Obama outraises Romney in August


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
President Barack Obama's re-election campaign and supporting committees brought in more than $114 million last month – the first time the incumbent has outraised his opponent, Gov. Mitt Romney, since April.

Since April 2011, 3,142,457 people have offered their dollars to the president’s re-election efforts.

The campaign also said 98% of contributions last month were $250 or less, with the average donation totaling $58.

“That is a critical down payment on the organization we are building across the country – the largest grassroots campaign in history,” Messina said.

Obama outraises Romney for first time in months – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Karl Rove's superpac just pulled their ads from Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

To quote Joseph Conrad.........Mistah Romney, he dead.
I just bought the birther mug yesterday, can't wait to tout that thing around the office. :lol:

Ummm not a good choice to make, especially if your boss is in a different party.

You're exactly right. I have a sticker on my back window that I make sure possible clients don't see till after I've been hired. And even then sometimes I hide it.
President Barack Obama's re-election campaign and supporting committees brought in more than $114 million last month – the first time the incumbent has outraised his opponent, Gov. Mitt Romney, since April.

Since April 2011, 3,142,457 people have offered their dollars to the president’s re-election efforts.

The campaign also said 98% of contributions last month were $250 or less, with the average donation totaling $58.

“That is a critical down payment on the organization we are building across the country – the largest grassroots campaign in history,” Messina said.

Obama outraises Romney for first time in months – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The large database of small givers was always the reason the GOP picked Romney. He was the only GOP candidate that could actually raise comparable amounts to Obama.

By the time the Election hits, the two campaigns will likely be at parity on funds.

Now, the Super PACs, we may never know as many won't ever have to release a drop of information.

Get used to big ticket campaigns.
Romney is over 200 million ahead of obama. It's not how much money they raise, it's how much is spent and obama's burn rate is triple that of Romney's.
Yes, we all know how Obama rewards his cronies.. Solyndra is the GREAT reminder of Barack Hussein Obama and his fund-raising. That you leftists are proud of that is hilarious!

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