Obama’s campaign bully brigade rides again


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Is this really what you want running our country? vote this ugly administration out folks.
links in article at site

Obama’s campaign bully brigade rides again
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2012

They’re baaaaaaack. Barack Obama’s election-year goon squad kicked into high gear this week by kicking the president’s fiercest opponents in the teeth and targeting their pocketbooks. Returning to bully business as usual, the Obama campaign launched a brazen salvo against two prominent conservative critics and their legions of private citizen donors.

Let’s be clear (to use Obama’s favorite phrase): This is not just the politics of personal destruction. It’s a vendetta of campaign finance destruction. Under the guise of “disclosure,” Team Obama is exploiting the power of high government office to intimidate lawful, peaceful contributors who support limited-government causes.

In a scathing fundraising e-mail appeal, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina name-checked wealthy free-market philanthropists Charles and David Koch — along with a growing movement of grassroots conservatives who have freely, voluntarily and legally given money to the Koch-founded nonprofit activist group Americans for Prosperity and its sister foundation. As a speaker at several AFP events over the past three years, I’ve met thousands of like-minded, hardworking Americans who support their work at the local, state and federal levels.

The Koches’ sins are to 1. follow tax law and protect the identities of donors to their charitable organizations, and 2. exercise their free speech by funding advocacy ads informing the public about the Obama administration’s jobs toll destruction and failed green energy “investments.” (Their most recent TV spot zeroed in on the taxpayer-funded Solyndra bankruptcy.)

“When you attempt to drown out (Americans’) voices through unlimited, secret contributions to pursue a special-interest agenda that conflicts with what’s best for our nation, you must expect some scrutiny of your actions,” Messina railed. The threat of scrutiny was backed by Obama himself, whose official campaign Twitter account directed 12 million-plus followers this week to “add your name to demand that the Koch brothers make their donors public.”

Barack Obama✔

Add your name to demand that the Koch brothers make their donors public: OFA.BO/mfLtZX

But Obama’s own former top officials run a so-called super PAC (Priorities USA) that also maintains nonprofit status and subsidizes advocacy ads while protecting its donor base. The White House, of course, is mum on the unlimited, secret contributions that Obama is now encouraging wealthy liberals and lobbyists to make in pursuit of his own special-interest agenda — i.e., re-election.

The president’s flapping lips are also sealed when it comes to applying his disclosure standards to the shadowy, George Soros-backed Center for American Progress, which has supplied the Obama administration with countless top policy staffers, including special Department of Health and Human Services assistant Michael Halle and HHS Director Jeanne Lambrew, a former senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. CAP founder John Podesta was Obama’s transition chief, overseeing the backroom process of rewarding friends and allies with plum positions. CAP flacks shrugged off conflict-of-interest questions: “We respect the privacy of supporters who have chosen not to make their donations public,” CAP spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said.
As for respecting the privacy rights of Obama’s foes? Not so much.

read the rest here.
Michelle Malkin
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I don't see anything that Team Obama has done here except words. And you consider that bullying? Kind of thin-skinned on behalf of the rich, powerful, and nearly-indestructible, aren't you?

Tell you what, when Obama has the Koch brothers picked up by the Secret Service and imprisoned in Guantanamo, let us know. That will call for a protest. This does not.
Is this really what you want running our country? vote this ugly administration out folks.
links in article at site

Obama’s campaign bully brigade rides again
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2012

They’re baaaaaaack. Barack Obama’s election-year goon squad kicked into high gear this week by kicking the president’s fiercest opponents in the teeth and targeting their pocketbooks. Returning to bully business as usual, the Obama campaign launched a brazen salvo against two prominent conservative critics and their legions of private citizen donors.

Let’s be clear (to use Obama’s favorite phrase): This is not just the politics of personal destruction. It’s a vendetta of campaign finance destruction. Under the guise of “disclosure,” Team Obama is exploiting the power of high government office to intimidate lawful, peaceful contributors who support limited-government causes.

In a scathing fundraising e-mail appeal, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina name-checked wealthy free-market philanthropists Charles and David Koch — along with a growing movement of grassroots conservatives who have freely, voluntarily and legally given money to the Koch-founded nonprofit activist group Americans for Prosperity and its sister foundation. As a speaker at several AFP events over the past three years, I’ve met thousands of like-minded, hardworking Americans who support their work at the local, state and federal levels.

The Koches’ sins are to 1. follow tax law and protect the identities of donors to their charitable organizations, and 2. exercise their free speech by funding advocacy ads informing the public about the Obama administration’s jobs toll destruction and failed green energy “investments.” (Their most recent TV spot zeroed in on the taxpayer-funded Solyndra bankruptcy.)

“When you attempt to drown out (Americans’) voices through unlimited, secret contributions to pursue a special-interest agenda that conflicts with what’s best for our nation, you must expect some scrutiny of your actions,” Messina railed. The threat of scrutiny was backed by Obama himself, whose official campaign Twitter account directed 12 million-plus followers this week to “add your name to demand that the Koch brothers make their donors public.”

Barack Obama✔

Add your name to demand that the Koch brothers make their donors public: OFA.BO/mfLtZX

But Obama’s own former top officials run a so-called super PAC (Priorities USA) that also maintains nonprofit status and subsidizes advocacy ads while protecting its donor base. The White House, of course, is mum on the unlimited, secret contributions that Obama is now encouraging wealthy liberals and lobbyists to make in pursuit of his own special-interest agenda — i.e., re-election.

