Brilliant! I hope Republicans start deleting emails and destroying hard drives! Just to fuck with him!
yeah, sure thing Obammy. We'll get right on that over the holidays. chuckles.....you know how GOVT review works right? 2 years for da' Beast to deliver a box of paper across the street, remember.

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