Obama: People who earn more are merely "Society's lottery winners"


Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000

If you are a sorry asshole that can't earn any money then any tax is a burden on you. Don't worry they don't pay sales tax on the pot and crack they buy.

What you greedy Moon Bats want to do is do away with the cap on payments to SS but yet maintain the cap on pension payouts. In other words Bill Gates would have to shell out millions more in taxes but get nothing out of it. Typical Moon Bat Greed. You want more of Bill Gate's money for yourself. That is why you hire scumbags like Obama to steal it for you.
Of course they do.....Social Security, State, Local and sales tax
In all, they pay a higher percentage of their income than the one percent

Everybody pays the same rate for sales tax, even if you are Bill Gates. Most states have exemptions for basic need items in order to exempt the poor from paying some of the stupid tax. If a poor person is paying a lot in sales tax it is because they are buying more than basic need items. I suspect Bill Gates pays more more money in sales tax each year than you will see in ten of your lifetimes.

Social Security is a poorly run and potentially bankrupting stupid government program to provide retirement for everybody.

Everybody pays in to the fund based on income and everybody is entitled to the pension. Congress did put a cap on it because there is no need for the Bill Gates of the world to get a multi million dollar a year pension. He is, however, entitled to a pension for the amount he did pay in, the same as the 7-11 Clerk.

Stop being a greedy little socialist that is envious that somebody else makes more money. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000

If you are a sorry asshole that can't earn any money then any tax is a burden on you. Don't worry they don't pay sales tax on the pot and crack they buy.

What you greedy Moon Bats want to do is do away with the cap on payments to SS but yet maintain the cap on pension payouts. In other words Bill Gates would have to shell out millions more in taxes but get nothing out of it. Typical Moon Bat Greed. You want more of Bill Gate's money for yourself. That is why you hire scumbags like Obama to steal it for you.

Of course they do.....Social Security, State, Local and sales tax
In all, they pay a higher percentage of their income than the one percent

Everybody pays the same rate for sales tax, even if you are Bill Gates. Most states have exemptions for basic need items in order to exempt the poor from paying some of the stupid tax. If a poor person is paying a lot in sales tax it is because they are buying more than basic need items. I suspect Bill Gates pays more more money in sales tax each year than you will see in ten of your lifetimes.

Social Security is a poorly run and potentially bankrupting stupid government program to provide retirement for everybody.

Everybody pays in to the fund based on income and everybody is entitled to the pension. Congress did put a cap on it because there is no need for the Bill Gates of the world to get a multi million dollar a year pension. He is, however, entitled to a pension for the amount he did pay in, the same as the 7-11 Clerk.

Stop being a greedy little socialist that is envious that somebody else makes more money. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Of course they do.....Social Security, State, Local and sales tax
In all, they pay a higher percentage of their income than the one percent

Everybody pays the same rate for sales tax, even if you are Bill Gates. Most states have exemptions for basic need items in order to exempt the poor from paying some of the stupid tax. If a poor person is paying a lot in sales tax it is because they are buying more than basic need items. I suspect Bill Gates pays more more money in sales tax each year than you will see in ten of your lifetimes.

Social Security is a poorly run and potentially bankrupting stupid government program to provide retirement for everybody.

Everybody pays in to the fund based on income and everybody is entitled to the pension. Congress did put a cap on it because there is no need for the Bill Gates of the world to get a multi million dollar a year pension. He is, however, entitled to a pension for the amount he did pay in, the same as the 7-11 Clerk.

Stop being a greedy little socialist that is envious that somebody else makes more money. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!
Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Moon Bats like yourself who blame Obama for everything would be absolutely right if there had never been 8 years of Booooosh.

Also, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Daddy Bush.
Of course they do.....Social Security, State, Local and sales tax
In all, they pay a higher percentage of their income than the one percent

Everybody pays the same rate for sales tax, even if you are Bill Gates. Most states have exemptions for basic need items in order to exempt the poor from paying some of the stupid tax. If a poor person is paying a lot in sales tax it is because they are buying more than basic need items. I suspect Bill Gates pays more more money in sales tax each year than you will see in ten of your lifetimes.

Social Security is a poorly run and potentially bankrupting stupid government program to provide retirement for everybody.

Everybody pays in to the fund based on income and everybody is entitled to the pension. Congress did put a cap on it because there is no need for the Bill Gates of the world to get a multi million dollar a year pension. He is, however, entitled to a pension for the amount he did pay in, the same as the 7-11 Clerk.

