Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"

Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Carter era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt. Of course there is that disaster called obamacare. Just wait until the American people get a taste of the increased cost next year when government subsidies to the insurance companies come to an end.
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Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny
Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.
Not one RWNJ admitted that Obama was referring to special tax breaks enjoyed in the hedge fund industry that the rest of us don't get.

What a surprise!

Yea...and I imagine "you didn't build that" referred to roads
Uhmm taxpayer funds built the roads. Government employees are just paid employees not our benefactors who build roads for us.

Ummmmm....no shit Sherlock

I was scratching my head over Captain Obvious, too.
Affirmative action is Republican backed. Republicans can place blame on poor people instead of the real cause of economic decline in the US, corporate America.

You're annoying

The truth annoys you.

I just get weary of people like you thinking people can't make it on their own and need help. I know plenty of people that are successful because they applied themselves.

Applied themselves in directing others, or perhaps used others to reinvent the widget. Steve Jobs was a great example of that.

Jobs had an idea and ran with it, in the process he became wealthy and others did also. He had a vision

Which is what I wrote.
So you have enough money to live without working and be able to do anything you want?

We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.

What is wealthy to you may be different than what is wealthy to others.

Is a billionaire getting 10% income taxes and outsourcing all of his jobs to asia...Wealthy enough for you?

They abide by current tax laws and business laws, that's business. Don't like it change the laws. But you can't, it's bigger than you, all of you. You want to fight the system and you won't win, I chose to join the system and it's paid off

If you want to change tax laws, vote out the Republicans.
We're only in our 30's with children to put through college, retirement is distant.

Then you are far from wealthy. Wealthy is when others make money for you.

What is wealthy to you may be different than what is wealthy to others.

Is a billionaire getting 10% income taxes and outsourcing all of his jobs to asia...Wealthy enough for you?

They abide by current tax laws and business laws, that's business. Don't like it change the laws. But you can't, it's bigger than you, all of you. You want to fight the system and you won't win, I chose to join the system and it's paid off

If you want to change tax laws, vote out the Republicans.

So vote and shut up, gawd you're annoying
Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Moon Bats like yourself who blame Obama for everything would be absolutely right if there had never been 8 years of Booooosh.
Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.
Poor, poor Bush

So misunderstood
Bush had such grand plans for his presidency. After 9-11 he had unprecidented support to do what he thought necessary. He envisioned himself as one of the great presidents as he re shaped the Islamic world

Unfortunately, his easy invasions and conversions to democracy turned into disasters and his tax cuts which were going to lead to massive job growth and prosperity resulted in an economic collapse
I heard the invasion of the Crimea and the Rwanda slaughter were also things he did.
He did enough damage as it was
He produced the worst economic growth in a recovery in post war history, allowed radical Islamic groups to take over large swathes of the Middle East, and encouraged Russia and China to expand their empires.
Oh wait, that's Obama.

Lets not forget the trillions in debt, the poverty rate rising, the welfare rolls increasing, family income decreasing and the gap between the rich and the poor getting worse because Obama has systematically destroyed the middle class with his stupid redistribution of wealth ideas.
But all of those things were Bush's fault. Hell, Obamacare was Bush's fault. ISIS is Bush's fault. Everything in the world bad that happened must be Bush's fault. It's like Obama stumbled into the White House and was surprised to discover he's been president for 7 years. He didnt even read aboutit in the newspapers.
Bush had such grand plans for his presidency. After 9-11 he had unprecidented support to do what he thought necessary. He envisioned himself as one of the great presidents as he re shaped the Islamic world

Unfortunately, his easy invasions and conversions to democracy turned into disasters and his tax cuts which were going to lead to massive job growth and prosperity resulted in an economic collapse
I heard the invasion of the Crimea and the Rwanda slaughter were also things he did.
He did enough damage as it was
He produced the worst economic growth in a recovery in post war history, allowed radical Islamic groups to take over large swathes of the Middle East, and encouraged Russia and China to expand their empires.
Oh wait, that's Obama.

