Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Can’t Be Used to Deport You


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
"You lie!" Obama was lying and Joe Wilson was correct to say as much.

Yup, illegal aliens are signing up for Obamacare, but they can take advantage of the tax payers without worrying that the information they type into the site will be used to deport them. Just go ahead and get your subsidized care and don't fear that your illegal status or even criminal record will jeopardize your amnesty. Till then, chat on your Obamaphones, live in subsidized housing, spend that EBT money and sign up for Obamacare. Taking advantage of tax payers is the cool thing to do under this administration.

Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Can’t Be Used to Deport You
Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Can?t Be Used to Deport You | Top Right News
"You lie!" Obama was lying and Joe Wilson was correct to say as much.

Yup, illegal aliens are signing up for Obamacare, but they can take advantage of the tax payers without worrying that the information they type into the site will be used to deport them. Just go ahead and get your subsidized care and don't fear that your illegal status or even criminal record will jeopardize your amnesty. Till then, chat on your Obamaphones, live in subsidized housing, spend that EBT money and sign up for Obamacare. Taking advantage of tax payers is the cool thing to do under this administration.

Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Can’t Be Used to Deport You
Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Can?t Be Used to Deport You | Top Right News

the Left lies and hopes nobody notices; as they keep on trucking to the next lie they tell. the Left counts on the media to spin their lies into something that looks like the truth
That's been his whole presidency, lie to get things passed, then thumb his nose at the country after he gets what he wants. He doesn't seem to care if everyone knows he's a liar or how much his lying damages the lives of Americans and the left sees nothing wrong with it.
Now that's one promise the mulatto messiah will make sure is kept. The law be damned.
I see the lefties are avoiding this. Of course, that was predictable since there is a video and they can't attack the source and dismiss it.

Obama lied. No doubt about it. He had to know he was lying when he said it, just like he had to know he was lying when he made other promises to the people. Arrogant son of a bitch thinks he can say whatever he wants. He thinks he can do whatever he wants.

He lied and many knew he was lying at the time, but the left and the media did their jobs and covered his ass. It was more important to pass their legislation than to be honest with the people.

Wilson called him up on his bold lie and the left was steaming mad at him for doing so. The left is okay with Obama lying, just not with anyone pointing it out.
Obama Promises Illegals: ObamaCare Sign-Up Info Can’t Be Used to Deport You
Not surprising. Obama needs votes, and he knows that illegals overwhelmingly support the Democrats. Those illegals that vote, will vote for Obama. Obama will also make sure that sign-up info for illegals who sign up to vote will not be used to deport them.

Voter fraud by illegal aliens ignored by government and media.

Voter fraud by illegal aliens ignored by government and media - National Law Enforcement | Examiner.com
It's only a lie if you're a racist

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
Yeah and the IRS, HHS will crawl up you ass if you're a Citizen if you DON'T comply...

What a country...

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