Obama pandering to hispanic


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama meeting with the National Council of La Raza. I never hear such a crock of #$(^ on our immigration system that punish immigrants.
---We punish children of immigrants (illegal aliens) when we deport their parents.
---We separate families when we enforce our immigration laws.
---We need immigrants (illegal aliens) for our economy.
---Children of immigrants (illegal aliens) are our future.
---One of six small businesses are run by immigrants (illegal aliens) contributing to our economy.
Obama blames Republicans for Comp. Immig. Reform and the Dream Act not passing. And calls any opposition racist, bigotry and xenophobia. He cannot bring himself to call a rat a rat and insist on calling it a rodent. Over and over he refer to illegal aliens are immigrants.
Obama’s plan will never fix our illegal immigration problem because he cannot see that illegal immigration is a crime. You cannot fix a problem if you cannot recognize it is a problem. Obama cannot see there is a difference between immigration of the 1900s and illegal immigration today. The difference between an asset and a liability. When it come to illegal immigration, Obama is stuck on stupid. Immigrants of the 1900s gave and illegal aliens of today take. Illegal aliens are bankrupting this country and we cannot even imagine what amnesty will do.
Obama never talk about the
--15 Americans illegal aliens kill each day. About the 8 children raped by illegal aliens each day.
---About the most dangerous gangs in America are Hispanic and illegal aliens.
---That Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is a big business that is cost us billions.
---Illegal aliens make up half of California’s prison population straining state budgets and creates a nightmare for local police forces.
---That illegal aliens are taking jobs, lowering wages for Americans and lowering their standard of living, taking away their American dream.
---He never talk of taking away benefits from illegal aliens to balance the budget.
---The illegal aliens are bringing drugs across the border that is destroying lives of Americans. And drug cartels doing business in our national forests, etc.
---The Dream Act will create more competition for our children.

Obama went to El Paso and met with NCLR to talk about Com. Immig. Reform but he has not taken the issue to the American people who is adversely affected by illegal immigration. The American people are not against immigrants and legal immigration but against illegal aliens and illegal immigration.
Obama is completely blind and deaf to the problem of illegal immigration and believes if they are all legalized the problem will illegal immigration will be solved.
Obama’s meeting with NCLR is only pumping up Hispanics for protests prior to the 2012 election. He is aiding and abetting illegal immigration and that is a crime.
Latinos: Obama's Pandering on Immigration Falls Flat 13 May 2011

“America’s largest minority needs to take a cue from the Tea Party movement and start an insurgency challenging both political parties -- the one that takes them for granted and the other that writes them off,” he wrote

In a Tuesday speech in El Paso, Texas, Obama indicated the border was secure and called for immigration reform. He charged Republicans would “want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat.”
Read more on Newsmax.com: Latinos: Obama's Pandering on Immigration Falls Flat
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Latinos: Obama's Pandering on Immigration Falls Flat

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