Lets not forget the trillions in debt, the poverty rate rising, the welfare rolls increasing, family income decreasing and the gap between the rich and the poor getting worse because Obama has systematically destroyed the middle class with his stupid redistribution of wealth ideas.
But all of those things were Bush's fault. Hell, Obamacare was Bush's fault. ISIS is Bush's fault. Everything in the world bad that happened must be Bush's fault. It's like Obama stumbled into the White House and was surprised to discover he's been president for 7 years. He didnt even read aboutit in the newspapers.
Obamacare was Obamas great accomplishment....that is why they named it after him

ISIS filled the void created by Bush's idiotic incursion into Iraq
I heard the invasion of the Crimea and the Rwanda slaughter were also things he did.
He did enough damage as it was
He produced the worst economic growth in a recovery in post war history, allowed radical Islamic groups to take over large swathes of the Middle East, and encouraged Russia and China to expand their empires.
Oh wait, that's Obama.

Lets not forget the trillions in debt, the poverty rate rising, the welfare rolls increasing, family income decreasing and the gap between the rich and the poor getting worse because Obama has systematically destroyed the middle class with his stupid redistribution of wealth ideas.
But all of those things were Bush's fault. Hell, Obamacare was Bush's fault. ISIS is Bush's fault. Everything in the world bad that happened must be Bush's fault. It's like Obama stumbled into the White House and was surprised to discover he's been president for 7 years. He didnt even read aboutit in the newspapers.
Obamacare was Obamas great accomplishment....that is why they named it after him

ISIS filled the void created by Bush's idiotic incursion into Iraq
Obama's greatest accomplishment was destroying the finest healthcare system in the world? Probably.
Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Moon Bats like yourself who blame Obama for everything would be absolutely right if there had never been 8 years of Booooosh.

I blame Obama for being a liar.

I blame Obama for $9 trillion more in debt.

I blame Obama for increasing the poverty rate in this country.

I blame Obama for increasing the welfare rolls.

I blame Obama for destroying healthcare in this country.

I blame Obama for not sealing the borders and allowing million of illegals to flood into this country.

I blame Obama for using the force of government to disenfranche a grassroots opposition political movement.

I blame Obama for raising taxes.

I blame Obama for preaching racial division that resulted in riots.

I blame Obama for putting in an incompetent cabinet.

I blame Obama for foreign policy failures too numerous to mention.

I blame Obama for preaching class warfare and taking money from those that earned and giving to his sleazy special interest groups.

I blame him for fucking up the economy.

I blame him for not giving a damn about his job.

This is just my short list. You want me post my longer list?
President Obama referred yesterday to the wealthy as "society's lottery winners", as though the only reason they were wealthy is because they got lucky one time. No mention of years of training, hard work, risks, 20-hour workdays, failure, recovery, and eventual success.

It's just more of the same attempt to pretend there's nothing wrong with taking they money and resources from those who earned them.

Private people who do this are called "thieves", and are prosecuted and jailed as they deserve.

Public people who do the same are called "liberals", and are immune from the prosecution and jail terms they deserve.


Keying on poverty Obama suggests high earners hit lottery

Keying on poverty, Obama suggests high earners hit 'lottery'

By Angela Greiling Keane BLOOMBERG NEWS
Updated today at 4:03 a.m.

WASHINGTON -- Unless Democrats and Republicans can agree to raise taxes on the earnings of hedge-fund and private-equity managers, there is little chance the nation can make a meaningful dent in poverty, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

Obama, whose long-standing proposal to raise taxes on what is known as carried interest has gained little traction in Congress, said fairness demands that the nation's wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind.

"If I were able to close that loophole, I'd be able to invest in early-childhood education," Obama said Tuesday. "If we can't ask from society's lottery winners to make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show."

The president has often said the wealthiest Americans must make sacrifices to better life for poorer people. In addition to urging higher taxes for investment managers, he questioned whether the pay of some corporate chief executives is justified.
If you look at Obama's speech, he's clearly referring to wealthiest people in the country, such as hedge fund mangers making over 400 million a year, the Bill Gates, and Warren Buffets. All these people point to the amazing luck they had at some point in their career. However, the greatest stroke of luck was being born into a wealthy or an upper middle class family. The 10 wealthiest people in the country, with a combined net worth of a half trillion dollars all had sizable inheritances, no rags to richest story here.

