Obama plans to shield up to five million immigrants from deportation


Thu,NOV6th2014 @4:25pm EST by Roy Beck
A scientific national poll of those who voted in Tuesday's congressional elections found that only 20% support "President Obama changing immigration policy on his own."
There surely was no other Obama policy or promise that was more unpopular among the voters than the idea that, when Congress doesn't change immigration law like he wants, Pres. Obama claims the right to do what he wants on his own.And he repeated his insistence on doing that in his post-election press conference yesterday!
About the survey results from "the polling company inc./Woman Trend," its president Kellyanne Conway said in a media release this afternoon:
The President may be the last person in town to realizehow resistant Americans are to him playing the Lone Ranger on amnesty.In fact, based on his press conference yesterday he has either suspended disbelief or has no awareness of how the immigration issue and his threats to act alone contributed to his party suffering massive losses on Tuesday.
The results from a post-election survey of actual voters confirm this. Three-quarters of those who voted this year (74%) say President Obama should work with Congress rather than around Congress on immigration and separately, 80% want new jobs created by the economy to go to American workers and legal immigrants already in the country."
President Obama recently said that he plans to go around Congress and take executive action on immigration policy. Which do you support more: (ROTATED) President Obama changing immigration policy on his own, or President Obama working with Congress to change immigration policy?

It is easy to see how the immigration policy profile of Pres. Obama really dragged down results for Democratic candidates in Tuesday's election.
Majorities of virtually all types of voters answered that they preferred the President work with Congress rather than taking immigration action on his own:
  • 75% -- men
  • 74% -- women
  • 79% -- whites
  • 59% -- blacks
  • 54% -- Hispanics
  • 51% -- Democrats
  • 80% -- Independents
  • 92% -- Republicans

all of it here:Poll Only 20 of Tuesday s voters supported an Obama executive amnesty NumbersUSA

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The right-wing position on this is confused at best and stupid at worst.

Conservatives believe in small government. One of their biggest peeves in recent years is spending by government. But on illegal immigration, they're all for a massive expansion of government resources to apparently go out into America and knock on every single person's door to ask them if there is an illegal in the house.

And they want to build the rest of that wall on the border between Mexico.

And maybe even one on the Canadian border.

And more troops on the border!

And make the fences electrified!

What they want to do is carelessly throw tens of billions away in a totally mindless effort that won't even get them the results they want because their plan is hair-brained and based on emotion, not rationality.

Obama has given them everything they want. The Senate passed it already. There are enough votes in the House for it and that's why Speaker Boehner refuses to put it up for a vote.

Over the last couple years, Obama has actually deported more people than Bush did in his entire presidency. He has done his part in executing the laws that are on the books and the moderate changes he wants to make to the way we enforce some aspects of illegal immigration are welcome. It was right when President Reagan did it, and it is the right thing to do now, no matter what the mouth-breathers say.
It's not in America's best interest for Obama to do what he says he will. Simple fact

The right-wing position on this is confused at best and stupid at worst.

Conservatives believe in small government. One of their biggest peeves in recent years is spending by government. But on illegal immigration, they're all for a massive expansion of government resources to apparently go out into America and knock on every single person's door to ask them if there is an illegal in the house.

And they want to build the rest of that wall on the border between Mexico.

And maybe even one on the Canadian border.

And more troops on the border!

And make the fences electrified!

What they want to do is carelessly throw tens of billions away in a totally mindless effort that won't even get them the results they want because their plan is hair-brained and based on emotion, not rationality.

Obama has given them everything they want. The Senate passed it already. There are enough votes in the House for it and that's why Speaker Boehner refuses to put it up for a vote.

Over the last couple years, Obama has actually deported more people than Bush did in his entire presidency. He has done his part in executing the laws that are on the books and the moderate changes he wants to make to the way we enforce some aspects of illegal immigration are welcome. It was right when President Reagan did it, and it is the right thing to do now, no matter what the mouth-breathers say.

No its not the right thing to do now. There is no logical economic reason to do so.

And no, Obama is manipulating the numbers as testified in Congress. But please, continue to believe the sun rises in the West and the world is flat.




