Obama Predicts Democrats Will Hold The Senate In November

Given the way that things have been going for Obumble during his second term...

I"d imagine that behind the scenes half or more of the Democrats are wishing that Obama would stay off their side...

I can't think of a better motivation for the Pubs to get off their asses and to prove him wrong...
What else did you think he would say?
I have presided over the worst economic recovery in history. My policies and programs, passed with solid Democrat majorities and few Republicans, has produced nothing but poverty and misery, unless you're very wealthy. My signatiure Obamacare is so bad I've had to illegally put off many provisions just to prevent mayhem at the polls. My foreign policy looks like something the Three Stooges concocted.
Therefore I am resigning immediately and turning the government back to adult control.
Jeeebus what a stooge of the greedy idiot Pubs. WHAT policies lol? Nothing will change until Reaganist policies and tax rates are changed, which Pubs defend to the death, fool. See also living wage, immigration bill, jobs/infrastructure act, investment in training and cheap loans. Mindless Pub obstruction.
Lol at the OP !!!

Of course he's going to say that ! Any leader of a party is always going to make that claim in a situation like this ! Duh !!!

By the way, for what it's worth IMO I think once it's all said and done the Dims will retain the majority in the Senate, and the GOP likewise in the House.
Lol at the OP !!!

Of course he's going to say that ! Any leader of a party is always going to make that claim in a situation like this ! Duh !!!

By the way, for what it's worth IMO I think once it's all said and done the Dims will retain the majority in the Senate, and the GOP likewise in the House.

Wow, is everyone that smart in Oregon?
Since obama is never right about anything this pretty much seals a republican majority.
Off year elections =Pubs will "win"- disfunction will continue ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ until 2016....
Sigh.... Dems may maintain control of the Senate. A Republican takeover is not certain. But, goddamnit, Obama is a smug piece of dog shit. What a sleaze. What a fucking despicable sleaze ball this guy is. There are plenty of things he could do to help stimulate the economy. Yet, he chooses to do nothing.

He could:

Ease up on some of the onerous banking regulations he has been imposing which have nothing to do with what caused the crash (ie, depository institutions engaging in reckless securities trading)

Pressure the Fed to increase interest rates to restore the value of our dollar and to redirect some investment funds from equities into other sectors

Cut spending so we quit falling further into debt: nearly 17 trillion now

Reform the federal tax code for individuals and corporations so as to increase financial transactions

Quit suing the banks

Allow Keystone

Promote an energy plan that provides for a wholesale effort to mine oil and natural gas in US territories

Relax EPA regulations

Quit holding investors hostage and allow them to foreclose on their defaulted obligations in order to re-capitalize

These are positive action the President could do now. Where legislative action is necessary, Republicans will go along with any one of these actions.
Have you always despised black people?

Only the ones who try to destroy America.
Amazing the hate the average dupe has for Obama, Holder. Also amazing the amount of racism in this country- has nothing to do with politics, of course...
Does it really matter much who wins the Senate in 2014? Either way, I don't foresee much getting done for two more years.
So if the Democrats hold the Senate it will be monumental.
If the GOP takes the Senate it wont matter.
Got it.

I certainly prefer that Democrats hold the Senate, but I really don't see either way making much difference for the next two years.

A Republican Senate will prevent the ratification of some wacky treaty that Obama may agree to. It will also shift a lot of responsibility to OBAMA when the public sees him veto bill after bill that the Republican led Congress sends to him. In that instance it will be the President who is the obstructionist. Further, a Republican Senate can undo the "nuclear option" nonsense and prevent ridiculous presidential appointments from being confirmed,

All in all, when both chambers are controlled by Republicans I think that the sun will shine a little brighter and the birds will sing a little louder.
#33- If you like mindless bs that won't help the country...screwing workers of all kinds and the environment, some corrupt deregulation and a new bubble bust...
President Barack Obama said that he thinks Democrats can maintain control of the Senate and defended his administration’s record during an interview with “60 Minutes” on Sunday evening.

When asked by “60 Minutes” host Steve Kroft what issues he would focus on leading up to the midterm elections, Obama said that he would focus on the economic recovery that he has overseen since he took office in 2008.

“I can put my record against any leader around the world in terms of digging ourselves out of a terrible, almost unprecedented financial crisis,” Obama said.

Despite the overall health of the economy, Obama admitted that most Americans aren’t feeling the effects of recovery.

“They don't feel it. And the reason they don't feel it is because incomes and wages are not going up,” he said. Obama then ticked off a number of initiatives, including raising the minimum wage and making sure that men and women are paid equally that would improve the lives of Americans.

More: Obama Predicts Democrats Will Hold The Senate In November

I predict you are right, Sir. You inherited the Great Bush Recession, which Ben Bernanke says was worse than the Great Depression. It could have been so much less painful if Republicans had put America first and tried to help rather than obstruct. History will record all of this.

Some voters are stupid all the time; some voters are stupid sometimes; however, I don't believe there will be enough voters stupid at the same time to give the Senate to Republicans.
The Obamessiah has spoken. Lakhota has said "uh huh".....So I guess this is what will happen.
Gee, let's cancel the election, shall we?
I have a question....What the fuck is Obama doing on 60 minutes in the first place?
Obama told us Obamacare would save us 2500/year.

Haven't seen a dime.

But, I've seen a great deal go in the other direction.

The dems were supposed to hold it for 20 years after 2006. Eight years later....poof.
Does it really matter much who wins the Senate in 2014? Either way, I don't foresee much getting done for two more years.
Beautiful......Government governing instead of doing things for the sake of doing them is what the Framers had in mind.
Since all Pubs want is the status quo and blocking anything that might help the country under Obama, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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