Obama over the top praising Chinese Government

I wouldn't expect a right winger to praise China but I expect left wingers to so it's no surprise that Bam Bam idolizes China.
Obama over the top praising Chinese Government

Their economy has done rather well thanks to China's having invested a HUGE percentage of it GDP in STIMULUS.

One supposes that Obama is rather impressed by their ability (so far, at least) of holding off the RECESSION that we are just now climbing out of.

Obama sees that China's version of FASCISM works really well for controlling the MASCROECONOMY.

No reason this ought to surprise him since history showed us that corporate fascism worked really well for Italy and Germany too.

All we need do is give up free markets, and true forms of representational government and we too can live in a brownshirt distopia.

That is, I presume based on their actions, the hidden agenda of that long range plan that both parties are working toward.
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I wouldn't expect a right winger to praise China but I expect left wingers to so it's no surprise that Bam Bam idolizes China.
CON$erviNutzis WORSHIP the ChiComs and want to make America like the union-less ChiComs. Here is your MessiahRushie pointing out the ChiComs superiority over America.

Why Apple Can't Make iPhones in America - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Why Apple Can't Make iPhones in America
January 23, 2012


RUSH: The New York Times over the weekend had a story about why Apple's products are assembled in China. Why aren't they made in America. Apple has something like 43,000 employees in America, not counting the retail employees, 43,000 employees at their headquarters in Cupertino. It's a long piece that prints out to 14 pages. It recounts the fact that Obama once had dinner with all these high-tech guys out in California, Jobs and Zuckerberg and so forth, and at that dinner Jobs told Obama, (paraphrasing) "These jobs are never coming back, Mr. President, and we don't understand why you say that nothing can be done about this. This is the greatest country on earth. These particular jobs, the flexibility we need cannot happen in the United States." And this New York Times story spells it out. As I say, they leave out one crucial factor here and that's unions, to help explain why manufacturing in America can't compete with the way the ChiComs do it.

Let me give you a fascinating statistic that will put this in perspective. The primary manufacturing company for Apple's products is called Foxconn, Hon Hai Precision Industry, and they make electronic gadgets for practically everybody. Apple is one of their largest customers. They have, at one factory, 230,000 employees. One factory: 230,000 employees. Most of them live in dormitories on the site of the factory. There's a hospital, there are kitchens. This place goes through... I wish I could remember. The tonnage of pork and rice every month this place goes through to feed its employees is astounding. They have 230,000 employees in one factory. They work six days a week, 12 hours a day. They earn the equivalent of 17 US dollars a day, and they are plum jobs in China.

They could fill 3,000 new jobs a day, based on applications. By contrast, there are 50 US cities with 230,000 people. Adults. There are 83 US cities with a total population of 230,000. There are 50 US cities with an adult population of over 230,000. Here is a factory, and that's just one of Foxconn's factories. Now, one example is cited of what can be done in China that can't happen in America. They also talk about they were able to fill 8,700 engineer openings -- not assembly line workers, but engineering jobs -- in 15 days. It is said in the story it would take a US company, with all the legal hurdles and everything, nine months to find that many.
I wouldn't expect a right winger to praise China but I expect left wingers to so it's no surprise that Bam Bam idolizes China.
CON$erviNutzis WORSHIP the ChiComs and want to make America like the union-less ChiComs. Here is your MessiahRushie pointing out the ChiComs superiority over America.

Why Apple Can't Make iPhones in America - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Why Apple Can't Make iPhones in America
January 23, 2012


RUSH: The New York Times over the weekend had a story about why Apple's products are assembled in China. Why aren't they made in America. Apple has something like 43,000 employees in America, not counting the retail employees, 43,000 employees at their headquarters in Cupertino. It's a long piece that prints out to 14 pages. It recounts the fact that Obama once had dinner with all these high-tech guys out in California, Jobs and Zuckerberg and so forth, and at that dinner Jobs told Obama, (paraphrasing) "These jobs are never coming back, Mr. President, and we don't understand why you say that nothing can be done about this. This is the greatest country on earth. These particular jobs, the flexibility we need cannot happen in the United States." And this New York Times story spells it out. As I say, they leave out one crucial factor here and that's unions, to help explain why manufacturing in America can't compete with the way the ChiComs do it.

Let me give you a fascinating statistic that will put this in perspective. The primary manufacturing company for Apple's products is called Foxconn, Hon Hai Precision Industry, and they make electronic gadgets for practically everybody. Apple is one of their largest customers. They have, at one factory, 230,000 employees. One factory: 230,000 employees. Most of them live in dormitories on the site of the factory. There's a hospital, there are kitchens. This place goes through... I wish I could remember. The tonnage of pork and rice every month this place goes through to feed its employees is astounding. They have 230,000 employees in one factory. They work six days a week, 12 hours a day. They earn the equivalent of 17 US dollars a day, and they are plum jobs in China.

They could fill 3,000 new jobs a day, based on applications. By contrast, there are 50 US cities with 230,000 people. Adults. There are 83 US cities with a total population of 230,000. There are 50 US cities with an adult population of over 230,000. Here is a factory, and that's just one of Foxconn's factories. Now, one example is cited of what can be done in China that can't happen in America. They also talk about they were able to fill 8,700 engineer openings -- not assembly line workers, but engineering jobs -- in 15 days. It is said in the story it would take a US company, with all the legal hurdles and everything, nine months to find that many.

Wow you really have a hard on for Rush or is it just fat guys in general?
It's pretty impressive over there how quickly they can build
things, how productive they are as a society. You should see their
airport compared to our airports, their highways, their train systems.
They're moving quickly in part because the regulators see their job as
encouraging private people. It's amazing. The head of Coca-Cola said the
business environment is friendlier in China than in America. And that's
because of the regulators. That's because of government."

Praising China Regulators ?

China's communist government can seize property by fiat and marshal state-owned industries to build large projects.

President Obama Praises Chinese Regulators

I can't imagine that a president or someone who wants to be president would praise a communist country where property can be seized and people work without safety regulations and without health care.

I'm sure even the right wing must agree with me on this?


Look at the right wing loons agreeing with the above article they haven't read. If you are going to comment on a news story, you would think they would read it first, just to make sure they aren't being made to look like fools. I read their links. Course many times I laugh until I cry afterwards, but I read them.


  • $ox-cart.jpg
    89.9 KB · Views: 57
It's pretty impressive over there how quickly they can build
things, how productive they are as a society. You should see their
airport compared to our airports, their highways, their train systems.
They're moving quickly in part because the regulators see their job as
encouraging private people. It's amazing. The head of Coca-Cola said the
business environment is friendlier in China than in America. And that's
because of the regulators. That's because of government."

Praising China Regulators ?

China's communist government can seize property by fiat and marshal state-owned industries to build large projects.

President Obama Praises Chinese Regulators

I can't imagine that a president or someone who wants to be president would praise a communist country where property can be seized and people work without safety regulations and without health care.

I'm sure even the right wing must agree with me on this?


Look at the right wing loons agreeing with the above article they haven't read. If you are going to comment on a news story, you would think they would read it first, just to make sure they aren't being made to look like fools. I read their links. Course many times I laugh until I cry afterwards, but I read them.

This thread proves one thing- you're a pimp.
It's amazing what a truly totalitarian government can do! No wonder obama wants one here.

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