Obama provides boost for skeptics while visiting Alaska!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Heres what he said in a speech yesterday...............

“If we do nothing, temperatures in Alaska are projected to rise between 6 and 12 degrees by the end of the century, triggering more melting, more fires, more thawing of the permafrost. A negative feedback loop, a cycle – warming leading to more warming – that we do not want to be a part of,”..................Obama said during the final session of the State Department-sponsored event.

Obama in Alaska: Climate-change deniers 'are on their own shrinking island'

Those like Obama cant help themselves and in the process, end up alienating more and more people who say to themselves, "Oh no.......not this doomsday shit again!!". Anybody with half a brain can figure out that the overreach.........."6 to 12 degree's"..........is beyond stoopid.:coffee: Why do you think peoples concern about global warming are at all time lows? Why are 20 other public issues of more concern to voters? ( can gladly post up 3 separate polls by request:eusa_dance: ). Only hysterical people with nothing meaningful going on in their lives is going to be moved by such nonsense, especially when there has been zero warming in the past 17 years!!!

The AGW climate crusading bomb throwers have been going with this strategy now for some 20 years and still are far from making their case.

Can anybody else figure out why these fruitcakes insist on this strategy when it only serves to strengthen the position of the skeptics??:wtf:
Hey Frank..........Billy...........is it knobby cucumber time or do I wait for the k00ks heads to explode first?
Tell me he didn't say 6 to 12 degs by 2100... Where the hell would he get that from ?? Hmmmmmmm...

Where are those mental midgets that say this propaganda DOES NOT MATTER? Doesn't matter when ABC, CBS or the Weather Chan does it according to the warmers. Because that's not science..

Tell me a bubbly headed progressive demagogue with the Prez seal on his jacket "doesn't matter" either.. Morons.

And PLEASE --- tell me he didn't attempt to selll "Negative feedbacks".... Surprised if he doesn't get a hernia from all the dancing and weaving...
A stunning five million acres have now burned in Alaskan wildfires this year

Last month, wildfire watchers were astounded as terrifying wildfires raged across the state of Alaska. Sometimes the records would come in with 300,000 or more new acres burned in a single day. It seemed inevitable that the 2015 wildfire season would quickly catch up with and then surpass the all-time record year, 2004, when 6,590,140 acres burned.

But then the weather shifted. Rains moved in, and satellite analysts downsized their size estimates of some fires. Instead of racing forward, the fire acreage numbers slowed or even stopped their increase. Only recently have they started to tick back up again.

Nonetheless, according to the latest report Tuesday from the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center, Alaska fires have now consumed 5,098,829.9 acres in 2015. That’s about five-sixths of the total acreage consumed by wildfires anywhere in America this year —currently, 6,224,545 acres. It’s also enough to put the 2015 Alaska wildfire season ahead of what was previously the second-place year — 1957, with 5,049,661 acres burned, according to the Alaska Division of Forestry.

Those were the numbers on 10Aug15. Hundreds of thousands of acres burned since then. Oh yes, I am sure posts like these really impress those who have seen these fires up close and personal. In the meantime, Alaska is paying for the effects of the permafrost melting. Much of their infrastructure is built on permafrost, and is being damaged by that melt. But keep on making ha-ha about the effects of the climate change in Alaska. Perhaps Alaska and Texas will turn blue at the same time.
The psychology is such a disconnect..........its almost as if saying something absurd like 6 to 12 degree's will get the k00ks all giddy, "Check it out....Obama is a bomb throwing alarmist just like us!!!".......but lets face it.......such profound nuttiness is clearly counterproductive to the cause. Only members of the religion buy this nonsense while the public at large responds with "meh" the bigger the bombs.

Only one explanation............

Like the whole "Black Lives Matter" crap, its good to stir up the base......there is a snowballs chance on the equator that Obama's speech will have any impact on climate legislation while he is in office for the next 18 months. He's been talking about this shit for 2 years now and still nobody is caring. Sure shuts up the k00ks for awhile though...........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Obama provides MORE lie and fearmongering for his stupid agenda on stopping us from producing oil which we need to LIVE off of.

what a wonderful loving dear leader who could CARE less of all the peasants he lords over. His stupid polices WONT AFFECT HIS high and mighty living.
Tell me he didn't say 6 to 12 degs by 2100... Where the hell would he get that from ?? Hmmmmmmm...

Where are those mental midgets that say this propaganda DOES NOT MATTER? Doesn't matter when ABC, CBS or the Weather Chan does it according to the warmers. Because that's not science..

Tell me a bubbly headed progressive demagogue with the Prez seal on his jacket "doesn't matter" either.. Morons.

And PLEASE --- tell me he didn't attempt to selll "Negative feedbacks".... Surprised if he doesn't get a hernia from all the dancing and weaving...
My, my. All that bullshit flap yap, and nothing at all to back it up? Where did our President get that from? How about the University of Alaska.


Significant temperature change is predicted, particularly in fall and winter months. Note that in Barrow, June temperatures are projected to rise only
2–3° this century, but October-March temperatures are projected to increase by 20–25°

Much more information at the site, including the prediction of even more fires in the interior.
Alaskan wildfires have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Wildfire in Alaska

zero to do with climate change./

One will notice......the AGW community never, ever puts these fires in any historical context.

