Obama & Reid: Callous and Indifferent While Pursuing Profit and Power


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
They mock cancer patients, force them out of their healthcare coverage, and then call them "liars". It's simpy amazing how cold, callous, and indifferent Reid and Obama have been towards people that are dying and who they have blocked from receiving the healthcare they desperately need...

But Harry Reid didn’t stop with insulting everyday Americans. Reid took a dig last week at Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), himself a doctor who is resigning from the Senate to continue cancer treatment.

Coburn initially lost his cancer specialist when he was forced into the Obamacare system. But when Coburn voiced concern—from experience—about the lack of cancer treatment centers covered under Obamacare, Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.”

Obamacare: Reid and Obama on Horror Stories and Tall Tales
They mock cancer patients, force them out of their healthcare coverage, and then call them "liars". It's simpy amazing how cold, callous, and indifferent Reid and Obama have been towards people that are dying and who they have blocked from receiving the healthcare they desperately need...

But Harry Reid didn’t stop with insulting everyday Americans. Reid took a dig last week at Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), himself a doctor who is resigning from the Senate to continue cancer treatment.

Coburn initially lost his cancer specialist when he was forced into the Obamacare system. But when Coburn voiced concern—from experience—about the lack of cancer treatment centers covered under Obamacare, Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.”

Obamacare: Reid and Obama on Horror Stories and Tall Tales

You get that folks? When a U.S. Senator is forced out of his cancer treatment, Reid doesn't denounce Obamacare and declare that he will lead the charge to correct it. Nope! He ignorantly states Coburn was "getting into the weeds".

Yeah Harry, because getting critical life saving care - the whole point of health insurance - is too much "detail" to be bothered with. This multi-millionaire could give a fuck about people dying from cancer. In fact, he's hoping more die from Obamacare so there is more money for him and less people to cover.
The majority of cancer treatment centers will not cover Obamacare patients. Only a small percent might do it.

Reid and the rest of them are full of shit. They act like we are past the point of no return with Obamacare and they are desperately trying to convince people that it isn't as bad as people know it is. The election could be riding on this and the polls aren't looking good for the left.

That means sheer panic as they try to spin things to lessen the PR damage of their own policies.
The editorial board of Investor’s Business Daily marveled :

We recently called Senate Majority Leader Reid “delusional” on another topic, but to that we can now add “callous” and “insensitive” — in his disregard of cancer sufferers and the hardships imposed on them by administration politics and ObamaCare.

… Reid coldly dismisses people such as Edie Sundby, a stage four cancer patient, who was told that the plan that had paid out $1.2 million and helped her survive all these years was substandard and would be canceled because it didn’t contain the one-size-fits-all coverage mandates of ObamaCare.

Obamacare: Reid and Obama on Horror Stories and Tall Tales
No Shame: Sen. Harry Reid, who once called stage-four cancer patients liars, now disses a fellow senator, a medical doctor himself battling cancer, for pointing out ObamaCare's devastating impact on cancer treatment.

We recently called Senate Majority Leader Reid "delusional" on another topic, but to that we can now add "callous" and "insensitive" — in his disregard of cancer sufferers and the hardships imposed on them by administration politics and ObamaCare.

Reid reacted Tuesday to an observation by his colleague, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who noted that the majority of cancer centers in the country aren't covered under ObamaCare.
"Dr. Coburn is very good at getting into the weeds and trying to find something that he thinks makes sense," said Reid.

Harry Reid Dismisses Sen. Tom Coburn, ObamaCare Cancer Cuts - Investors.com
Socialists never care about the individual, it is all about hanging on to power while touting their so called social reforms.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nefN-QvOPXY]Harry Reid Says He Never Called ObamaCare Stories Lies - YouTube[/ame]
It’s not that HealthCare.gov is a nightmare. Instead, it’s the fault of incompetent Americans.

That’s the jist of what Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D–Nev.) said today, when asked by a reporter about the Obama administration’s decision, which was reported on last night, that people could claim they had tried to sign up before the March 31st deadline and still enroll in Obamacare in April.

According to read, the problem is not with the federal government and the incompetence in trying to build a simple website. No - the problem is that the American people are too stupid to use the internet (of course, that then begs the question - why did the Dumbocrats build an internet-based system if that is the case).

Reid Says Americans are too stupid to use the Obamacare website
Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.”

Translation: The results suck, but we meant well and that's the important thing.
They mock cancer patients, force them out of their healthcare coverage, and then call them "liars". It's simpy amazing how cold, callous, and indifferent Reid and Obama have been towards people that are dying and who they have blocked from receiving the healthcare they desperately need...