I think Obama was also referring to people like Christy Walton, heir to the Walton billions who never held a job in her life life, Laurene Powell Jobs who lives off her 21 billion dollar Apple and Disney inheritance, or Blair Parry-Okeden who lives off her 8.4 billion inheritance in Cox Enterprises.
He isnt clearly referring to any of those, flapjaw. He is referring to people who built fortunes on their own. Of course in his telling there is no such thing. In the Left's view no one actually got rich on his own. Everyone merely was in the right place at the right time. Ergo their money isnt really theirs but belongs to "society", i.e. the federal government. Thus 100% taxation rates are always on the table.
Yes, he was referring to the very wealthy speaking of CEO's making 1000 to 2000 times commonly accepted salaries and hedge fund managers making 400 million plus a year.

Yes, he was referring to the very wealthy speaking of CEO's making 1000 to 2000 times commonly accepted salaries and hedge fund managers making 400 million plus a year.

Who cares what other people make?

You are not greedy and envious of other people are you?

If you want to make a CEO salary then be a CEO.

In the meantime stop your bitching. It ain't cool.
President Obama referred yesterday to the wealthy as "society's lottery winners", as though the only reason they were wealthy is because they got lucky one time. No mention of years of training, hard work, risks, 20-hour workdays, failure, recovery, and eventual success.

It's just more of the same attempt to pretend there's nothing wrong with taking they money and resources from those who earned them.

Private people who do this are called "thieves", and are prosecuted and jailed as they deserve.

Public people who do the same are called "liberals", and are immune from the prosecution and jail terms they deserve.


Keying on poverty Obama suggests high earners hit lottery

Keying on poverty, Obama suggests high earners hit 'lottery'

By Angela Greiling Keane BLOOMBERG NEWS
Updated today at 4:03 a.m.

WASHINGTON -- Unless Democrats and Republicans can agree to raise taxes on the earnings of hedge-fund and private-equity managers, there is little chance the nation can make a meaningful dent in poverty, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

Obama, whose long-standing proposal to raise taxes on what is known as carried interest has gained little traction in Congress, said fairness demands that the nation's wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind.

"If I were able to close that loophole, I'd be able to invest in early-childhood education," Obama said Tuesday. "If we can't ask from society's lottery winners to make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show."

The president has often said the wealthiest Americans must make sacrifices to better life for poorer people. In addition to urging higher taxes for investment managers, he questioned whether the pay of some corporate chief executives is justified.
If you look at Obama's speech, he's clearly referring to wealthiest people in the country, such as hedge fund mangers making over 400 million a year, the Bill Gates, and Warren Buffets. All these people point to the amazing luck they had at some point in their career. However, the greatest stroke of luck was being born into a wealthy or an upper middle class family. The 10 wealthiest people in the country, with a combined net worth of a half trillion dollars all had sizable inheritances, no rags to richest story here.

I think Obama was also referring to people like Christy Walton, heir to the Walton billions who never held a job in her life life, Laurene Powell Jobs who lives off her 21 billion dollar Apple and Disney inheritance, or Blair Parry-Okeden who lives off her 8.4 billion inheritance in Cox Enterprises.
He isnt clearly referring to any of those, flapjaw. He is referring to people who built fortunes on their own. Of course in his telling there is no such thing. In the Left's view no one actually got rich on his own. Everyone merely was in the right place at the right time. Ergo their money isnt really theirs but belongs to "society", i.e. the federal government. Thus 100% taxation rates are always on the table.
Yes, he was referring to the very wealthy speaking of CEO's making 1000 to 2000 times commonly accepted salaries and hedge fund managers making 400 million plus a year.
No, he was speaking about anyone who owned, started, and built a business and created wealth that way.
There is a simple answer to these Moon Bats that bitch about CEOs making too money from their perspective.

All they have to do is stop buying any goods are services from a company that gives the CEO more money than the Moon Bat thinks the CEO should get.

That way they are not contributing to the revenue that pays the CEOs salary. Problem solved

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