Obama - return the peace prize you asshole


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Right now, as I write this, the syrian murder machine of ass-ad is bombing civilians from warplanes and rockets from helicopters, after a full month of artillery/rocket fire into civilian neighborhoods - and this fake, empty suit "president" does NOTHING.

Where is the fucking leadership as there is YET ANOTHER mass slaughter taking place?

Rwanda, Srebenica, Darfur, etc., and now syria - and the leader of the free world waits for "brave" nations like france and big-talkers but do-nothings like turkey to take action, so that he can lead from behind.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of dead women and children, and thousands of men tortured and murdered simply for living in a town not under syrian dictatorship control, with hundreds more killed each week, and the US does nothing.

I get the feeling this weak, failed president actually cheered for the china/russia veto of a UNSC resolution, just so that the US would not have to do anything and he could claim "it's not been mandated by the UN," excusing the US from having to take action.

The deaths of thousands is on the conscience of this failed leader and those of the rest of the free world - and they could have stepped in to stop it weeks or months ago, but didn't.

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Obama has been a total disaster for the people in the middle east..

He has destroyed any progress that we might of been making over there and sold out the people to the savages.

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