Obama orders full review of elections hacking

Obama is a shit stain on our country and can do nothing.
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking

This is funny!

Podestas email account hacked by a decades old phishing scheme that a twelve year old would have seen through.

Good God Obama, wake the hell up. The democrats are just idiots.
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking

Isn't it ironic the Russians are providing the truth the Democrats are hiding?
Both sides in the congress are calling for an investigation dummies....

Dumb ass Trump doesn't want it...Very concerning that he doesn't ...he is joining with Puttin

Congressional Calls Grow for a Probe of Russian Hacking in U.S. Election
Republican and Democratic lawmakers say they plan to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of emails from Democratic political organizations andHillary Clinton’s campaign staff.

But their efforts face a strong headwind from President-elect Donald Trump, who has continued to deny that there is proof of Russia’s involvement.
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking

Isn't it ironic the Russians are providing the truth the Democrats are hiding?

And this hacking doesn't concern you why?
Both sides in the congress are calling for an investigation dummies....

Dumb ass Trump doesn't want it...Very concerning that he doesn't ...he is joining with Puttin

Congressional Calls Grow for a Probe of Russian Hacking in U.S. Election
Republican and Democratic lawmakers say they plan to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of emails from Democratic political organizations andHillary Clinton’s campaign staff.

But their efforts face a strong headwind from President-elect Donald Trump, who has continued to deny that there is proof of Russia’s involvement.

Drinking this early in the day?
Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
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Jeff Mason1 hr ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama ordered intelligence agencies to review cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

Monaco told reporters the results of the report would be shared with lawmakers and others.

"The president has directed the intelligence community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process ... and to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders, to include the Congress," Monaco said during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Monaco said cyber attacks were not new but might have crossed a "new threshold" this year.


Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
State of Georgia allegedly accusing Homeland Security of attempted hack

The Hill

Joe Uchill 7 hrs ago


The state of Georgia is accusing the Department of Homeland Security of trying to hack its voter registration database, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The Journal says it has seen a copy of a letter to DHS making those allegations, wherein Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp writes "At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network. Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network."

The alleged attempted hack took place on November 15 - a full week after the election. The letter apparently matched the internet address of a computer attempting to breach the state's systems to one operated by DHS.


State of Georgia allegedly accusing Homeland Security of attempted hack
Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
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Jeff Mason1 hr ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama ordered intelligence agencies to review cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

Monaco told reporters the results of the report would be shared with lawmakers and others.

"The president has directed the intelligence community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process ... and to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders, to include the Congress," Monaco said during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Monaco said cyber attacks were not new but might have crossed a "new threshold" this year.


Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
A clear attempt to undermine confidence in American democracy. It is time to for Obama to finally stop behaving like a peevish politician and start acting presidential, even if it is only for a few weeks.
Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
1 / 26


Jeff Mason1 hr ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama ordered intelligence agencies to review cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

Monaco told reporters the results of the report would be shared with lawmakers and others.

"The president has directed the intelligence community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process ... and to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders, to include the Congress," Monaco said during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Monaco said cyber attacks were not new but might have crossed a "new threshold" this year.


Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
A clear attempt to undermine confidence in American democracy. It is time to for Obama to finally stop behaving like a peevish politician and start acting presidential, even if it is only for a few weeks.

Obongo needs the...


Hillary has claimed FAKE NEWS is just as bad as hacking the election. She and Barry should know - they're the ones who paraded Susan Rice out and all over the Sunday Morning Talk Shows after the Benghazi attack talking about a fake video.
I think an investigation into whether Russia hacked or worked to influence the election is fair game. If Russia is doing it now they will do it every time if there aren't consequences. If they did do so, a message needs to be sent that will deter China and other cyber warfare nations from doing the same. I will say, regardless of who did it, it is a stretch to suggest that Trump was aware of it, my guess is this isn't the kind of thing that gets leaked out to someone. The CIA, NSA and FBI would be in the know.

Democracy isn't easy and it should be protected. I will add, in a similar vein, certain foundations linked to politicians now, in the past or future, should be investigated as well. There is more than on way to buy politicians. You can be certain there are plenty of International governments than just Russia trying to rig the game in their favor.
Of course Russia is guilty of hacking and influencing. We know it, the world knows it and Russia knows it. That's what Russia has been doing ever since they overthrew the Czar. They cheat, lie and steal anything that isn't nailed down.
Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
1 / 26


Jeff Mason1 hr ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama ordered intelligence agencies to review cyber attacks and foreign intervention into the 2016 election and deliver a report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said on Friday.

Monaco told reporters the results of the report would be shared with lawmakers and others.

"The president has directed the intelligence community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process ... and to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders, to include the Congress," Monaco said during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Monaco said cyber attacks were not new but might have crossed a "new threshold" this year.


Obama orders review of cyber attacks on 2016 election: adviser
Obama needs to be watched closely. Depression, dispair, embarrassment, legacy in tatters. He might draw a red line. Might lash out with sanctions. Issue executive order for transgender bathrooms. Keep those nuke codes under lock and key.
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Who cares? Washington is so deep in its' own shit that another scandal or two won't make any difference. Trump won! Either he won by honest means or he cheated as much as Hillary. He still won. He won.
I can't believe how Trump just dismisses this . Way to go Obama!

U.S. intelligence officials have said they have strong evidence that Russian intelligence services penetrated the computers of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other political organizations and political leaders, including John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, whose emails were hacked. They have said the later public release of those emails by WikiLeaks and other websites was consistent with methods the Russian intelligence services have used elsewhere in Eastern Europe and Ukraine.

President Obama has ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a “full review” of the cyberattacks during the 2016 election and to prepare a report on the subject — including to Congress — before he leaves office, White House homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco said Thursday.

Obama orders ‘full review’ of 2016 election hacking

In other words, Obama is wasting our tax dollars.

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