Stop being a greedy little socialist that is envious that somebody else makes more money. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!

Rabbi Rules #1: Never give in to Rabbi's whiney demands for proof. You will waste precious time developing a flawless case to which Rabbi will only dismiss the evidence and demand more proof
Everybody pays the same rate for sales tax, even if you are Bill Gates. Most states have exemptions for basic need items in order to exempt the poor from paying some of the stupid tax. If a poor person is paying a lot in sales tax it is because they are buying more than basic need items. I suspect Bill Gates pays more more money in sales tax each year than you will see in ten of your lifetimes.

Social Security is a poorly run and potentially bankrupting stupid government program to provide retirement for everybody.

Everybody pays in to the fund based on income and everybody is entitled to the pension. Congress did put a cap on it because there is no need for the Bill Gates of the world to get a multi million dollar a year pension. He is, however, entitled to a pension for the amount he did pay in, the same as the 7-11 Clerk.

Stop being a greedy little socialist that is envious that somebody else makes more money. It just makes you look like an asshole.

Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!

Rabbi Rules #1: Never give in to Rabbi's whiney demands for proof. You will waste precious time developing a flawless case to which Rabbi will only dismiss the evidence and demand more proof
Your defeat here is acknowledged. I knew you were blowing shit out of your ass. Because thats all you do. I'd drop dead if you had a logical argument based on fact.
But all of those things were Bush's fault. Hell, Obamacare was Bush's fault. ISIS is Bush's fault. Everything in the world bad that happened must be Bush's fault. It's like Obama stumbled into the White House and was surprised to discover he's been president for 7 years. He didnt even read aboutit in the newspapers.

Affordable Care Act was the Heritage Foundation. What's wrong with people paying their own way?

Look at the timeline for ISIS and tell us again it wasn't Bushes fault.
President Obama referred yesterday to the wealthy as "society's lottery winners", as though the only reason they were wealthy is because they got lucky one time. No mention of years of training, hard work, risks, 20-hour workdays, failure, recovery, and eventual success.

It's just more of the same attempt to pretend there's nothing wrong with taking they money and resources from those who earned them.

Private people who do this are called "thieves", and are prosecuted and jailed as they deserve.

Public people who do the same are called "liberals", and are immune from the prosecution and jail terms they deserve.


Keying on poverty Obama suggests high earners hit lottery

Keying on poverty, Obama suggests high earners hit 'lottery'

By Angela Greiling Keane BLOOMBERG NEWS
Updated today at 4:03 a.m.

WASHINGTON -- Unless Democrats and Republicans can agree to raise taxes on the earnings of hedge-fund and private-equity managers, there is little chance the nation can make a meaningful dent in poverty, President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

Obama, whose long-standing proposal to raise taxes on what is known as carried interest has gained little traction in Congress, said fairness demands that the nation's wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind.

"If I were able to close that loophole, I'd be able to invest in early-childhood education," Obama said Tuesday. "If we can't ask from society's lottery winners to make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show."

The president has often said the wealthiest Americans must make sacrifices to better life for poorer people. In addition to urging higher taxes for investment managers, he questioned whether the pay of some corporate chief executives is justified.

Well then, he and his wife won the jackpot and should give it back.
Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Bush was an authoritarian socialist disaster. Moderate republican = war mongering, socialist.

Bush did some things he shouldn't have like invading Iraq and increasing the size of government but he was never a disaster . The economy was doing fine until the 2006 elected Democrat control Congress took over and that is when the economy went to hell thanks to Barney Queerboy and his Democrat buddies and that Jimmy Cater era CRA coming home to roost.

Obama has been at war every day of his seven years and no end in sight. If anybody is to be considered a warmonger it is him. He even wants to keep 10K troops in Afghanistan for perpetuity and he is attacking targets in the Middle East even today. He fought the Iraq War for three years and called it a success.

Obama has been a social and economic disaster with an increase poverty rate, increase welfare, declining family income and now $18 trillion in debt.
Too funny

Moon Bats like yourself blaming all of Obama's failures on Boooosh would be absolutely halarious if it wasn't so ignorant.

Moon Bats like yourself who blame Obama for everything would be absolutely right if there had never been 8 years of Booooosh.

I blame Obama for being a liar.

I blame Obama for $9 trillion more in debt.

