Obama’s Image Machine: Monopolistic Propaganda Funded by You


Feb 14, 2011
New York Times photographer Doug Mills strode into Jay Carney's office Oct. 29 with a pile of pictures taken exclusively by President Obama's official photographer at events the White House press corps was forbidden to cover. "This one," Mills said, sliding one picture after another off his stack and onto the press secretary's desk. "This one, too – and this one and this one and … ."

The red-faced photographer, joined by colleagues on the White House Correspondents' Association board, finished his 10-minute presentation with a flourish that made Carney, a former Moscow correspondent for Time, wince.

"You guys," Mills said, "are just like Tass."

Comparing the White House to the Russian news agency is a hyperbole, of course, but less so with each new administration. Obama's image-makers are taking advantage of new technologies that democratized the media, subverting independent news organizations that hold the president accountable. A generation ago, a few mainstream media organizations held a monopoly on public information about the White House. Today, the White House itself is behaving monopolistic.


"Oh, so now we're like Stalin?" the White House press secretary replied, laughing at the veteran New York Times photographer.

Olivier Knox, a Yahoo reporter and long-time White House correspondent who attended the meeting with Mills, shot an angry look at Carney and said, "It's not funny, Jay."

Here are just a few examples of how the White House uses your taxes to manipulate Obama's image.


See more: Obama's Image Machine: Monopolistic Propaganda Funded by You - NationalJournal.com

I know we're not supposed to post links without commentary in this forum, but I don't know what to say. Other than, no, it's not funny. I'm grateful the media is finally noticing how not funny it is. But it's breathtaking that Obama could have pulled off what he has done so far in manipulating the flow of information while we pay for it.
Dana Milbank: Obama's White House takes image control to a new level - The Washington Post

Is the Obama White House airbrushing history?

It was a hallmark of the Stalin era: Fallen Soviet leaders vanished from official photographs. Nobody accuses President Obama of such subterfuge (well, nobody except for those who believe he forged his birth certificate), but a change in longtime practice in the White House has raised questions about the integrity of images Americans see of their president.

The White House has increasingly excluded news photographers from Obama’s official events and is instead releasing images taken by in-house photographers, who are government employees. These photos often appear online and in newspapers, even though they lack the same standards of authenticity that govern those taken by photojournalists.

“As surely as if they were placing a hand over a journalist’s camera lens, officials in this administration are blocking the public from having an independent view of important functions of the executive branch of government,” the White House Correspondents’ Association, joined by the Associated Press and other news organizations, wrote in a letter to White House press secretary Jay Carney last week. “You are, in effect, replacing independent photojournalism with visual press releases.”

New York Times photographer Doug Mills likens the administration’s actions to Tass, the Soviet Union’s news agency.

The most famous of the photo press releases was the image from the White House Situation Room on the day U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden; the image was digitally altered so that material on the table in front of the secretary of state could not be seen.

And now even more funding by President Con Job, which will continue to nudge rapid destruction of the American economy.

President Obama will extend his mini-amnesty for young illegals, said Cecilia Muñoz, White House director of domestic policy.

“As long as this president is president… you’re going to be able to renew your deferred action,” Muñoz told one illegal immigrant 23 minutes into an online question-and-answer session on immigration conducted via Skype.

Obama will extend amnesty for young illegals | The Daily Caller

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