Obama Publicly Bashes Our Nations Founders On 4Th Of July.

"And let's not forget that when the Constitution was ratified it brought freedom to every single American," Mortensen said.

Mortensen's passion for safeguarding the elaborate fantasy world in which his conception of the Constitution resides is greatly respected by his likeminded friends and relatives, many of whom have been known to repeat his unfounded assertions verbatim when angered. Still, some friends and family members remain critical.
Laugh it up fuzzball. What part of the Tenth do you not understand? And show me in the Constitution where it gives you the right to vote?

Voting rights were expanded or protected by amendments to the Constitution on four separate occasions.
And those rights not enumerated are left to the States or the people...

You aren't really very good at this are you?

So in your personal Constitutional utopia it would have been left up to the states to decide whether or not women should vote?


Laugh it up fuzzball. What part of the Tenth do you not understand? And show me in the Constitution where it gives you the right to vote?

We're talking about women's suffrage and your claiming that that is not enumerated in the Constitution.
"men of property and wealth"

Wealth of Founding Fathers in 2010 dollars

George Washington: $525 million

John Adams: $19 million

Thomas Jefferson: $212 million

James Madison: $101 million

James Monroe: $27 million

The Net Worth of the U.S. Presidents: Washington to Obama - Business - The Atlantic

How dare Obama bash them by calling them wealthy?

That would lead me to respect them even more(if that's even possible) because they risked all of their wealth for something they believed in.
How far would the revolution have gotten if those fellas were broke? How much of their personal wealth did they spend during the war?

So when a rich guy fights for his country he's a bigger hero than the poor man, because he has more to lose?

"men of property and wealth"

Wealth of Founding Fathers in 2010 dollars

George Washington: $525 million

John Adams: $19 million

Thomas Jefferson: $212 million

James Madison: $101 million

James Monroe: $27 million

The Net Worth of the U.S. Presidents: Washington to Obama - Business - The Atlantic

How dare Obama bash them by calling them wealthy?

Those numbers are, I suspect, EWABS (Economic wild-assed bull shit).

What for example, is the value of Washington slaves in today's slave market?

How much was his hemp crop worth in today's HEMP crop market?

I've read that George Washington was (thanks to a good marriage, mostly) the wealthiest individual on the North American continent.

I have read this from reputable historians so I'm inclined to think it's probably honestly proposed by people who believe it to be accurate.

I ALSO think they are guessing.

Tallying up the net worth of very wealthy people is difficult enough in these modern times.

Tallying up the net assets of historical figures and then comparing that wealth and putting into today's dollars?

That's pure academic guesstimation.

Suffice it to say that based on what we know of their holdings, BY COMPARISON to the holdings of their contemporaries, many of the founding fathers were the SUPERRICH of their age.

The American revolution was really a revolt of the American wealth class against their former masters, the ENGLISH WEALTH class.

While I appreciate that is benefitting this nation and by extention we the people, it really wasn't very revolutionary from a socioeconomic viewpoint.

It was the transference of political power from one group of rich people to another group of rich people.

Yeah them!

Now the FRENCH revolution, on the other hand?

That really was a RADICAL transference of power -- both economic AND political power.
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"men of property and wealth"

Wealth of Founding Fathers in 2010 dollars

George Washington: $525 million

John Adams: $19 million

Thomas Jefferson: $212 million

James Madison: $101 million

James Monroe: $27 million

The Net Worth of the U.S. Presidents: Washington to Obama - Business - The Atlantic

How dare Obama bash them by calling them wealthy?

That would lead me to respect them even more(if that's even possible) because they risked all of their wealth for something they believed in.
How far would the revolution have gotten if those fellas were broke? How much of their personal wealth did they spend during the war?

So when a rich guy fights for his country he's a bigger hero than the poor man, because he has more to lose?


Never said that.
"respect them even more" than I already do, not more than a poor man. But you already knew that.

I respect any man who will stand for himself and/or country, rich or poor, even a fuckin' liberal if you can find a principled one.
I cant believe some of you guys can actually tie your own shoes.... or can you? :cuckoo:

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