Obama proudly flashes the ISIS (Muslim) hand signal!

Someone should explain to Obama what this means and teaching him to use it everyday


and repeat three times every day
"Blessed are You, God, who returns His Presence (shekinato) to Zion."
"Obama proudly flashes the ISIS (Muslim) hand signal!"

What's sad and telling is you and most others on the right proudly post your lies, this being one of many examples.
Ex-CIA Employee Admits President Obama is a radical Islamic Enemy of America -

Obama’s father was a Muslim, which de facto makes him a Muslim, and he is considered Muslim in the Muslim world. Take, for example, Meriam Ibrahim. Her mother was Christian and raised her a Christian. She married a Christian, lives in America and has Christian children. But when she returned to Sudan to visit family, she was arrested for “apostasy” — in other words, for leaving Islam. She was nine months pregnant and forced to give birth with her legs shackled, leaving her baby deformed. This is Islamic law. She is considered a Muslim even though she has never been a Muslim, because her father was a Muslim.

Obama, on the other hand, was raised a Muslim, and went to Islamic school in an Islamic country (Indonesia) from the ages of six to eleven. He was tops in his quran class. Obama was “previously quite religious in Islam.”

There’s a reason he attacks and punishes Israel while allowing the Islamic State to grow and conquer.

the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

Obama had essentially the same goals in the Mideast as the late Osama bin Laden: “to remove American power and influence, including military forces, from Islamic lands.”
What is this? Must be the 5th or 6th thread on this stupidity.

If pointing one's finger means you're Muslim/Islam/Kenyan/Commie/yadda yadda, we're all guilty.

The truly scary part of this is that you fools vote AND reproduce.

It only means it when you are a Muslim.
Barack Hussein Obama recently stated, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”
Barack Hussein Obama's grandma during her recent pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia to honor her pedophile leader....

It's called the tawhid. It is the sign of belief in the oneness of God and a sign of death to Christians and the Trinity.

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