Obama Rushes To DC For Fiscal Cliff Talks, House GOP Stays On Vacation

Willow, I am not going to call them liberals anymore... I call them control Freaks. So if you see that in one of my posts, im talking about what you call liberals.
Really people, what would you expect from some site called, addicting info

their title
Obama rushes back to Dc, (notice they didn't say he was ON VACATION himself) Gop stays on vacation..and then the sheep are off and running with it

pretty sad really
FUCK obama. He's WANTED to go over this fiscal cliff since the beginning. Higher taxes, massive spending cuts to military, it's democrat NIRVANA!

Won't take long for the country to implode though. GREAT JOB HUSSEIN... fucking POS radical muslim JACK OFF! The muslims have claimed for years they'd defeat America from the INSIDE... guess they're getting close.

Well isn't that just great. Here we have armed the population at levels never seen before, and you fuking whacked out gun nuts won't take your pretend assault weapons and stop the "defeat" of America.

What the fuk good are you guys to let this happen? I thought you were all about "defending" the COTUS and all that shit. And here you all are, letting us be overthrown from the inside (according to you) and you all won't do shit about it. Why?
Don't have enough guns yet or your balls aren't big enough?

Put your gun where you mouth is. Or put your gun in your mouth. Makes no difference.
You guys are all talk about what you are gonna do. Rise up I say rise up. The call from Concord has come in. The muslims are coming the muslims are cuming. Thats how they got so many billions of them.
Be careful what you wish for dumb fuck. You might be one of the ones that ends up on the wrong end of a barrel.
Really people, what would you expect from some site called, addicting info

their title
Obama rushes back to Dc, (notice they didn't say he was ON VACATION himself) Gop stays on vacation..and then the sheep are off and running with it

pretty sad really

Stupid people are easy to program Steph...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9eNSniQgg]Barack Obama: Jedi Master - YouTube[/ame]
Then ANSWER my question...

Here's an answer.

The "Fiscal Cliff" does EXACTLY what you folks are praying for.

Why fight it?


Yeah, like we voted for massive tax increases, cutting off unemployment, and massive defense cuts.

Truth is this is the only way we'll get any cuts at all, unless Obama tries to go around the sequestration law.

With the exception of defense cuts and tax increases..yeah..that's what you voted for..
Really people, what would you expect from some site called, addicting info

their title
Obama rushes back to Dc, (notice they didn't say he was ON VACATION himself) Gop stays on vacation..and then the sheep are off and running with it

pretty sad really

Stupid people are easy to program Steph...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9eNSniQgg]Barack Obama: Jedi Master - YouTube[/ame]
Ha ha! Yep, the mission of that site is in the name! Addict the idiot control Freak
(Lefties).. The left sells BS info like crack, and Boy do the control freak's voting base get hooked!
Really people, what would you expect from some site called, addicting info

their title
Obama rushes back to Dc, (notice they didn't say he was ON VACATION himself) Gop stays on vacation..and then the sheep are off and running with it

pretty sad really

Stupid people are easy to program Steph...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9eNSniQgg]Barack Obama: Jedi Master - YouTube[/ame]
Ha ha! Yep, the mission of that site is in the name! Addict the idiot control Freak
(Lefties).. The left sells BS info like crack, and Boy do the control freak's voting base get hooked!
Damn straight they do, and the slack jaws couldn't give a fuck less if it's bull shit or not. The truth just isn't necessary for them.
Still waiting for the answer

Shit double-D, the libtards are only capable of spinning and lying so far, then it gets beyond their intelligence, which isn't far. What you're asking for requires the truth and some common sense so, might as well shit can that idea. You're dealing with libtards brother.

You fucking lemmings are Pathetic. You fall for Obama's Political theater every time. He Planned this meaningless visual from the beginning, and you fucking retards are eating it up.

The Truth is if Obama and the Senate Dems had been doing their jobs for the last 4 years, Obama would not have to cut short a Vacation he planned knowing he did not have a deal, in order to try and get one.


Dump the Tea.

America, have we learned our lesson?

No matter how freaked out Fox News is, we don't elected rubes and incompetents to congress.

rubes plural of rube Noun A country bumpkin

So control freak Hazardousnutsack is saying country folks are too stupid to be civil servant. What an elitist scumbag. Youre insulting blacks too, the ones from the south can be just as bumpkin.
Still waiting for someone to explain what he is doing besides making a show by getting on a plane??

Did the almighty Obamalama not have a phone?? No teleconference?? No means of communication to work on whatever he thinks he is working on with this 'deal'?? Sorry.. This is not 1818 where the President has to quickly hop into a carriage to rush back to Capitol Hill or the WhiteHouse
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Still waiting for someone to explain what he is doing besides making a show by getting on a plane??

Did the almighty Obamalama not have a phone?? No teleconference?? No means of communication to work on whatever he thinks he is working on with this 'deal'?? Sorry.. This is not 1818 where the President has to quickly hope into a carriage to rush back to Capitol Hill or the WhiteHouse

Good point.. All we heard from the libs when King Obama took off to Vegas after the 4 Americans he left to die in Benghazi was that, "What??? He can't take phone calls on Air Force1?? He has a moving oval office!!!" They're all a bunch of liars and propagandists. NOTHING is done without weighing the political benefit from it. It's sleazy and disgusting.. describles liberalism.
Still waiting for someone to explain what he is doing besides making a show by getting on a plane??

Did the almighty Obamalama not have a phone?? No teleconference?? No means of communication to work on whatever he thinks he is working on with this 'deal'?? Sorry.. This is not 1818 where the President has to quickly hope into a carriage to rush back to Capitol Hill or the WhiteHouse


You'll burst all those Obama followers bubbles who see him putting on his superman suit and flying in the save the day.

Obama knows his base well and plays them like a fiddle
His leaving Hawaii had nothing to do with the fiscal cliff or negotiations that aren't happening. It is the same now as it was when he left.

There's something else going on.

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