But Harry Reid didn’t stop with insulting everyday Americans. Reid took a dig last week at Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), himself a doctor who is resigning from the Senate to continue cancer treatment.

Coburn initially lost his cancer specialist when he was forced into the Obamacare system. But when Coburn voiced concern—from experience—about the lack of cancer treatment centers covered under Obamacare, Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.”

Obamacare: Reid and Obama on Horror Stories and Tall Tales

You are one mentally ill puppy!! what gang of vermin doesn't want people to have health care, wants to cut food programs for family's, wants to give the rich a bigger tax cuts and cut more services for the poor. Its the white christian party made up of old bloated pasty faced self entitled half dead putrid fossilizing one foot in the grave cretins, (Formally known as the republican party)
They mock cancer patients, force them out of their healthcare coverage, and then call them "liars". It's simpy amazing how cold, callous, and indifferent Reid and Obama have been towards people that are dying and who they have blocked from receiving the healthcare they desperately need...

But Harry Reid didn’t stop with insulting everyday Americans. Reid took a dig last week at Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), himself a doctor who is resigning from the Senate to continue cancer treatment.

Coburn initially lost his cancer specialist when he was forced into the Obamacare system. But when Coburn voiced concern—from experience—about the lack of cancer treatment centers covered under Obamacare, Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.”

Obamacare: Reid and Obama on Horror Stories and Tall Tales

You are one mentally ill puppy!! what gang of vermin doesn't want people to have health care, wants to cut food programs for family's, wants to give the rich a bigger tax cuts and cut more services for the poor. Its the white christian party made up of old bloated pasty faced self entitled half dead putrid fossilizing one foot in the grave cretins, (Formally known as the republican party)

So let me get this straight - Harry Reid forces cancer patients out of their health insurance so that they have no access to the care they need, then he mocks them, then he calls them liars, and you want to complain about.....Republicans? :eusa_eh:
They mock cancer patients, force them out of their healthcare coverage, and then call them "liars". It's simpy amazing how cold, callous, and indifferent Reid and Obama have been towards people that are dying and who they have blocked from receiving the healthcare they desperately need...

But Harry Reid didn’t stop with insulting everyday Americans. Reid took a dig last week at Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), himself a doctor who is resigning from the Senate to continue cancer treatment.

Coburn initially lost his cancer specialist when he was forced into the Obamacare system. But when Coburn voiced concern—from experience—about the lack of cancer treatment centers covered under Obamacare, Reid said he was just “getting into the weeds” and that “I think we need to look at the overall context of this bill.”

Obamacare: Reid and Obama on Horror Stories and Tall Tales

what gang of vermin doesn't want people to have health care

You're right - Obama, Reid, and the Dumbocrats are a gang of filthy vermin for forcing people out of their healthcare because they don't want people to have healthcare.
A cancer patient who said publicly that his health coverage was canceled because of Obamacare now says he’s being audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Bill Elliott appeared on Fox News’ “The Kelly File” earlier this month and said he was told that his cancer was considered “beyond a catastrophic pre-existing condition” and his plan was being canceled because of new regulations.

He said he was given the option of a new $1,500-per-month plan, up from the $180 per month or so that he’d been paying. Elliott told Fox’s Megyn Kelly that he had decided he wasn’t going to pay for the new expensive plan, and was instead going to take the financial penalty and “let nature take its course.”

“Monday I got a certified letter, I went down and got it and it’s from the IRS and they are auditing my books from 2009,” Elliott said.

He said he didn’t own a business at that time, and in fact was working for the government. He said he’s paid his taxes every year and is not any kind of a tax evader.

There was one more part of the notice — Elliott said that “due to federal budget cuts,” the meeting between him and the IRS won’t take place until April 2014.

“It doesn’t matter. It could’ve been today if they wanted it to,” he said.

The radio host said, “you stood up and spoke out about how Obamacare screwed over your insurance and probably would kill you and what’s the next thing that happened? You get audited by the IRS. That is not a coincidence.”

“No it’s not,” Elliott said.

Cancer Patient Who Says Obamacare Canceled His Health Insurance Is Now Being Audited by the IRS
A San Diego woman says she has been kicked off her insurance plan due to Obamacare while battling Stage 4 gallbladder cancer.

“I had great cancer doctors and health insurance,” Edie Littlefield Sundby wrote in a Sunday Wall Street Journal op-ed. “My plan was canceled. Now I worry how long I’ll live.”

“For almost seven years I have fought and survived Stage 4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2 percent after diagnosis,” she said.

Woman With Cancer Loses World-Class Insurance Plan Because of Obamacare

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