obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

How many fuking times does the idiot bigrep have to bitch about some make believe gun ban that Obama is putting in place.

Dude, there are real issues you might bitch about. Taking away your security blankie is not one of them.

It ain't happening. The political organization known as the NRA will keep any ban on any weapon from happening.

Try some new material.

What an idiot Clinton 's assault weapon ban never happened? Is that what you are implying?

Or Romney's?
In fact, hasn't Clinton's expired while Romney's is still in place.
I can't quite remember.....
You're right the second amendment is non-negotiable and absolute
However that is besides the point and irrelevant, how many of those swing states are pro gun?

Who cares? I don't and certainly not anyone who votes their gun fetish.

Let me help you out with an example near and dear to your heart...

Imagine an alternate constitution where the zeroeth amendment stated "The right to smoke weed shall not be infringed"...hhow hard would you fight so keep the christian fundie conservative fascists from restricting that right in any way?

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.
Are you really thinking Clinton is POTUS? Really?

Do you have a fuking AK or not? Have you got a MAC10 or not? What is it you want? A .50 caliber machine gun? With enough money, surely you know you can get whatever weapon you want.

The drug dealers do it all the time. Are you not as smart as the typical drug dealer? Maybe you need a better arms dealer. One with access to the weapons you want. Or a better drug dealer.

The political organization known as the NRA will protect you bigrep. Quit freaking out.

I think you have it wrong... The NRA wont protect bigrbnc and his guns, the NRA will protect the Constitution from people who want to destroy our Freedoms the Founders saw fit to grant us... The fact that we need a group like the NRA to protect our freedoms from twisted ideological zealots who profess to know what is best for the rest of us is the real problem in America when it comes to guns.

The NRA was originally set up as a proponent of gun control.
obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

Good! Nobody needs them to hunt.
The Second Amemdment says nothing about hunting, or sport, or any form of recreation. The Second Amendment was conceived in a time when the spirit of Revolution was fresh in the mind of Americans and its purpose was to preclude any government from disarming the People thus preventing their ability to resist oppression.

It follows that the type of firearms the Framers of Amendment Two had in mind were those which are capable of killing armed oppressors, not game animals.

The occasional firearms misuse or accident is the price Americans pay to preserve the essence of freedom. And considering the number of guns in the hands of American citizens there are relatively few instances of accident or misuse.
Who cares? I don't and certainly not anyone who votes their gun fetish.

Let me help you out with an example near and dear to your heart...

Imagine an alternate constitution where the zeroeth amendment stated "The right to smoke weed shall not be infringed"...hhow hard would you fight so keep the christian fundie conservative fascists from restricting that right in any way?

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.

or an F-22 raptor, M-1 Abrahms tank or a TOW anti-armore missle system, hell I want my nukes, landmines and mustard gas.
obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

Good! Nobody needs them to hunt.
The Second Amemdment says nothing about hunting, or sport, or any form of recreation. The Second Amendment was conceived in a time when the spirit of Revolution was fresh in the mind of Americans and its purpose was to preclude any government from disarming the People thus preventing their ability to resist oppression.

It follows that the type of firearms the Framers of Amendment Two had in mind were those which are capable of killing armed oppressors, not game animals.

The occasional firearms misuse or accident is the price Americans pay to preserve the essence of freedom. And considering the number of guns in the hands of American citizens there are relatively few instances of accident or misuse.

Like the accidents of the past few months that killed alot of people at a temple and movie theater?
Not reading this entire thread.....but must note that Mittens DID sign such a ban in his state.

Another bullshit reason not to vote for Obama shot down.

I think Romney has said
I'll paraphrase
"what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states."
But with obama what he supported in his state thinks it will work in every state.
Another post of the lone clown boy shot down.

So if he's saying "what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states", why do his achievements in Massachusets qualify him to fix the country's problems?

Nope what works in one state will not work in other states thats why we have 50 states with it's ob State government with it's own state laws and Constitution dude I can't be beat on this subject you anti gun scumbags are losing the fight, and I'm aking ya'll look stupid.
Who cares? I don't and certainly not anyone who votes their gun fetish.

Let me help you out with an example near and dear to your heart...

Imagine an alternate constitution where the zeroeth amendment stated "The right to smoke weed shall not be infringed"...hhow hard would you fight so keep the christian fundie conservative fascists from restricting that right in any way?