The president’s flapping lips are also sealed when it comes to applying his disclosure standards to the shadowy, George Soros-backed Center for American Progress, which has supplied the Obama administration with countless top policy staffers, including special Department of Health and Human Services assistant Michael Halle and HHS Director Jeanne Lambrew, a former senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. CAP founder John Podesta was Obama’s transition chief, overseeing the backroom process of rewarding friends and allies with plum positions. CAP flacks shrugged off conflict-of-interest questions: “We respect the privacy of supporters who have chosen not to make their donations public,” CAP spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said.
As for respecting the privacy rights of Obama’s foes? Not so much.

read the rest here.
Michelle Malkin

What else to expect from a man who's only qualification to be POTUS was being a street thug?
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What else to expect from a nam who's only qualification to be POTUS was being a street thug?

What a street thug may look like in Tommy T's world:

Poor, poor billionaire Koch bros, I shed a tear for thee.
I get a chuckle out of Obama supporters. You accuse the Republicans of being the "party of big business" yet it was Barry that got almost twice as much money from corporate donors in 2008 as John McCain. You accuse the Koch brothers of something that George Soros has been doing longer and on a larger scale for years but don't see the hypocrisy.

Barack Obama is a Chicago political machine graduate...taught how to work the system by Emile Jones. I know you all would "like" to portray him as the squeaky clean Harvard Law School graduate and Nobel Prize winner but the truth is he's just another bought and paid for politician. Or did you really think Solyndra got those millions from us taxpayers on the merits of their business plan? (eye-roll)
I get a chuckle out of Obama supporters. You accuse the Republicans of being the "party of big business" yet it was Barry that got almost twice as much money from corporate donors in 2008 as John McCain. You accuse the Koch brothers of something that George Soros has been doing longer and on a larger scale for years but don't see the hypocrisy.

Barack Obama is a Chicago political machine graduate...taught how to work the system by Emile Jones. I know you all would "like" to portray him as the squeaky clean Harvard Law School graduate and Nobel Prize winner but the truth is he's just another bought and paid for politician. Or did you really think Solyndra got those millions from us taxpayers on the merits of their business plan? (eye-roll)

And Soros does it worldwide and has derailed economies...his target next is US.
This is how Progressives treat there enemies, this is why you always find mass graves at the end of every Progressive Rainbow
I get a chuckle out of Obama supporters. You accuse the Republicans of being the "party of big business" yet it was Barry that got almost twice as much money from corporate donors in 2008 as John McCain. You accuse the Koch brothers of something that George Soros has been doing longer and on a larger scale for years but don't see the hypocrisy.

Barack Obama is a Chicago political machine graduate...taught how to work the system by Emile Jones. I know you all would "like" to portray him as the squeaky clean Harvard Law School graduate and Nobel Prize winner but the truth is he's just another bought and paid for politician. Or did you really think Solyndra got those millions from us taxpayers on the merits of their business plan? (eye-roll)

Hat tip! reps your way
I don't see anything that Team Obama has done here except words. And you consider that bullying? Kind of thin-skinned on behalf of the rich, powerful, and nearly-indestructible, aren't you?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT6p4MJZBtc]Michelle Malkin Worst Person in the World Oct 24 2007 - YouTube[/ame]​
Donate or obama will turn you in to your neighbors.

Obama Campaign Pressures Potential Donors By Comparing Them With Neighbors | Fox News

An email sent to a New York recipient read as follows: "Here's something you don't have in common with 15,049 other supporters of this movement who tell us they live in New York, NY."

Messina went on to say that all those donors "had their own personal reason for giving," and reiterated that "our records show that you aren't one of the 15,049 people where you're from who have stepped up for 2012.

"Now's your chance to change that," Messina wrote. The email then asked for a minimum donation of $3 to help the campaign reach its goal of attracting 1 million donors.

The emails took on a personal and local tone, giving stats in each community for how many Obama supporters had already donated. One email sent to Grayslake, Ill., noted that 160 people had "stepped up" for the president

Read more: Obama Campaign Pressures Potential Donors By Comparing Them With Neighbors | Fox News

Then there are the mobile credit card readers his street thugs will have.


Were you mugged or was that a campaign contribution?
"Much of Sean Hannity's Friday show was devoted to complaining that the left-wing is loaded with haters who do things right-wingers would never, ever do, like organize boycotts to do harm to those who say right-wing things."

Oooo, that nasty Obama person! Better contribute to his campaign, folks, or he'll -- he'll call you NASTY NAMES. He'll even suggest that other people in your area are MORE WITH IT THAN YOU ARE!


(LOL good grief . . .)
I don't see anything that Team Obama has done here except words. And you consider that bullying? Kind of thin-skinned on behalf of the rich, powerful, and nearly-indestructible, aren't you?

Tell you what, when Obama has the Koch brothers picked up by the Secret Service and imprisoned in Guantanamo, let us know. That will call for a protest. This does not.

Keep in mind this is from Michelle Malkin :lol: she's a professional whiner for the Right.
Oooo, that nasty Obama person! Better contribute to his campaign, folks, or he'll -- he'll call you NASTY NAMES. He'll even suggest that other people in your area are MORE WITH IT THAN YOU ARE!


(LOL good grief . . .)

Oh! The Humanity! :eek:
Oooo, that nasty Obama person! Better contribute to his campaign, folks, or he'll -- he'll call you NASTY NAMES. He'll even suggest that other people in your area are MORE WITH IT THAN YOU ARE!


(LOL good grief . . .)

The turn in your neighbor has been a common theme for the left.

Now you can deny it, but white house web sites easily prove otherwise.

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