Obama Rally Draws 100,000 in Missouri

No, actually I haven't. I didn't even take offense when you decided to be an ass about my mom. But thanks for your commentary from the sidelines with snarky comments such as:

They have all been, oh so valuable.

whatever, kid.
i'm not here to add value to your experience, such as it is.
See, the problem is that if we were talking about gay marriage, or gay adoption, you might "razz" me because I am younger and "don't have much life experience on which to base my[sic] opinions". But yet, despite that, in that context, I have infinitely more experience than you, despite my age.

Hence my point, which I've made several times, which you seem unable to comprehend.

Boy, your theory has some pretty narrow parameters.

But you are less experienced in general than someone older than you, period, end of story.

If I were to razz the 24 year old you on the topic of gay marriage, you would say "Dude, my parents are gay". And now, thru that sentence, you have proved to be the exception to the rule. You now have articulated your experience, and your opinion will carry much more weight.

Do you weigh peoples opinions who didn't have gay parents lower than your own? Of course you do.

Rob talks about politics, and which presidential candidate is best for this country. Pretty broad topic ain't it. He is not out of high school. I weigh his opinion in acordance to his experience.

But you say I am ignorant for doing so.
Boy, your theory has some pretty narrow parameters.

Not quite, no. Most topics end up being narrow.

But you are less experienced in general than someone older than you, period, end of story.

Not necessarily, no.

If I were to razz the 24 year old you on the topic of gay marriage, you would say "Dude, my parents are gay". And now, thru that sentence, you have proved to be the exception to the rule. You now have articulated your experience, and your opinion will carry much more weight.

Me and the tens of thousands of other people who have experience, when you don't. When you have so many exceptions, it stops being a rule.

Do you weigh peoples opinions who didn't have gay parents lower than your own? Of course you do.

This has what to do with AGE?

Rob talks about politics, and which presidential candidate is best for this country. Pretty broad topic ain't it. He is not out of high school. I weigh his opinion in acordance to his experience.

But you say I am ignorant for doing so.

Its broad because it encompasses many specific topics. Unless you want to get into all the specifics, and figure it all out, you are merely making an often incorrect generalization about something someone has no control over. Otherwise called a stereotype.
Rob talks about politics, and which presidential candidate is best for this country. Pretty broad topic ain't it. He is not out of high school. I weigh his opinion in acordance to his experience.

But you say I am ignorant for doing so.

I suppose Rob could have parents who are an former president and a mother who is a New York Senator, but I consider that unlikely.
Not quite, no. Most topics end up being narrow.

Not necessarily, no.

Me and the tens of thousands of other people who have experience, when you don't. When you have so many exceptions, it stops being a rule.

This has what to do with AGE?

Its broad because it encompasses many specific topics. Unless you want to get into all the specifics, and figure it all out, you are merely making an often incorrect generalization about something someone has no control over. Otherwise called a stereotype.

And we are back to where we started.

How about a poll.

With __________ comes experience.

1) College

2) Intelligence

3) Age

4) Youth
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I suppose Rob could have parents who are an former president and a mother who is a New York Senator, but I consider that unlikely.

Or parents who are heavily involved in politics, which may well be likely. Frankly some of the responses I've seen from people who aren't that old are a LOT wiser and more intelligent than those who are much older.
Or parents who are heavily involved in politics, which may well be likely. Frankly some of the responses I've seen from people who aren't that old are a LOT wiser and more intelligent than those who are much older.

Thank you for the compliment Larkinn..I think :lol:
Or parents who are heavily involved in politics, which may well be likely. Frankly some of the responses I've seen from people who aren't that old are a LOT wiser and more intelligent than those who are much older.

Based on your limited experience. :D
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But with all of your experience, how could you not?

Sorry, I left off the little smiley face.

That should have said:

Surely, I have no idea what you are talking about. :D

That little green grinner means I am razzing you. Sorry I left it off.
But fallacious arguement or no, I can see I am not going to get through to you.

Arguing with a law student is like wrestlin' with a pig in slop, eventually you figure out the pig is enjoyin' it. That comes from the experience of both arguing with a law student AND wrestlin' a pig. :lol:

I still owe you some neg rep, it will take me awhile, I rarely give it out. :D
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But fallacious arguement or no, I can see I am not going to get through to you.

With a circular argument? Gee, I wonder why not.

Arguing with a law student is like wrestlin' with a pig in slop, eventually you figure out the pig is enjoyin' it. That comes from the experience of both arguing with a law student AND wrestlin' a pig. :lol:

*shrug* its just an obvious affirmation of what I thought before. People like to think whatever they are good at, or have, is important. If not then you wouldn't be able to lord it over your inferior fellow humans.
Liked that did ya. :D

Clinton was only a governor of arkansas, correct? But surely you see the difference between he and palin, correct? No?

Obama has been vetted for 4 yrs now. He is the jackie robinson of politics. Enjoy watching him do it better than any white man since clinton, kennedy or fdr.

Reagan spent too much too, and set us on this course of growing the debt more than ever before. Big time spenders. And for yrs you guys argued the debt didn't matter. That was back in the mid 2000's. Today I don't hear any republicans saying that, but I don't forget.

People forget quick. Look how we voted out daddy bush but 8 yrs later you morons voted in his dumb fuck son. drug addict retard bible thumper. because you could drink a beer with him.

No, this time we'll vote for the fresh smart guy.

Or america will prove to be really dumb.
Clinton was only a governor of arkansas, correct? But surely you see the difference between he and palin, correct? No?

Obama has been vetted for 4 yrs now. He is the jackie robinson of politics. Enjoy watching him do it better than any white man since clinton, kennedy or fdr.

Reagan spent too much too, and set us on this course of growing the debt more than ever before. Big time spenders. And for yrs you guys argued the debt didn't matter. That was back in the mid 2000's. Today I don't hear any republicans saying that, but I don't forget.

People forget quick. Look how we voted out daddy bush but 8 yrs later you morons voted in his dumb fuck son. drug addict retard bible thumper. because you could drink a beer with him.

No, this time we'll vote for the fresh smart guy.

Or america will prove to be really dumb.

do it better than any white man?
Reverand Wright is on the forum again?
do it better than any white man?
Reverand Wright is on the forum again?

I'm Greek fyi. We know a thing or two about democracy.

But Obama is smarter than every president going back to???

Who was our smartest presidents? Wasn't clinton a road scholar?
How about Eisenhaur?

Was washington really smart?

The bush's were just good old boys. Carter?

I just don't think ppl who don't believe science are that bright.

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