Obama rage on election night

We finally got someone to spill the beans on how the Hussein reacted on the news that Donald Trump won.

Turns out the Hussein saw it as “an insult” and that the American people “turned on him”.
He had to go watch the Dr. Strange movie to get his mind off the election. So we know he’s like many of the batshit crazy left that couldn’t deal with reality.

Yes, you Marxist piece of s***, Americans hate your legacy of anti-Americanism.

He also blamed Hillary for having a “scripted, soulless campaign.”

So there we have it folks, the beloved Hussein admitting Hillary was a piece of s*** and that is why she lost, not because of “Russia meddling”. That story had to be concocted afterwards despite the Hussein already spying on the Donald and knowing that there was no Russian “collusion” going on.

Barack Obama admitted 'this stings' after the 2016 election result and spent the night watching the movie Dr Strange to try and distract himself, a new book claims.

The former president went from being confident that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump to seeing it as a 'personal insult' that she lost.

Obama could not believe the American people had 'turned on him' for a man he had written off as a 'cartoon'.

As the dust settled Obama told his family that 'this hurts' and blamed Clinton who 'brought many of her troubles on herself' and ran a 'scripted, soulless campaign'.

The eye-popping details are in the new edition of 'Obama: The Call Of History' by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker.

The book was originally released in July 2017 but has been updated with extensive new reporting throughout Obama's time in office - and the run through of election day is electrifying.

Obama blamed Hillary for 2016 loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign' | Daily Mail Online
A new book also claims that Oblama has a ten pounder that the ladies can't get enough of, Daily Mail, really!?
Folks, IMO we are in the quiet before the storm. American patriot General Barr indicated he is going to support efforts to expose all the members of the coup attempt, and as we know, that means Crooked Hillary, Homosexual Hussaine, and Creepy Biden will have to take the stand. The democrats and fake news and the establishment are going to try one last time to attack our democracy, brainwash American citizens with silly DNC talking points. But as the statistics indicate, only a remnant TDS fucktards, all illegal aliens and the racist non-White ghetto community believe them.

You are actually very correct.

The first salvo will be the Horowitz report, due in 3 or 4 weeks.

That report is going to be damning and it is going to be difficult for Horowitz to lighten it up.

Now whether this has been scripted or whether they both know what the other one is thinking, Barr
and the President have worked together to force Horowitz to report the "facts."

Barr, when he announced he was going to investigate how this two-year fiasco even got started, and the
President repeated yesterday, that he was going to declassify the FISA documents in "weeks."

Horowitz knows both of them will be following his report and he ain't gonna be able to go easy on anybody.

What makes it all brilliant is that Horowitz was appointed by Obama...not Trump. The Dems will have nobody
to try and bad mouth. (Well, they will go after Horowitz, but his link to Obama will be well played by the GOP.

I heard a news bite today that some folks have already been critical of Horowitz because of the questions he's
been asking and who he's been asking those questions to and about. Horowitz is closing in on them.

They know it...and it is an Obama appointee doing the dirty work because he already knows that Barr's future
investigation and Trump declassifying FISA would expose him, if he tried to fluff over items/events.

Get the popcorn ready because the best is yet to come.
I guarantee you Barack, and Michelle Obama as well as Valerie Jarrett (their controller) are calling the American public RACIST right now due to the Trump election and continued positive Approval Ratings, often better than Obama's. They just can't believe that people reject their brand of Communism, and Racism (Identity Politics).
Wait. Since Obama is criticizing Clinton, shouldn't we be liking him right now? I mean, he's right. She had a soulless campaign and brought her problems on herself. I say good on him for telling it like it is.
Wait. Since Obama is criticizing Clinton, shouldn't we be liking him right now? I mean, he's right. She had a soulless campaign and brought her problems on herself. I say good on him for telling it like it is.

It's not about "liking" any politiician. It is about their politics, policy positions, and body of work over their entire career. Yes, I think Obama is being honest for once here, but why is he saying that? He wants to deflect from the referendum on his Presidency and minimize that he was REJECTED by the American people. Of course he is going to say "It's all Hillary's fault" as it relieves him of any responsibility and accountability.