I blame Obama for increasing the poverty rate in this country.

I blame Obama for increasing the welfare rolls.

I blame Obama for destroying healthcare in this country.

I blame Obama for not sealing the borders and allowing million of illegals to flood into this country.

I blame Obama for using the force of government to disenfranche a grassroots opposition political movement.

I blame Obama for raising taxes.

I blame Obama for preaching racial division that resulted in riots.

I blame Obama for putting in an incompetent cabinet.

I blame Obama for foreign policy failures too numerous to mention.

I blame Obama for preaching class warfare and taking money from those that earned and giving to his sleazy special interest groups.

I blame him for fucking up the economy.

I blame him for not giving a damn about his job.

This is just my short list. You want me post my longer list?

Straight from the 'Kochwhore' playbook....
Sales tax has a greater impact on poor people than it does on Bill Gates, a greater portion of their income goes to pay necessities
Same as Social Security. Poor people pay 7% of their income, Bill Gates stops paying after $125,000
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!

Rabbi Rules #1: Never give in to Rabbi's whiney demands for proof. You will waste precious time developing a flawless case to which Rabbi will only dismiss the evidence and demand more proof
Your defeat here is acknowledged. I knew you were blowing shit out of your ass. Because thats all you do. I'd drop dead if you had a logical argument based on fact.

Rabbi Rules #1 in action

The Rabbi: You are full of shit, I demand proof

USMB Poster:
More Proof
Irrefutable Proof

The Rabbi: That is all bullshit, I told you you have no proof
Which is irrelevant to the income tax argument. But you have to bring it up otherwise you look like a fool. Hint: it doesnt help.

It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!

Rabbi Rules #1: Never give in to Rabbi's whiney demands for proof. You will waste precious time developing a flawless case to which Rabbi will only dismiss the evidence and demand more proof
Your defeat here is acknowledged. I knew you were blowing shit out of your ass. Because thats all you do. I'd drop dead if you had a logical argument based on fact.

Rabbi Rules #1 in action

The Rabbi: You are full of shit, I demand proof

USMB Poster:
More Proof
Irrefutable Proof

The Rabbi: That is all bullshit, I told you you have no proof

Your deflection from providing asked for proof is duly noted

Yes, he was referring to the very wealthy speaking of CEO's making 1000 to 2000 times commonly accepted salaries and hedge fund managers making 400 million plus a year.

Who cares what other people make?

You are not greedy and envious of other people are you?

If you want to make a CEO salary then be a CEO.

In the meantime stop your bitching. It ain't cool.

It depends on how they make it. Asset buys IMO are criminal. Laying off people instead of finding additional revenue streams IMO are criminal. Designing and engineering crap, then blaming workers IMO is criminal.
It all comes down to total tax burden which is more on struggling families than it is on the wealthy
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!

Rabbi Rules #1: Never give in to Rabbi's whiney demands for proof. You will waste precious time developing a flawless case to which Rabbi will only dismiss the evidence and demand more proof
Your defeat here is acknowledged. I knew you were blowing shit out of your ass. Because thats all you do. I'd drop dead if you had a logical argument based on fact.

Rabbi Rules #1 in action

The Rabbi: You are full of shit, I demand proof

USMB Poster:
More Proof
Irrefutable Proof

The Rabbi: That is all bullshit, I told you you have no proof

Your deflection from providing asked for proof is duly noted

Fool me once....shame on you
Fool me twice.....shame on me

Provide Rabbi with links? You are a fucking idiot
Proof of that statement?
LOL! Just kidding. You never have proof of anything you post here because you make up shit as you go. ROFLMAO!

Rabbi Rules #1: Never give in to Rabbi's whiney demands for proof. You will waste precious time developing a flawless case to which Rabbi will only dismiss the evidence and demand more proof
Your defeat here is acknowledged. I knew you were blowing shit out of your ass. Because thats all you do. I'd drop dead if you had a logical argument based on fact.

Rabbi Rules #1 in action

The Rabbi: You are full of shit, I demand proof

USMB Poster:
More Proof
Irrefutable Proof

The Rabbi: That is all bullshit, I told you you have no proof

Your deflection from providing asked for proof is duly noted

Fool me once....shame on you
Fool me twice.....shame on me

Provide Rabbi with links? You are a fucking idiot

You're just butt hurt you've been exposed.....fucking retarded jackass
Yeah but thats now how they roll. They want to use government to force people to do what they want. Dont approve of gay marriage? Fuck you. We'll make you bake that cake. Like guns? fuck you, we'll take them from you. Dont want your kids learning that Reagan was an evil war monger? Fuck you, they'll learn what we tell them.
Democrats: the party of Fuck you.

