Obama’s attendance at VP debate moderator’s wedding

She should obviously recuse herself. It's clearly a conflict of interest. I just don't understand how these Moderators are chosen. It's clearly a very flawed process. This woman shouldn't have been chosen.
The upside is that after Biden gets his ass kicked, they can't blame the moderator like they did with Lehrer.
Rush does not understand the concept of debating.

Nobody would get a word in edgewise. Maybe that would help Ryan.

As usual, you ignore the FACTS and the TRUTH of this thread and babble on about some stupid crap.. It's the librul way to try and HIDE, COVER.. the facts.

I agree with everyone.. Let's change the Moderator of one of the Presidential debates and replace them with someone personally close to Mitt Romney.. You liberals would SQUEAL like piglets..
The Liberal/Democrat Press really thinks Americans are stupid. They really believed they could slip this one by unnoticed.
This is the typical wingnut ploy, to criticize the moderators in hopes of getting softball questions.

If Lyin' Ryan can't stand up to Martha Radditz, how is he qualified to be Vice-President?

Naw, it's just their standard issue character assassination tactic: Guilt by association.
The Liberal/Democrat Press really thinks Americans are stupid. They really believed they could slip this one by unnoticed.

They still haven't gotten use to the New Media, the watchdogs who don't cower, lick, beg for crumbs and cover up the facts. The Old Media are an abject disgrace.
This is the typical wingnut ploy, to criticize the moderators in hopes of getting softball questions.

If Lyin' Ryan can't stand up to Martha Radditz, how is he qualified to be Vice-President?

Naw, it's just their standard issue character assassination tactic: Guilt by association.

So I guess you liberals will call on the Debate Commission to find and employ someone personally close to Mitt Romney and ask that this person be the next Presidential debate Moderator? I'll wait.. Plz post your copy of the email here. Thanks!
The Liberal/Democrat Press really thinks Americans are stupid. They really believed they could slip this one by unnoticed.

They still haven't gotten use to the New Media, the watchdogs who don't cower, lick, beg for crumbs and cover up the facts. The Old Media are an abject disgrace.

Yeah, the old Dinosaur Media is well on its way to extinction. They really believe Americans are so dumb, they wouldn't notice this scam. Imagine this happening with a Republican in there. What would the Democrat response be? However, we know that's a scenario that wouldn't happen. The MSM is too Democrat biased to allow that to happen. This woman should do the right thing and recuse herself. And shame on ABC for trying to scam the People this way.
The Liberal/Democrat Press really thinks Americans are stupid. They really believed they could slip this one by unnoticed.

They still haven't gotten use to the New Media, the watchdogs who don't cower, lick, beg for crumbs and cover up the facts. The Old Media are an abject disgrace.

Yeah, the old Dinosaur Media is well on its way to extinction. They really believe Americans are so dumb, they wouldn't notice this scam. Imagine this happening with a Republican in there. What would the Democrat response be? However, we know that's a scenario that wouldn't happen. The MSM is too Democrat biased to allow that to happen. This woman should do the right thing and recuse herself. And shame on ABC for trying to scam the People this way.

Well said!
Rush does not understand the concept of debating.

Nobody would get a word in edgewise. Maybe that would help Ryan.

As usual, you ignore the FACTS and the TRUTH of this thread and babble on about some stupid crap.. It's the librul way to try and HIDE, COVER.. the facts.
I agree with everyone.. Let's change the Moderator of one of the Presidential debates and replace them with someone personally close to Mitt Romney.. You liberals would SQUEAL like piglets..


In an Italian accent...Sarah...shezza no soa bright! Dima bulba!
1991 was a long time ago. Obama was a regular guy then.

It's sort of interesting that ABC tried to bury the story.

But overall, what she's done recently is way way way more important than who was at her wedding 21 years ago to a man she's already divorced.
Barack Obama went to that wedding 21 years ago with an agenda. He knew the bride would on day moderate a debate between his future Vice President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.

Just to nail it, he banged her in the coat closet upstairs. After all, since he knew he would bomb his own performance against Mitt Romney 21 years hence, there would be a lot riding on Biden's debate outcome.

This was all mapped out decades ago, kids. True story.

This is the typical wingnut ploy, to criticize the moderators in hopes of getting softball questions.

If Lyin' Ryan can't stand up to Martha Radditz, how is he qualified to be Vice-President?

Naw, it's just their standard issue character assassination tactic: Guilt by association.

So I guess you liberals will call on the Debate Commission to find and employ someone personally close to Mitt Romney and ask that this person be the next Presidential debate Moderator? I'll wait.. Plz post your copy of the email here. Thanks!

I don't give a shit WHO they pick as moderator. Neither do I hold people accountable for who they know. I'll just bet there's SOMEONE in YOUR past you wouldn't like me finding out about and making assumptions about YOU from, isn't there?

We all know, or have known, people who aren't perfect and none of us want ourselves judged by who we knew. Just because we know someone does not mean we're just like them or even agree with them. After all, I know some fundamentally, hard-right wing nut jobs and count them as my personal friends. Does that make ME a RWNJ? Hardly. I've also knew a couple of left-wing bomb throwers back in the 60's. Does that make me a leftist revolutionary? No. I also knew some members of the Hells Angels back then too. Does that make me a criminal motorcycle gang member? No, that would be a foolish assumption to make. I once knew a guy who later robbed a bank. Am I bank robber too because I once knew him?

Yet, that very thing is a huge part of the right's campaign of fear-mongering about Barack Obama. OMG! He knew Bill Ayers! OMG! His wife worked with Bernadette Dorhn! OMG! He knows George Soros! OMG! His second best buddy's wife's sister is the 15th cousin removed to a guy who is the illegitimate offspring of Joseph's Stalin's mistresses uncle! OBAMA IS A COMMUNIST!

It's just stupid beyond words and only resonates among the true morons who are afraid of Obama in every shadow. And, of course, it works because the real RWNJ's DO believe exactly as their friends believe because they only have RWNJ friends, self-limiting their exposure to different ideas to prevent their prejudices being challenged. Consequently, they seem to believe we ALL do that and they can't imagine why Obama isn't exactly like anyone he ever knew, nor can they understand why those of us who DO have a wide and varied circle of friends can't see the "danger."
Barack Obama went to that wedding 21 years ago with an agenda. He knew the bride would on day moderate a debate between his future Vice President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.

Just to nail it, he banged her in the coat closet upstairs. After all, since he knew he would bomb his own performance against Mitt Romney 21 years hence, there would be a lot riding on Biden's debate outcome.

This was all mapped out decades ago, kids. True story.


Your sarcastic & pathetic defense of this is duly noted. She's a loyal Obamabot/Democrat. She should not be a Moderator. She should do the right thing and recuse herself. And shame on ABC for trying to slip this one by.
" ... at the 1991 wedding ..."


Are you people friggin nutz? Yes.
VERY desperate? YES!!

Since none of you can count, allow me ...


What a bunch of "morans".
Better luck next time.

Now, be good little rw's and go make more excuses for that lying, cheating pubpot congressman pushes pro-life shit on everyone else but not himself after getting his mistress pregnant while "trying to get back together with his (dupe!) wife".

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