Lou Dobbs: Obama administration 'manipulated deportation data'

"They manipulated deportation data to make it appear that the Border Patrol was deporting more illegal immigrants than the Bush administration," Dobbs said July 1, 2014. "The Homeland Security secretary had to admit before Congress that was not the case -- that, in fact, they were manipulating the numbers."

Dobbs is not only accusing the government of fudging the numbers to make Obama look tougher, he’s saying a Cabinet-level adviser admitted as much.

We found some debate about the deportation numbers, but Dobbs goes too far in calling it a deliberate scheme. We’ll walk you through it.

Lou Dobbs Obama administration manipulated deportation data PunditFact
Amnesty is immigration reform?? I hate the same old lame excuse that the poor kid born here or brought here as kid should not be sent back to Mexico because they do not speak the language. WTH, they were brought here not knowing the language and neither to their parents but we provided language classes for them. Mexico can to the same and they will have one advantage, they already know the culture and the language. Keep them together and deport all of them. Anchor babies with them if they are underage. I don't want to take care of them. Cannot round them up and deport them? No problem. Don't let them work and they will self deport.
The right-wing position on this is confused at best and stupid at worst.

Conservatives believe in small government. One of their biggest peeves in recent years is spending by government. But on illegal immigration, they're all for a massive expansion of government resources to apparently go out into America and knock on every single person's door to ask them if there is an illegal in the house.

And they want to build the rest of that wall on the border between Mexico.

And maybe even one on the Canadian border.

And more troops on the border!

And make the fences electrified!

What they want to do is carelessly throw tens of billions away in a totally mindless effort that won't even get them the results they want because their plan is hair-brained and based on emotion, not rationality.

Obama has given them everything they want. The Senate passed it already. There are enough votes in the House for it and that's why Speaker Boehner refuses to put it up for a vote.

Over the last couple years, Obama has actually deported more people than Bush did in his entire presidency. He has done his part in executing the laws that are on the books and the moderate changes he wants to make to the way we enforce some aspects of illegal immigration are welcome. It was right when President Reagan did it, and it is the right thing to do now, no matter what the mouth-breathers say.

Wrong! Most conservatives want e-verify in place to stop the employers from hiring illegal aliens Without jobs they will self-deport. There are no associated costs to that. If anyone is basing their views on emotion it's liberals and ethnocentrics who care more about illegal foreigners than their own fellow citizens.

Obama is only deporting "convicted" criminals. The rest he is protecting from deportation. That isn't what our laws state.

No, it was wrong for Reagan to grant amnesty but at least he went thru congress to do it with the promise to secure the border and that didn't happen. Why make the same mistake twice only this time with quadruple the number of illegal aliens as back in 1986. We have 23 million Americans out of work and it never makes sense to reward lawbreakers.
"Obama will shield around five million immigrants living in the US illegally"

How do you know they're living in the United States 'illegally' if undocumented immigrants haven't been afforded due process and found guilty in a court of law. In the United States all persons are presumed innocent.

Consequently, the president's action is appropriate and warranted given the failure of the republican House to act on immigration reform passed by the Senate in 2013.

Interesting you call something appropriate when it amounts to nothing more than a narcissistic asshole doing something because someone else won't do it his way.

Someone that isn't documented to be here, they don't get due process as far as I'm concerned. They aren't supposed to be here, therefore, the Constitution does not apply to them.
This is the heart of the current issue..............Birth Rite Citizenship. Only 2 Developed Nations in the World still have birth rite citizenship. The United States and Canada.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship NumbersUSA

The following are among the nations repealing Birthright Citizenship in recent years:

  • Australia (2007)
  • New Zealand (2005)
  • Ireland (2005)
  • France (1993)
  • India (1987)
  • Malta (1989)
  • UK (1983)
  • Portugal (1981)
itizenship is the automatic granting of citizenship to children born within a nation's borders or territories. The United States and Canada are the only developed nations in the world to still offer Birthright Citizenship to tourists and illegal aliens. 8 U.S.C. § 1401 : US Code - Section 1401 (1952) grants automatic citizenship to any person born in the United States.