Afraid of the truth?

Why would someone that owns a bakery NOT want to have Gay people as customers. Religious superstition?

Gay couples have more spendable income!

Gay people earn more owe less - Dec. 6 2012

We do care about the income that is not taxed

I don't think you Moon Bats do because 47% of the people in the US don't pay into the trillion dollars a year that is collected in income tax and I don't see you bitching about that. All you little fuckers do is bitch that the 53% that do pay the great amount of taxes don't pay even more.

For you it is nothing more than socialists greed and envy. Somebody makes more than you do and you don't like it.

Any CEO in the US that makes more money than you do pays more taxes than you so stop being a dickhead and stop your complaining. It makes you look a greedy little fool.

If you are going to bitch about wealth and unfairness then how about bitching about how the Clintons used their positions in government to scam countries and corporations (like Boeing) into donation to their scam charity so they could skim the gravy off the top and become filthy rich.

How about bitching about how the filthy UAW donated millions to that shithead Obama and when you Moon Bats elected him he used taxpayer's money (that you stated you care about) to pay off the UAW's bloated pensions?

You are simply a pathetic little Moon Bat that is driven by greed so you really don't care about "fairness". You are one of the stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber says the Democrat Party depends upon to further their agenda of hate and thievery.

Your argument is people not making enough money to pay taxes vs. people like me that make tens of millions that pay a significant less percentage of income than you in taxes?


We do care about the income that is not taxed

I don't think you Moon Bats do because 47% of the people in the US don't pay into the trillion dollars a year that is collected in income tax and I don't see you bitching about that. All you little fuckers do is bitch that the 53% that do pay the great amount of taxes don't pay even more.

For you it is nothing more than socialists greed and envy. Somebody makes more than you do and you don't like it.

Any CEO in the US that makes more money than you do pays more taxes than you so stop being a dickhead and stop your complaining. It makes you look a greedy little fool.

If you are going to bitch about wealth and unfairness then how about bitching about how the Clintons used their positions in government to scam countries and corporations (like Boeing) into donation to their scam charity so they could skim the gravy off the top and become filthy rich.

How about bitching about how the filthy UAW donated millions to that shithead Obama and when you Moon Bats elected him he used taxpayer's money (that you stated you care about) to pay off the UAW's bloated pensions?

You are simply a pathetic little Moon Bat that is driven by greed so you really don't care about "fairness". You are one of the stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber says the Democrat Party depends upon to further their agenda of hate and thievery.

Your argument is people not making enough money to pay taxes vs. people like me that make tens of millions that pay a significant less percentage of income than you in taxes?


It is a question of tax burden

Those in the one percent are seeing the lowest tax burden in 80 years

We do care about the income that is not taxed

I don't think you Moon Bats do because 47% of the people in the US don't pay into the trillion dollars a year that is collected in income tax and I don't see you bitching about that. All you little fuckers do is bitch that the 53% that do pay the great amount of taxes don't pay even more.

For you it is nothing more than socialists greed and envy. Somebody makes more than you do and you don't like it.

Any CEO in the US that makes more money than you do pays more taxes than you so stop being a dickhead and stop your complaining. It makes you look a greedy little fool.

If you are going to bitch about wealth and unfairness then how about bitching about how the Clintons used their positions in government to scam countries and corporations (like Boeing) into donation to their scam charity so they could skim the gravy off the top and become filthy rich.

How about bitching about how the filthy UAW donated millions to that shithead Obama and when you Moon Bats elected him he used taxpayer's money (that you stated you care about) to pay off the UAW's bloated pensions?

You are simply a pathetic little Moon Bat that is driven by greed so you really don't care about "fairness". You are one of the stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber says the Democrat Party depends upon to further their agenda of hate and thievery.

Your argument is people not making enough money to pay taxes vs. people like me that make tens of millions that pay a significant less percentage of income than you in taxes?


It is a question of tax burden

Those in the one percent are seeing the lowest tax burden in 80 years
Those in the bottom 50% percent are seeing the lowest tax burden in the history of mankind. Their share of the tax burden is zero. And in many cases has even gone negative with them receiving more back than they put in.

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