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.

But the Courts have ruled what firearms are protected by the Constitution.
They must be of acceptable military use.
Let me help you out with an example near and dear to your heart...

Imagine an alternate constitution where the zeroeth amendment stated "The right to smoke weed shall not be infringed"...hhow hard would you fight so keep the christian fundie conservative fascists from restricting that right in any way?

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.

or an F-22 raptor, M-1 Abrahms tank or a TOW anti-armore missle system, hell I want my nukes, landmines and mustard gas.

None of which are firearms the courts have already ruled on what id acceptable military useful weapons in the hands ot the citizens.
obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

Good! Nobody needs them to hunt.
The Second Amemdment says nothing about hunting, or sport, or any form of recreation. The Second Amendment was conceived in a time when the spirit of Revolution was fresh in the mind of Americans and its purpose was to preclude any government from disarming the People thus preventing their ability to resist oppression.

It follows that the type of firearms the Framers of Amendment Two had in mind were those which are capable of killing armed oppressors, not game animals.

The occasional firearms misuse or accident is the price Americans pay to preserve the essence of freedom. And considering the number of guns in the hands of American citizens there are relatively few instances of accident or misuse.

Like the accidents of the past few months that killed alot of people at a temple and movie theater?

All killed in gun free zones.
Let me help you out with an example near and dear to your heart...

Imagine an alternate constitution where the zeroeth amendment stated "The right to smoke weed shall not be infringed"...hhow hard would you fight so keep the christian fundie conservative fascists from restricting that right in any way?

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.

or an F-22 raptor, M-1 Abrahms tank or a TOW anti-armore missle system, hell I want my nukes, landmines and mustard gas.
The ". . .well-regulated militia. . ." component of Amendment Two would support Government's prohibiting the ordinary militiaman, which refers to every able-bodied adult male citizen, from owning a ball-launching cannon, which would be the mid-1700s analogy of the weapons you are referring to. So in keeping with the Original Intent factor applied to interpreting unspecified elements of the Constitution I am confidedent Government would be justified in proscribing ordinary citizens' possession of weapons of potential mass destruction. But I do believe the same reference could successfully challenge existing and prospective laws against ordinary citizens' possession of M-16s and other so-called "assault weapons," which are the contemporary equivalent of the long gun and handgun of the Revolutionary era.
I think Romney has said
I'll paraphrase
"what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states."
But with obama what he supported in his state thinks it will work in every state.
Another post of the lone clown boy shot down.

So if he's saying "what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states", why do his achievements in Massachusets qualify him to fix the country's problems?

Nope what works in one state will not work in other states thats why we have 50 states with it's ob State government with it's own state laws and Constitution dude I can't be beat on this subject you anti gun scumbags are losing the fight, and I'm aking ya'll look stupid.

Your own logic says that Romney is no more qualified to run the country than anyone else.

He is obviously for gun control though.
Obama has never signed a gun control law, why do you dismiss one candidate's history but believe a liar's statement?
I think Romney has said
I'll paraphrase
"what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states."
But with obama what he supported in his state thinks it will work in every state.
Another post of the lone clown boy shot down.

So if he's saying "what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states", why do his achievements in Massachusets qualify him to fix the country's problems?

Nope what works in one state will not work in other states thats why we have 50 states with it's ob State government with it's own state laws and Constitution dude I can't be beat on this subject you anti gun scumbags are losing the fight, and I'm aking ya'll look stupid.

So if he's saying "what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states", why do his achievements in Massachusets qualify him to fix the country's problems?

Nope what works in one state will not work in other states thats why we have 50 states with it's ob State government with it's own state laws and Constitution dude I can't be beat on this subject you anti gun scumbags are losing the fight, and I'm aking ya'll look stupid.

Your own logic says that Romney is no more qualified to run the country than anyone else.

He is obviously for gun control though.
Obama has never signed a gun control law, why do you dismiss one candidate's history but believe a liar's statement?

Romney is a states right governor
Let me help you out with an example near and dear to your heart...

Imagine an alternate constitution where the zeroeth amendment stated "The right to smoke weed shall not be infringed"...hhow hard would you fight so keep the christian fundie conservative fascists from restricting that right in any way?

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.

But the Courts have ruled what firearms are protected by the Constitution.
They must be of acceptable military use.

So, constitutionally, non-military standard weapons can be banned?

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