Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to avoid ‘rocking the boat’ on Iran deal


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to avoid ‘rocking the boat’ on Iran deal: Report

Obama is a Communist, a Muslim, and a deceitful traitor to our nation and our people. He will go down in true history as the worst President that this nation has ever suffered under, and I do mean suffered under.

Obama betrayed our nation and our people in so many ways.

His atomic treaty with Iran; his handing over billions of dollars in cash to the terrorist Iranians;
his destruction of our military;
his lawlessness in refusing to follow laws passed by Congress and his refusal to follow the Constitution; his support of radical Communist organizations like "Black Lives Matter" and "The Black Panthers" and ANTIFA that caused unrest and even riots and burning cities within our nation;
his helping Hillary Clinton to sell our uranium to Russia;
his order to release thousands upon thousands of criminal illegal aliens from our jails and prisons that let them again roam our streets robbing, raping, stealing, mugging, and murdering our citizens. The blood of our citizens is on Obama's hands;
Obama's fighting to allow unvetted, uninvestigated, terrorist Muslims into our nation by the hundreds of thousands if not millions;
his support of Communist regimes like Castro's cuba. Obama moved to support Communist Cuban authorities and saved the Castros from being overthrown;
Obama and Eric Holders "Fast And Furious" fraud where thousands of modern weapons were given to the Mexican and South American drug cartels so that Obama could go on TV and lie and falsely claim that the guns killing thousands of innocent Mexicans were coming from US Gun Stores and US Gun Shows when it was Obama and Holder all along that were providing the guns, using "Fast And Furious", that were killing innocent Mexicans;
I could go on for ten pages listing the treason and crimes of Communist Moslem Obama and his appointed Communists that he appointed to every agency in our Federal Government that even corrupted our Justice Department , our FBI, and our security and intelligence agencies.

Is it any wonder that every American Patriot hates the traitor Obama with a passion and wants him in prison or hung for all of his treason, subversion, treason, corruption, and sedition?
Prison time is the only way for him to repay this crime...how many people had their lives ruined by cocaine? And Obama helps them get it into our nation? If Obama were white he would have been impeached and imprisoned....

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