Hillary lost for a number of reasons but the big two were the rejection of Obama's Fundamental Transformation and her being a HORRIBLE person and candidate.

We must THINK beyond the headlines and look at the motivation for why politicians say things.
Hillary hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. She was wrong when she said she lived in trumps head. She lives in every Republican’s head.
Hilarious coming from someone who still can't let go of the Kavanaugh thingy, or the one creating dozens of deranged threads on Trump.
The Orange one has consumed you.
“scripted, soulless campaign.”

That about sums up Hillary's campaign. But that's what happens when you cheat Democratic voters and anoint someone the nomination. It's stunning Bernie supporters stood by and let that shit happen.
“scripted, soulless campaign.”

That about sums up Hillary's campaign. But that's what happens when you cheat Democratic voters and anoint someone the nomination. It's stunning Bernie supporters stood by and let that shit happen.

At least DumBama hit that one on the mark. Can anybody actually say that Hillary ran a good or even fair campaign? Everywhere she appeared she was half in the bag. She acted like she was just going through the motions of something that was already done and over with.
We finally got someone to spill the beans on how the Hussein reacted on the news that Donald Trump won.

Turns out the Hussein saw it as “an insult” and that the American people “turned on him”.
He had to go watch the Dr. Strange movie to get his mind off the election. So we know he’s like many of the batshit crazy left that couldn’t deal with reality.

Yes, you Marxist piece of s***, Americans hate your legacy of anti-Americanism.

He also blamed Hillary for having a “scripted, soulless campaign.”

So there we have it folks, the beloved Hussein admitting Hillary was a piece of s*** and that is why she lost, not because of “Russia meddling”. That story had to be concocted afterwards despite the Hussein already spying on the Donald and knowing that there was no Russian “collusion” going on.

Barack Obama admitted 'this stings' after the 2016 election result and spent the night watching the movie Dr Strange to try and distract himself, a new book claims.

The former president went from being confident that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump to seeing it as a 'personal insult' that she lost.

Obama could not believe the American people had 'turned on him' for a man he had written off as a 'cartoon'.

As the dust settled Obama told his family that 'this hurts' and blamed Clinton who 'brought many of her troubles on herself' and ran a 'scripted, soulless campaign'.

The eye-popping details are in the new edition of 'Obama: The Call Of History' by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker.

The book was originally released in July 2017 but has been updated with extensive new reporting throughout Obama's time in office - and the run through of election day is electrifying.

Obama blamed Hillary for 2016 loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign' | Daily Mail Online

/——/ And all this time I thought it was the Russians who stole the election for Trump.
The whole deplorable comment cost her more than she will ever know.
The continued beating of that drum will lead to Trumps reelection. Dems have made it clear they are running against the results of 2016, instead of any positive message that actually resonates with Americans.
Hating half the country doesn't win elections.
So now Obama, finally after two and a half years finally admits that the elections of Trump was not about Russia, but a rejection of his Presidency AND that Hillary ran a soulless campaign.
Wait. Since Obama is criticizing Clinton, shouldn't we be liking him right now? I mean, he's right. She had a soulless campaign and brought her problems on herself. I say good on him for telling it like it is.

It's not about "liking" any politiician. It is about their politics, policy positions, and body of work over their entire career. Yes, I think Obama is being honest for once here, but why is he saying that? He wants to deflect from the referendum on his Presidency and minimize that he was REJECTED by the American people. Of course he is going to say "It's all Hillary's fault" as it relieves him of any responsibility and accountability.

Hillary lost for a number of reasons but the big two were the rejection of Obama's Fundamental Transformation and her being a HORRIBLE person and candidate.

We must THINK beyond the headlines and look at the motivation for why politicians say things.

I think what Obama was really upset about is reality finally hit him in the face. People liked him on a personal basis, but hated his policies.