The problem with that is many of the ones granted automatic citizenship because they were born her were born here solely and only because of an illegal act. Rewarding someone with citizenship based completely on an illegal act by the parent(s) would be the same as letting the kids of a bank robber keep the money he stole.
This is the heart of the current issue..............Birth Rite Citizenship. Only 2 Developed Nations in the World still have birth rite citizenship. The United States and Canada.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship NumbersUSA

The following are among the nations repealing Birthright Citizenship in recent years:

  • Australia (2007)
  • New Zealand (2005)
  • Ireland (2005)
  • France (1993)
  • India (1987)
  • Malta (1989)
  • UK (1983)
  • Portugal (1981)
itizenship is the automatic granting of citizenship to children born within a nation's borders or territories. The United States and Canada are the only developed nations in the world to still offer Birthright Citizenship to tourists and illegal aliens. 8 U.S.C. § 1401 : US Code - Section 1401 (1952) grants automatic citizenship to any person born in the United States.

The problem with that is many of the ones granted automatic citizenship because they were born her were born here solely and only because of an illegal act. Rewarding someone with citizenship based completely on an illegal act by the parent(s) would be the same as letting the kids of a bank robber keep the money he stole.
I agree, which is why I posted the data. Most of the world wised up and ended it. We haven't done so and it needs to end.
This is the heart of the current issue..............Birth Rite Citizenship. Only 2 Developed Nations in the World still have birth rite citizenship. The United States and Canada.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship NumbersUSA

The following are among the nations repealing Birthright Citizenship in recent years:

  • Australia (2007)
  • New Zealand (2005)
  • Ireland (2005)
  • France (1993)
  • India (1987)
  • Malta (1989)
  • UK (1983)
  • Portugal (1981)
itizenship is the automatic granting of citizenship to children born within a nation's borders or territories. The United States and Canada are the only developed nations in the world to still offer Birthright Citizenship to tourists and illegal aliens. 8 U.S.C. § 1401 : US Code - Section 1401 (1952) grants automatic citizenship to any person born in the United States.

The problem with that is many of the ones granted automatic citizenship because they were born her were born here solely and only because of an illegal act. Rewarding someone with citizenship based completely on an illegal act by the parent(s) would be the same as letting the kids of a bank robber keep the money he stole.
I agree, which is why I posted the data. Most of the world wised up and ended it. We haven't done so and it needs to end.

I agree completely. It would be interesting to know how those who support amnesty feel about those other countries, many of which they try to model our economic system after, treat children born to people who weren't supposed to be there when they child was born.
Most of the modern world have rejected the policy of birth rite citizenship.

The only 2 FOOLISH countries that have not changed this policy are the U.S. and Canada.

Obama plans to capitalize on this by making the parents WHO ARE ILLEGAL CITIZENS because their child is a American Citizen by our law on Birth Rite Citizenship.

The problem is that the Law doesn't give citizenship to the parents. So Obama would be in violation of the law if he grants them citizenship. Birth Rite citizenship doesn't give the parents citizenship as well.

Obama thinks he is above the laws of this land...............I challenge the left to show the law that grants illegals citizenship just because their children were born here.

Executive orders are to administer EXISTING LAWS.........NOT CREATE NEW ONES.

That is the JOB OF CONGRESS.................and is against the CONSTITUTION of the U.S. Just because other assholes in the past have gotten away with this BS doesn't make it legal, or within the Constitution.

Again, CITE THE LAW Obama can use to justify CITIZENSHIP just because their child was born here.

Birth Rite Citizenship should go to the circular file in this country as it has for the rest of the world.

Including many countries that those supporting amnesty hold in high regard for their stances on healthcare, social welfare, etc. If they want to be like those countries on other issues, it would be nice if they followed them on this issue.
Is this just limited to Hispanics (Mexicans and OTM)? Last I did the math on this the amount was near 30 million Illegal Aliens here; Russians, Chinese, Middle Eastern and even Irish, besides the Latinos of all kinds. Since a lot of articles are just mentioning 5 million I was wondering if Emperor Obama was limiting his Amnesty to just a certain few.
"Obama will shield around five million immigrants living in the US illegally"

How do you know they're living in the United States 'illegally' if undocumented immigrants haven't been afforded due process and found guilty in a court of law. In the United States all persons are presumed innocent.

Consequently, the president's action is appropriate and warranted given the failure of the republican House to act on immigration reform passed by the Senate in 2013.
How do you know you are an idiot? because we tell you that you are. I love it when idiots try to defend something by questioning the obvious, idiots.

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