Anyway.....back to topic..........how we got on wildfires................:wtf::wtf::wtf:
Alaskan wildfires have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Wildfire in Alaska

zero to do with climate change./

One will notice......the AGW community never, ever puts these fires in any historical context.

States clearly in the article that this is at present, the second worst fire year in Alaska's history. And the year is not yet over.

2014 was the worst year for fire in Washington states history. Until 2015. At present, there are 38 large fires burning in Washington and Oregon. There are 65 large uncontained fires burning in our nation right now. We are at fire level 5, all our resources committed. Anything we need for a new fire we have to take from an existing one. Hundreds of families have been burned out, losing everything. Even with the modern firefighting methods and equipement, the extreme dry weather and lack of precipitation in the West and Alaska have resulted in a horror of a fire season.
The topic is what our President stated about the present warming and the results of that warming. The source of the figures was the University of Alaska. A local source, looking at local conditions, judging from the changes they are seeing in those conditions at present. You goofballs predicted no change. But Alaska is experiencing more change than any other state in the union. But go ahead, continue to deny it. It would be nice to see Alaska go blue at the same time Texas does.
the man doesn't have a shred of honor he can lie with so much ease. that should scare the HELL out everyone.

What’s Really Melting: Obama’s Alaskan Lies

Alex Wong/Getty Images
by Steve Milloy1 Sep 201517

President Obama’s hike up the rapidly melting Exit Glacier today has run into some unfortunate buzzkill: reality.

The hike is supposed to be the high point of this week’s trip to Alaska, undertaken for the purpose of dramatizing global warming. The media pitch is that Exit Glacier has been rapidly retreating for decades because of global warming.

Sadly for the President’s play acting, though, the National Park Service previously reported that Exit Glacier has been exiting since at least the early 1800s — before the Industrial Revolution even got underway.

This isn’t the only intrusion of reality into the President’s staged climate drama.

While the President made big news announcing that he was changing the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali, the irony is that multiple glaciers there are actually expanding, according to the National Park Service, something hard to square with his global warming fantasy.

Also, while the media is busily hyping the storyline that Alaska is both melting and drowning, reality is more of a mixed bag.

First, surface temperature data from the National Climatic Data Center shows that the average temperature in Alaska isn’t much changed over the past 95 years.

Next, while sea level has apparently increased at parts of the Alaskan coastline, at other locations seal level has declined.

all of it here:
What’s Really Melting: Obama’s Alaskan Lies - Breitbart
Alaskan wildfires have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Wildfire in Alaska

zero to do with climate change./

One will notice......the AGW community never, ever puts these fires in any historical context.

States clearly in the article that this is at present, the second worst fire year in Alaska's history. And the year is not yet over.

2014 was the worst year for fire in Washington states history. Until 2015. At present, there are 38 large fires burning in Washington and Oregon. There are 65 large uncontained fires burning in our nation right now. We are at fire level 5, all our resources committed. Anything we need for a new fire we have to take from an existing one. Hundreds of families have been burned out, losing everything. Even with the modern firefighting methods and equipement, the extreme dry weather and lack of precipitation in the West and Alaska have resulted in a horror of a fire season.

Wow. Really.....the SECOND worst? When was the worst season? Yes, we have squandered so much money on AGW "research" that there is none left for useful purposes. Congrats you asshats have managed to screw up more than the oil companies have.
Poor dumb Stephanie. Ever hear of subduction?

Why yes, and lookey here, that subduction zone is many miles off shore. Kind of blows a big ass hole in your "theory" there olfraud.

In the meantime, Alaska is paying for the effects of the permafrost melting. Much of their infrastructure is built on permafrost, and is being damaged by that melt. But keep on making ha-ha about the effects of the climate change in Alaska. Perhaps Alaska and Texas will turn blue at the same time.

For the love of PEAT moss... Give it some THOUGHT there.. "Most of their infrastructure is built on permafrost".. OF COURSE it is.. And what happens to the ability of the ground to loss summer heat and refreeze when you put in an asphalt road, or parking lot or building foundations?

How could it EVER do anything but thaw? Once a road is ice-coated -- it can lose no more heat to the sky. As opposed to the irregular ground that was there before they LEVELED it for infrastructure. How does the permafrost directly below a heated structure EVER reach the levels of cooling to the sky that it did before development?

The infrastructure is being damaged by permafrost melt? Bass-ackwards bud. The INFRASTRUCTURE is damaging the permafrost..

And the Only thing turning blue in Alaska are Obama's balls out hiking a glacier.. Every one of those Alaskans (maybe not the poor Indians on their sinking island) are getting a check LITERALLY from the oil companies. And it's LEGAL... Probably pisses Obama off since he can't buy them off easily..

Anyone know if native indians get those Alaskan oil checks? If they don't -- that may be WHY they're looking for GWarming reimbursement..
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One more fucktard prediction by the Obmeshia and its a dosie!!

“If we do nothing, temperatures in Alaska are projected to rise between 6 and 12 degrees by the end of the century, triggering more melting, more fires, more thawing of the permafrost. A negative feedback loop, a cycle – warming leading to more warming – that we do not want to be a part of,” -Barrack Husein Obama

This fucktard and his advisers have just made a lie that can not be substantiated in any fact and even the worse case scenario IPCC garbage is lower than this lying piece of shit! This is so over the top bull shit only his faithful will buy into it.


The desperation of Obama and his LIBtards is stunning to behold...

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