It kind of reminds me of people like Megyn Kelly or actress Kaley Cuoco who stars in the show Big Bang Theory. They become distraught with the idea that their popularity may rest on their physically beauty instead of their talent. To prove themselves wrong, they ugly themselves up a bit by cutting off all their hair, and then come to the realization that yes, your draw is your beauty. That's not to say these women possess little talent, but their beauty is what put them above all others in their field.

Until Clinton lost, DumBama had this imaginary vision of history remembering him as being this great President like Washington or Lincoln instead of his skin color and ability to read a Teleprompter. Because of Hilary's loss, now he also faces the threat of being remembered as the guy who turned Washington DC into Chicago DC.
Wait. Since Obama is criticizing Clinton, shouldn't we be liking him right now? I mean, he's right. She had a soulless campaign and brought her problems on herself. I say good on him for telling it like it is.

Telling it like it is? He didn't come out in public to make that statement. Supposedly, he said these things in private. So he's still a gutless little man.
We finally got someone to spill the beans on how the Hussein reacted on the news that Donald Trump won.

Turns out the Hussein saw it as “an insult” and that the American people “turned on him”.
He had to go watch the Dr. Strange movie to get his mind off the election. So we know he’s like many of the batshit crazy left that couldn’t deal with reality.

Yes, you Marxist piece of s***, Americans hate your legacy of anti-Americanism.

He also blamed Hillary for having a “scripted, soulless campaign.”

So there we have it folks, the beloved Hussein admitting Hillary was a piece of s*** and that is why she lost, not because of “Russia meddling”. That story had to be concocted afterwards despite the Hussein already spying on the Donald and knowing that there was no Russian “collusion” going on.

Barack Obama admitted 'this stings' after the 2016 election result and spent the night watching the movie Dr Strange to try and distract himself, a new book claims.

The former president went from being confident that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump to seeing it as a 'personal insult' that she lost.

Obama could not believe the American people had 'turned on him' for a man he had written off as a 'cartoon'.

As the dust settled Obama told his family that 'this hurts' and blamed Clinton who 'brought many of her troubles on herself' and ran a 'scripted, soulless campaign'.

The eye-popping details are in the new edition of 'Obama: The Call Of History' by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker.

The book was originally released in July 2017 but has been updated with extensive new reporting throughout Obama's time in office - and the run through of election day is electrifying.

Obama blamed Hillary for 2016 loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign' | Daily Mail Online
No, I think if you had worked your ass off for eight years at the hardest job in the world, you might be looking at Trump's election as a personal insult, too. Especially since Trump's clear agenda for his first two years was to wipe out every single piece of legislation or policy or trade deal or treaty that Obama had created. Decimating Obamacare and pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal were probably the two that hurt him the most.
Damnit, he had to feel miserable about that.
Too bad he didn't stroke out.
Hillary hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. She was wrong when she said she lived in trumps head. She lives in every Republican’s head.

How can she not? The butt ugly bitch won't stay off our television sets. Just when you think she finally went away for good, she shows right back, up again. She's like a stray cat that keeps ending up on your back porch all the time.
Hillary hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. She was wrong when she said she lived in trumps head. She lives in every Republican’s head.

How can she not? The butt ugly bitch won't stay off our television sets. Just when you think she finally went away for good, she shows right back, up again. She's like a stray cat that keeps ending up on your back porch all the time.

Democrat supporters are embarrassed by Hillary and AOC because they say stupid stuff in the MEDIA almost daily. That is why they complain when we comment on their idiocy. It reminds them what they support and is a reflection of their flaws. That is why they want to censor us.
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We finally got someone to spill the beans on how the Hussein reacted on the news that Donald Trump won.

Turns out the Hussein saw it as “an insult” and that the American people “turned on him”.
He had to go watch the Dr. Strange movie to get his mind off the election. So we know he’s like many of the batshit crazy left that couldn’t deal with reality.

Yes, you Marxist piece of s***, Americans hate your legacy of anti-Americanism.

He also blamed Hillary for having a “scripted, soulless campaign.”

So there we have it folks, the beloved Hussein admitting Hillary was a piece of s*** and that is why she lost, not because of “Russia meddling”. That story had to be concocted afterwards despite the Hussein already spying on the Donald and knowing that there was no Russian “collusion” going on.

Barack Obama admitted 'this stings' after the 2016 election result and spent the night watching the movie Dr Strange to try and distract himself, a new book claims.

The former president went from being confident that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump to seeing it as a 'personal insult' that she lost.

Obama could not believe the American people had 'turned on him' for a man he had written off as a 'cartoon'.

As the dust settled Obama told his family that 'this hurts' and blamed Clinton who 'brought many of her troubles on herself' and ran a 'scripted, soulless campaign'.

The eye-popping details are in the new edition of 'Obama: The Call Of History' by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker.

The book was originally released in July 2017 but has been updated with extensive new reporting throughout Obama's time in office - and the run through of election day is electrifying.

Obama blamed Hillary for 2016 loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign' | Daily Mail Online

Most knowledgeable people were mad because they new a reality TV buffoon had be elected President. No one then knew to the degree of how much Donald Trump was a Putin lover and Putin's chief mole in the U.S. Government. On November 3, 2020 though, the American people will finally get to take their White House back from the traitor loving Russian Mole.

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Hillary hasn’t been in office nearly 7 years. She was wrong when she said she lived in trumps head. She lives in every Republican’s head.

How can she not? The butt ugly bitch won't stay off our television sets. Just when you think she finally went away for good, she shows right back, up again. She's like a stray cat that keeps ending up on your back porch all the time.

Democrat supporters are embarrassed by Hillary and AOC because they say stupid stiff in the MEDIA almost daily. That is why they complain when we comment on their idiocy. It reminds them what they support and is a reflection of their flaws. That is why they want to censor us.

They want to censor us because we make sense.

You never see conservatives trying to stop a liberal speaker at a college or holding a rally. We want everybody to hear their message. We want the world to hear what they say. Can we pass out flyers? Maybe turn up the PA or something? What can we do to help?

On the other hand, it's just the opposite for conservative speakers because they are afraid our speakers will make converts out of the free thinking members of their flock. It's kind of like what the USSR did or what Cuba does today. They don't want you to see the other side because the other side is much better than what we have to offer.

So of course they want to silence us. And Facebook, MSM, education and Hollywood are doing everything possible to accomplish just that.
We finally got someone to spill the beans on how the Hussein reacted on the news that Donald Trump won.

Turns out the Hussein saw it as “an insult” and that the American people “turned on him”.
He had to go watch the Dr. Strange movie to get his mind off the election. So we know he’s like many of the batshit crazy left that couldn’t deal with reality.

Yes, you Marxist piece of s***, Americans hate your legacy of anti-Americanism.

He also blamed Hillary for having a “scripted, soulless campaign.”

So there we have it folks, the beloved Hussein admitting Hillary was a piece of s*** and that is why she lost, not because of “Russia meddling”. That story had to be concocted afterwards despite the Hussein already spying on the Donald and knowing that there was no Russian “collusion” going on.

Barack Obama admitted 'this stings' after the 2016 election result and spent the night watching the movie Dr Strange to try and distract himself, a new book claims.

The former president went from being confident that Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump to seeing it as a 'personal insult' that she lost.

Obama could not believe the American people had 'turned on him' for a man he had written off as a 'cartoon'.

As the dust settled Obama told his family that 'this hurts' and blamed Clinton who 'brought many of her troubles on herself' and ran a 'scripted, soulless campaign'.

The eye-popping details are in the new edition of 'Obama: The Call Of History' by New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker.

The book was originally released in July 2017 but has been updated with extensive new reporting throughout Obama's time in office - and the run through of election day is electrifying.

Obama blamed Hillary for 2016 loss because of her 'scripted, soulless campaign' | Daily Mail Online
No, I think if you had worked your ass off for eight years at the hardest job in the world, you might be looking at Trump's election as a personal insult, too. Especially since Trump's clear agenda for his first two years was to wipe out every single piece of legislation or policy or trade deal or treaty that Obama had created. Decimating Obamacare and pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal were probably the two that hurt him the most.
Damnit, he had to feel miserable about that.

Poor baby.

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